以六種不同的方式執行 Windows 11 的全新安裝

在 Windows 11(版本 21H2)上,全新安裝是指擦除硬盤驅動器並應用操作系統的全新副本而無需自定義設置、驅動程序、應用程序或文件的過程。通常,這是在兼容硬件上升級到最新版本的 Windows 11以防止安裝問題和修復現有問題的推薦方法。

例如,如果計算機長時間使用相同的設置,則全新安裝 Windows 11 可以幫助解決性能問題、關閉、啟動、內存和應用程序問題。此外,這種類型的安裝是從舊版本(例如Windows 7或 Windows 8.1)升級的最佳方法。此外,您可以使用此選項刪除默認設置預裝的惱人的過時軟件。

Microsoft 支持多種全新安裝Windows 11的方法,包括使用 USB 閃存驅動器在 SSD(固態驅動器)上設置操作系統。還可以使用“重置此 PC”功能快速清除硬盤驅動器並重新安裝操作系統,而無需其他工具。或者,如果設備未啟動,您可以使用高級啟動選項或將 ISO 文件掛載到文件資源管理器以開始全新安裝。

在本指南中,您將學習六種不同的方法來在您的計算機上執行 Windows 11 的全新安裝。但是,在繼續執行這些說明之前,請在安裝之前執行這些操作

重要提示:此過程將刪除您設備上的所有內容。建議在繼續之前對您的計算機進行完整備份。你已經被警告過了。此外,這些說明旨在幫助您在正式發佈時安裝 Windows 11,而不是之前。

如何從USB清潔安裝 Windows 11

如果您選擇此方法,您還必須確保設備可以從 USB 啟動,這意味著您必須更改 BIOS 或 UEFI 設置。唯一需要注意的是,由於大多數計算機上的這些設置都不同,因此您必須查看製造商支持網站以獲取更具體的詳細信息。

要從 USB 執行 Windows 11 的全新安裝,請使用以下步驟:

  1. 使用Windows 11 USB 閃存驅動器啟動 PC

  2. 按任意鍵繼續。

  3. 單擊下一步按鈕。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 設置

  4. 單擊立即安裝按鈕。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 安裝選項

  5. 如果您正在重新安裝,請單擊我沒有產品密鑰選項。如果之前在安裝後激活了 Windows 11,則會自動重新激活。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  6. 選擇您的許可證密鑰激活的“Windows 11”版本(如果適用)。

  7. 選中 我接受許可條款 選項。

  8. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  9. 選擇 自定義:僅安裝 Windows(高級)選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 自定義安裝選項

  10. 選擇要安裝 Windows 11 21H2 的硬盤驅動器中的每個分區,然後單擊刪除按鈕。(通常,“Drive 0”是包含所有安裝文件的驅動器。)

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    刪除分區 Windows 11 設置


  11. 選擇硬盤驅動器(驅動器 0 未分配空間)以安裝 Windows 11。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    在未分配的空間上全新安裝 Windows 11

  12. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  13. 安裝後在開箱即用體驗 (OOBE)的第一頁上選擇您的區域設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 區域

  14. 單擊按鈕。

  15. 選擇��的鍵盤佈局設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  16. 單擊按鈕。

  17. 如果您不需要配置第二個佈局,請單擊跳過按鈕。

  18. 如果計算機使用以太網連接,它將自動連接到網絡。如果您有無線連接,則需要手動設置連接(可能需要安全密鑰)。

  19. (可選)確認計算機的名稱。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

  20. 單擊下一步按鈕。(設備將自動重啟。)

  21. 如果您正在配置 Windows 11 專業版,請選擇設置供個人使用選項。“家庭”版沒有這個選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 安裝類型

  22. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  23. 確認您的 Microsoft 帳戶電子郵件、電話號碼或 Skype 標識以創建帳戶。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    創建 Windows 11 帳戶

  24. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  25. 確認您的 Microsoft 帳戶密碼。

  26. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  27. 單擊創建 PIN按鈕。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 創建 PIN

  28. 創建一個新的四位數 PIN。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    創建帳戶 PIN

