Tipps zum Steuern von iPhone-Benachrichtigungen mit iOS 12

Notification Centre was introduced in iOS since iOS 5. Just as the name suggests, it notifies you every incoming alert on your iPhone, whether it is a message or an email. The iPhone chimes and you can see the alert on the Notification Centre. With the release of this feature, we were excited to see what all things Apple could add to make it more exciting. However, it doesn’t work the way we expected.

Now, alerts and notifications are just a way to grab your attention instead of providing relevant information.

Although, things are changing with iOS 12. Apple has made dealing with notifications easier than before. In this post, we have talked about dealing with notifications to get a decluttered lock screen.

1.Grouped Notifications

Tipps zum Steuern von iPhone-Benachrichtigungen mit iOS 12

To declutter the lock screen, with iOS 12 you get grouped notifications. So, now instead of 10 notifications for same Messenger thread, you will only view one stack. To expand to check individual notifications, just a tap on a stack and check them out one by one. To take further action, you can use 3D touch or swipe to the left on either single notification or whole stack.

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2. Deliver Quietly

Hiding a notification for while can be very useful especially when you are in meeting or sleeping when you don’t want any disturbance. The feature ‘Deliver Quietly’ Can temporarily deactivate a notification from your iPhone’s Lock Screen.

To activate it, swipe the notification to the left of the screen to get options such as View, Clear and Manage. Click Manage, you will get a pop-up, choose Deliver Quietly.  Under this feature, it changes various notification settings with just a tap.

Wenn Sie darauf tippen, verhindert iOS 12, dass eine App Benachrichtigungen auf dem Sperrbildschirm anzeigt. Es kann auch App-Symbol-Badges, Sounds sowie Banner-Benachrichtigungen deaktivieren. Die Benachrichtigung bleibt jedoch in der Benachrichtigungszentrale.

Wenn Sie Ihr iOS-Gerät entsperren, müssen Sie vom oberen Bildschirmrand nach unten streichen, um es anzuzeigen. Auf Ihrem iPhone wird es jedoch kein Summen geben, sodass kein aufmerksamkeitsstarker Blick erforderlich ist, bis Sie möchten.

Tipps zum Steuern von iPhone-Benachrichtigungen mit iOS 12

Wenn Sie die Funktion deaktivieren möchten, müssen Sie nur zur Benachrichtigungszentrale gehen und zu Verwalten gehen. Sie erhalten Prominent Deliver statt ruhig zu liefern . Tippen Sie darauf, um Quietly zu deaktivieren.

If you haven’t got any notifications related to the app. Then don’t worry as you need to locate Settings->Notifications->The App. You can check the present status as Deliver Quietly. Go to the further settings and enable, Sounds, Banners, Badges and other alerts

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3. Modify Group Notifications

iOS 12 notification are grouped as per contexts such as location, app or threads. You don’t have control on how the apps and their notifications are grouped. Also, you can’t disable the grouped notifications completely but could change their behavior.

To modify the settings, follow these steps:

  • Locate and tap Settings from home screen.
  • Navigate to Notifications and then go to individual app.
  • On this page, locate and tap on Notification Grouping.
    Tipps zum Steuern von iPhone-Benachrichtigungen mit iOS 12
  • The default option chosen is Automatic. Other options are Automatic, Off or By App. If you want to turn off grouping completely, click on Off.
    Tipps zum Steuern von iPhone-Benachrichtigungen mit iOS 12

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4 Deactivate Notifications from your lock screen

Disabling notification for an app you don’t like from the lock screen. All you need to do is locate the notification and swipe with the left hand on notification and tap on Manage. From this notification menu, you can tap on Turn off the option

5.DND While Sleeping

Sie möchten keine unerwünschten Anrufe oder Nachrichten, während Sie schlafen. Jetzt hat DND (Do Not Disturb-Funktion) einen neuen Kollegen namens Bedtime. Aktivieren Sie es vor dem Schlafengehen, der Sperrbildschirm wird abgeblendet und es erfolgt keine Benachrichtigung. Solange der DND-Modus nicht aktiviert ist, erhalten Sie keine Benachrichtigung. Wenn Sie den DND-Modus verwenden, suchen Sie Einstellungen und navigieren Sie zu Nicht stören, schalten Sie den Schalter neben Geplant auf die rechte Seite. Jetzt können Sie die Schlafenszeit sehen und den Schalter neben Schlafenszeit umschalten, um sie zu aktivieren. Es wird empfohlen, den Modus „Nicht stören“ eine Stunde vor dem Zubettgehen und eine Stunde nach dem Aufwachen einzustellen.

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6. Siri-Vorschläge deaktivieren

Siri is omnipresent in iOS 12. With Siri, you can automate tasks which you usually do on your iPhone. Siri takes charge everywhere especially when it is Lock Screen. You get a reminder to call someone who’s called you missed. If you find this feature annoying then, you can disable it. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Locate Settings from the home screen.
  • Now select Siri & Search.
    Tipps zum Steuern von iPhone-Benachrichtigungen mit iOS 12
  • Navigate to Turn Off the Suggestions on Lock Screen and tap on the toggle switch to disable it.
  • You can also disable Search, Suggestions & Shortcuts for an individual app.

This will prevent an app from displaying in Lock screen suggestions, in the Shortcuts apps and Spotlight suggestions.

7. DND Mode Improved

Do Not Disturb aka DND mode got its own upgrade. You can activate the Do Not Disturb mode from the Control Center.  Do a 3D touch on Do Not Disturb option. You will get detailed options such as For 1 hour, Until I leave this location, and Until this evening. Until the end of this event and Until I leave this location are quite useful as you can schedule it according to a place you are visiting or workplace.

So, these are some of the tips and tricks on How to control Annoying iPhone Notifications With iOS 12. Try them and feel less distracted. If you have any queries or questions, then comments below.

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