  29. 單擊確定按鈕。

  30. 選擇“設置為新設備”選項。或者選擇從以前的安裝中恢復您的設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 還原設置

  31. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  32. 通過打開或關閉每個設置的切換開關,確認最適合您的隱私設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 隱私設置

  33. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  34. 再次單擊下一步按鈕。

  35. 單擊 接受按鈕。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  36. (可選)在“讓我們定制您的體驗”頁面上,選擇您計劃使用設備的一種或多種方式,以允許設置在此體驗期間建議工具和服務定制。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 自定義體驗選項

  37. 單擊接受按鈕繼續。或單擊“跳過”按鈕跳過這部分設置。

  38. 選擇“使用 OneDrive 備份我的文件”選項以自動將您的桌面、圖片和文檔文件夾上傳到雲。或選擇“僅將文件保存到此 PC” 選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 備份文件到 OneDrive

  39. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  40. 單擊不,謝謝按鈕以跳過 Microsoft 365 設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    跳過 Office 安裝

完成這些步驟後,Windows 11 將繼續在計算機上安裝。

如何從ISO 文件中清理安裝 Windows 11

或者,您可以在文件資源管理器中掛載 ISO,以在已安裝操作系統的設備上啟動全新安裝或就地升級。

要使用 ISO 文件全新安裝 Windows 11,請使用以下步驟:

  1. 打開Microsoft 支持網站

  2. 在“下載 Windows 11 磁盤映像 (ISO)”部分下,選擇Windows 11選項。

  3. 單擊下載按鈕。

  4. 選擇安裝語言。

  5. 單擊確認按鈕。

  6. 單擊下載按鈕將 Windows 11 ISO 文件保存在設備上。

  7. 右鍵單擊 ISO 文件,然後選擇安裝選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    文件資源管理器掛載 ISO 選項

  8. 從左側導航窗格中選擇虛擬驅動器。

  9. 雙擊安裝文件開始 Windows 11 21H2 安裝。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 安裝程序.exe

  10. (可選)單擊更改 Windows 安裝程序下載更新的方式選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 安裝程序更新選項

  11. 選擇現在不是選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  12. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  13. 單擊接受按鈕以同意條款。

  14. 單擊更改要保留的內容選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  15. 選擇選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  16. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  17. 單擊安裝按鈕。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 ISO 全新安裝設置

  18. 安裝後在開箱即用體驗 (OOBE)的第一頁上選擇您的區域設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 區域

  19. 單擊按鈕。

  20. 選擇您的鍵盤佈局設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  21. 單擊按鈕。

  22. 如果您不需要配置第二個佈局,請單擊跳過按鈕。

  23. 如果計算機使用以太網連接,它將自動連接到網絡。如果您有無線連接,則需要手動設置連接(可能需要安全密鑰)。

  24. (可選)確認計算機的名稱。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

  25. 單擊下一步按鈕。(設備將自動重啟。)

  26. 如果您正在配置 Windows 11 專業版,請選擇設置供個人使用選項。“家庭”版沒有這個選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 安裝類型

  27. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  28. 確認您的 Microsoft 帳戶電子郵件、電話號碼或 Skype 標識以創建帳戶。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    創建 Windows 11 帳戶

  29. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  30. 確認您的 Microsoft 帳戶密碼。

  31. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  32. 單擊創建 PIN按鈕。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 創建 PIN

  33. 創建一個新的四位數 PIN。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    創建帳戶 PIN

  34. 單擊確定按鈕。

  35. 選擇“設置為新設備”選項。或者選擇從以前的安裝中恢復您的設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 還原設置

  36. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  37. 通過打開或關閉每個設置的切換開關,確認最適合您的隱私設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 隱私設置

  38. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  39. 再次單擊下一步按鈕。

  40. 單擊 接受按鈕。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  41. (可選)在“讓我們定制您的體驗”頁面上,選擇您計劃使用設備的一種或多種方式,以允許設置在此體驗期間建議工具和服務定制。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 自定義體驗

  42. 單擊接受按鈕繼續。或單擊“跳過”按鈕跳過這部分設置。

  43. Select the “Back up my files with OneDrive” option to automatically upload your Desktop, Pictures, and Documents folders to the cloud. Or Select the “Only save file to this PC” option.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE backup files to OneDrive

  44. Click the Next button.

  45. Click the No, thanks button to skip the Microsoft 365 setup.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Skip Office installation

Once you complete the steps, the clean installation process will begin, similar to using the Media Creation Tools or USB flash drive to upgrade the system.

How to clean install Windows 11 using Reset this PC local image

The recovery settings offer another method to start fresh with a clean copy of Windows 11. Unlike the Media Creation Tool, bootable flash drive, and ISO file options, you can only use this method to reinstall Windows 11 on a computer already running the same OS.

If you plan to upgrade a computer running Windows 10, Windows 8.1, or Windows 7, you will have to use one of the previous alternative methods.

To clean install Windows 11 with the local recovery image, use these steps:

  1. Open Settings on Windows 11.

  2. Click on System.

  3. Click on Recovery on the right side.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 recovery

  4. Under the “Recovery options” section, in the “Reset this PC” setting, click the Reset PC button.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Reset This PC

  5. Click the Remove everything option to perform a fresh install of Windows 11.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Hard drive wipe out option

  6. Click the Local reinstall option.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Local reinstall option

  7. (Optional) Click the Change settings option. 

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Change reset settings

  8. Configure the reinstallation options:

    • Clean data: If this option is set to No (recommended), then the setup will only delete files, apps, and settings quickly. If the option is set to Yes, the setup will securely clean the drive before installing the operating system, but it will take longer.
    • Delete files from all drives: If the option is set to No (recommended), only the installation drive will be erased. Otherwise, if this option is set to Yes, all the drives on the device will be deleted.
    • Download Windows: If this option is set to No (recommended), the local image will be used for installation. If the option is set to Yes, then the “Cloud download” option will be activated.
  9. Click the Confirm button.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Choose reset settings

  10. Click the Next button.

  11. Click the Reset button.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 clean install with Local reinstall option

  12. Select your region setting after the installation on the first page of the out-of-the-box experience (OOBE).

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE region

  13. Click the Yes button.

  14. Select your keyboard layout setting.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Keyboard layout

  15. Click the Yes button.

  16. Click the Skip button if you do not need to configure a second layout.

  17. If the computer uses an Ethernet connection, it will automatically connect to the network. If you have a wireless connection, you will need to set up the connection manually (a security key may be required).

  18. (Optional) Confirm a name for the computer.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

  19. Click the Next button. (The device will restart automatically.)

  20. Select the Set up for personal use option if you are configuring Windows 11 Pro. The “Home” edition does not have this option.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 setup types

  21. Click the Next button.

  22. Confirm your Microsoft account email, phone number, or Skype identification to create an account.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Create Windows 11 account

  23. Click the Next button.

  24. Confirm your Microsoft account password.

  25. Click the Next button.

  26. Click the Create PIN button.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE create PIN

  27. Create a new four-digit PIN.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Create account PIN

  28. Click the OK button.

  29. Select the “Set up as new device” option. Or select to restore your settings from a previous installation.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE restore settings

  30. Click the Next button.

  31. Confirm your privacy settings that best suit your situation by turning on or off the toggle switch for each setting.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE privacy settings

  32. Click the Next button.

  33. Click the Next button again.

  34. Click the Accept button.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Privacy settings continued

  35. (Optional) On the “Let’s customize your experience” page, select one or more ways you plan to use the device to allow the setup to suggest tools and services customization during this experience.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE customize experience

  36. Click the Accept button to continue. Or click the Skip button to skip this part of the setup.

  37. Select the “Back up my files with OneDrive” option to automatically upload your Desktop, Pictures, and Documents folders to the cloud. Or Select the “Only save file to this PC” option.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE backup files to OneDrive

  38. Click the Next button.

  39. Click the No, thanks button to skip the Microsoft 365 setup.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Skip Office installation

Once you complete the steps, the recovery feature will continue with the reinstallation using the locally available image of Windows 11. If you have a computer from HP, Dell, Acer, or another brand, this process will restore the original settings. This means the factory settings, drivers, applications, and tools the manufacturer included in the custom image.

If you don’t want to reinstall the custom manufacturer image, use the “Cloud Download” option (see steps below).

How to clean install Windows 11 using Reset this PC Cloud download

The Reset this PC feature also includes the “Cloud Download” option, which allows you to reset a computer with a clean installation, removing apps, files, and settings similar to the local image option. The only difference is that the feature will download the installation files from the Microsoft server.

The option is available to reinstall Windows 11 when the local image is not working or you do not want to use the same installation settings provided by the manufacturer. If you select the “Cloud download” option, the feature will download the same version already installed on the computer, which means you cannot use this method to upgrade to a newer version. Also, if the device was using a custom image from the manufacturer, the new installation won’t include the custom settings, drivers, or tools.

To reinstall Windows 11 with the “Cloud Download” option, use these steps:

  1. Open Settings on Windows 11.

  2. Click on System.

  3. Click on Recovery on the right side.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 recovery

  4. Under the “Recovery options” section, in the “Reset this PC” setting, click the Reset PC button.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Reset This PC

  5. Click the Remove everything option to perform a fresh install of Windows 11.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Hard drive wipe out option

  6. Click the Cloud reinstall option.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Cloud download reinstall option

  7. (Optional) Click the Change settings option. 

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Change reset settings

  8. Configure the reinstallation options:

    • Clean data: If this option is set to No (recommended), then the setup will only delete files, apps, and settings quickly. If the option is set to Yes, the setup will securely clean the drive before installing the operating system, but it will take longer.
    • Delete files from all drives: If the option is to No (recommended), only the installation drive will be erased. Otherwise, if this option is set to Yes, all the drives on the device will be deleted.
    • Download Windows: If this option is set to Yes (recommended), the “Cloud download” option will be used for installation. If the option is set to No, the local image option will be used for the installation.
  9. Click the Confirm button.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 download option

  10. Click the Next button.

  11. Click the Reset button.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 clean install with Local reinstall option

  12. Select your region setting after the installation on the first page of the out-of-the-box experience (OOBE).

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE region

  13. Click the Yes button.

  14. Select your keyboard layout setting.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Keyboard layout

  15. Click the Yes button.

  16. Click the Skip button if you do not need to configure a second layout.

  17. If the computer uses an Ethernet connection, it will automatically connect to the network. If you have a wireless connection, you will need to set up the connection manually (a security key may be required).

  18. (Optional) Confirm a name for the computer.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

  19. Click the Next button. (The device will restart automatically.)

  20. Select the Set up for personal use option if you are configuring Windows 11 Pro. The “Home” edition does not have this option.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 setup types

  21. Click the Next button.

  22. Confirm your Microsoft account email, phone number, or Skype identification to create an account.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Create Windows 11 account

  23. Click the Next button.

  24. Confirm your Microsoft account password.

  25. Click the Next button.

  26. Click the Create PIN button.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE create PIN

  27. Create a new four-digit PIN.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Create account PIN

  28. Click the OK button.

  29. Select the “Set up as new device” option. Or select to restore your settings from a previous installation.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE restore settings

  30. Click the Next button.

  31. Confirm your privacy settings that best suit your situation by turning on or off the toggle switch for each setting.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE privacy settings

  32. Click the Next button.

  33. Click the Next button again.

  34. Click the Accept button.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Privacy settings continued

  35. (Optional) On the “Let’s customize your experience” page, select one or more ways you plan to use the device to allow the setup to suggest tools and services customization during this experience.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE customize experience

  36. Click the Accept button to continue. Or click the Skip button to skip this part of the setup.

  37. Select the “Back up my files with OneDrive” option to automatically upload your Desktop, Pictures, and Documents folders to the cloud. Or Select the “Only save file to this PC” option.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE backup files to OneDrive

  38. Click the Next button.

  39. Click the No, thanks button to skip the Microsoft 365 setup.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Skip Office installation

After you complete the steps, the feature will reset the computer by erasing and reinstalling a fresh copy of Windows 11 downloaded from the cloud.

How to clean install Windows 11 from Advanced startup options

If the computer does not boot, the Advanced startup options environment includes the same options included with the “Reset this PC” feature.

You can only use this option to reinstall the same version of the OS already installed on the computer. If you want to upgrade to the latest version, you need to use the USB flash drive, Media Creation Tool, or ISO file options.

To clean install Windows 11 from the Advanced startup options, use these steps:

  1. Start device.

  2. Immediately after the Power-On Self-Test (POST), press the Power button again to shut down.

  3. Repeat steps No. 1 and 2 twice, and in the third restart, the operating system should enter the Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE).

    Quick note: Windows 11 has multiple ways to open the Advanced startup settings. If you cannot access the recovery environment, you can use these other options.

  4. Click the Advanced options button.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Advanced startup

  5. Click on Troubleshoot.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Troubleshoot option

  6. Click on Reset this PC option.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Reset this PC option

  7. Select the Remove everything option.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Remove everything option

  8. Click the Cloud download or Local reinstall option. Cloud download: Downloads a fresh image from the Microsoft servers and performs a fresh installation. Local reinstall: Uses the locally available image to install a clean copy of Windows 11.

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Advanced startup cloud download option

  9. 選擇“僅安裝 Windows 的驅動器”選項。(所有驅動器選項將刪除所有驅動器上的數據。通常僅當您必須停用設備時才建議使用此選項。)

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  10. 選擇“僅刪除我的文件”“完全清理驅動器”選項。

    • 只需刪除我的文件:快速刪除驅動器內容。
    • 完全清潔驅動器:還會刪除驅動器上的所有內容,但執行需要幾個小時的安全擦除 - 此選項適用於準備贈送設備時。
    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  11. 單擊重置按鈕。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    帶有高級啟動選項的 Windows 11 全新安裝

  12. 安裝後在開箱即用體驗 (OOBE)的第一頁上選擇您的區域設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 區域

  13. 單擊按鈕。

  14. 選擇您的鍵盤佈局設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  15. 單擊按鈕。

  16. 如果您不需要配置第二個佈局,請單擊跳過按鈕。

  17. 如果計算機使用以太網連接,它將自動連接到網絡。如果您有無線連接,則需要手動設置連接(可能需要安全密鑰)。

  18. (可選)確認計算機的名稱。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

  19. 單擊下一步按鈕。(設備將自動重啟。)

  20. 如果您正在配置 Windows 11 專業版,請選擇設置供個人使用選項。“家庭”版沒有這個選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 安裝類型

  21. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  22. 確認您的 Microsoft 帳戶電子郵件、電話號碼或 Skype 標識以創建帳戶。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    創建 Windows 11 帳戶

  23. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  24. 確認您的 Microsoft 帳戶密碼。

  25. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  26. 單擊創建 PIN按鈕。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 創建 PIN

  27. 創建一個新的四位數 PIN。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    創建帳戶 PIN

  28. 單擊確定按鈕。

  29. 選擇“設置為新設備”選項。或者選擇從以前的安裝中恢復您的設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 還原設置

  30. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  31. 通過打開或關閉每個設置的切換開關,確認最適合您的隱私設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 隱私設置

  32. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  33. 再次單擊下一步按鈕。

  34. 單擊 接受按鈕。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  35. (可選)在“讓我們定制您的體驗”頁面上,選擇您計劃使用設備的一種或多種方式,以允許設置在此體驗期間建議工具和服務定制。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 自定義體驗

  36. 單擊接受按鈕繼續。或單擊“跳過”按鈕跳過這部分設置。

  37. 選擇“使用 OneDrive 備份我的文件”選項以自動將您的桌面、圖片和文檔文件夾上傳到雲。或選擇“僅將文件保存到此 PC” 選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 備份文件到 OneDrive

  38. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  39. 單擊不,謝謝按鈕以跳過 Microsoft 365 設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    跳過 Office 安裝

完成這些步驟後,Windows 11 將重新安裝,解決現有問題。完成時間取決於您的計算機硬件配置和選擇的重置配置。

如何使用媒體創建工俱全新安裝 Windows 11

從 Windows 11 開始,媒體創建工具不再包含執行全新安裝或就地升級的選項。您只能使用該工具創建可啟動媒體,以使用USB 閃存驅動器ISO 文件執行安裝。

如果您想繼續使用媒體創建工具,您可以使用它來創建安裝媒體,然後您可以從 USB 閃存驅動器啟動安裝程序。

要使用媒體創建工具創建可引導的 USB 安裝媒體並繼續設置,請使用以下步驟:

  1. 打開Microsoft支持網站

  2. 在“創建 Windows 11 安裝媒體”部分下,單擊立即下載按鈕。

  3. 雙擊MediaCrationToolW11.exe 文件以啟動該工具。

  4. 單擊接受按鈕。

  5. 單擊下一步按鈕。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    快速說明:如果您正在為其他設備創建 Windows 11 USB,您還可以清除“使用此 PC 的推薦選項”選項以選擇正確的語言、體系結構和版本。

  6. 選擇 USB 閃存驅動器 選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

  7. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  8. 從列表中選擇 USB 閃存驅動器,但請確保它沒有任何重要文件,因為此過程將擦除其中的所有內容。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

  9. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  10. 單擊完成按鈕。

  11. 使用文件資源管理器打開安裝媒體。

  12. 雙擊安裝文件開始安裝 Windows 11。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 安裝程序.exe

  13. (可選)單擊更改 Windows 安裝程序下載更新的方式選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 安裝程序更新選項

  14. 選擇現在不是選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  15. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  16. 單擊接受按鈕以同意條款。

  17. 單擊更改要保留的內容選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  18. 選擇選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  19. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  20. 單擊安裝按鈕。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 ISO 全新安裝設置

  21. 安裝後在開箱即用體驗 (OOBE)的第一頁上選擇您的區域設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 區域

  22. 單擊按鈕。

  23. 選擇您的鍵盤佈局設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  24. 單擊按鈕。

  25. 如果您不需要配置第二個佈局,請單擊跳過按鈕。

  26. 如果計算機使用以太網連接,它將自動連接到網絡。如果您有無線連接,則需要手動設置連接(可能需要安全密鑰)。

  27. (可選)確認計算機的名稱。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

  28. 單擊下一步按鈕。(設備將自動重啟。)

  29. 如果您正在配置 Windows 11 專業版,請選擇設置供個人使用選項。“家庭”版沒有這個選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 安裝類型

  30. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  31. 確認您的 Microsoft 帳戶電子郵件、電話號碼或 Skype 標識以創建帳戶。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    創建 Windows 11 帳戶

  32. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  33. 確認您的 Microsoft 帳戶密碼。

  34. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  35. 單擊創建 PIN按鈕。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 創建 PIN

  36. 創建一個新的四位數 PIN。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    創建帳戶 PIN

  37. 單擊確定按鈕。

  38. 選擇“設置為新設備”選項。或者選擇從以前的安裝中恢復您的設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 還原設置

  39. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  40. 通過打開或關閉每個設置的切換開關,確認最適合您的隱私設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 隱私設置

  41. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  42. 再次單擊下一步按鈕。

  43. 單擊 接受按鈕。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways


  44. (可選)在“讓我們定制您的體驗”頁面上,選擇您計劃使用設備的一種或多種方式,以允許設置在此體驗期間建議工具和服務定制。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 自定義體驗

  45. 單擊接受按鈕繼續。或單擊“跳過”按鈕跳過這部分設置。

  46. 選擇“使用 OneDrive 備份我的文件”選項以自動將您的桌面、圖片和文檔文件夾上傳到雲。或選擇“僅將文件保存到此 PC” 選項。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    Windows 11 OOBE 備份文件到 OneDrive

  47. 單擊下一步按鈕。

  48. 單擊不,謝謝按鈕以跳過 Microsoft 365 設置。

    Perform clean install of Windows 11 in six different ways

    跳過 Office 安裝

完成這些步驟後,安裝程序將繼續全新安裝 Windows 11。

2022 年 5 月 27 日更新:該指南最初於 2021 年 8 月發布,並於 2022 年 5 月進行了更新,以確保所有步驟仍然準確。

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