Windows: risolvere Impossibile installare la stampante. Esiste già unaltra stampante o stampante con questo nome”
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Se stai eseguendo l'aggiornamento a un nuovo PC, è probabile che tu stia tentando di riutilizzare il disco rigido dal tuo vecchio PC. In caso contrario, potresti pensare di regalarlo a un familiare o a un amico. Ma prima di procedere con una di queste opzioni, dovresti cancellare completamente il tuo vecchio disco rigido, in modo che la prossima persona inizi da zero con il disco rigido.
In questo post, tratteremo diversi modi per cancellare un disco rigido in Windows 11 .
Perché dovresti cancellare un disco rigido?
Prima di passare ai metodi, prendiamoci un minuto per capire perché dovresti cancellare i tuoi dischi rigidi.
La ragione più ovvia dietro la cancellazione di un disco rigido è eliminare tutti i file e le applicazioni personali dall'unità, assicurandosi che non possano essere recuperati dagli strumenti di recupero dati , dopo un ripristino dei dati di fabbrica o meno. Un altro motivo per cancellare l'unità potrebbe essere semplicemente quello di guadagnare più spazio di archiviazione per i tuoi nuovi file. O forse vuoi semplicemente configurare il tuo PC da zero con un'installazione pulita di Windows e nuove partizioni per il tuo disco rigido.
Qualunque sia la ragione, diamo un'occhiata ai prerequisiti per pulire il disco rigido.
Cosa fare prima di pulire un disco rigido?
Prima di pulire l'unità, ci sono un paio di cose di cui devi occuparti.
Diamo un'occhiata ai metodi per cancellare un disco rigido in Windows 11.
Correlati: Come mappare un'unità in Windows 11
Come formattare un'unità su Windows 11 o 10
Puoi formattare un'unità in diversi modi a seconda del tipo di accesso che hai al tuo sistema. Utilizza una delle guide di seguito che meglio si adatta alla tua situazione e alle tue esigenze attuali.
Questo è senza dubbio uno dei modi più semplici e veloci per cancellare un disco rigido. Il processo richiede solo un paio di secondi ed è perfetto per quando vuoi fare spazio a nuovi file sul tuo disco rigido.
Nota: questo metodo funzionerà solo per le unità secondarie del sistema e non per l'unità di avvio.
Ecco i passaggi.
Premere Win key + r
per aprire la casella Esegui. Digita "explorer" e premi invio.
Vedrai aprirsi una finestra intitolata "Esplora file". Fare clic su "Questo PC".
Ora dovresti vedere tutte le unità collegate al tuo PC. Il nostro ha tre unità, di cui utilizzeremo l'unità "Dati" per questa guida.
Tutto quello che devi fare è fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sull'unità che desideri cancellare e fare clic su "Formatta".
Dovresti vedere un piccolo popup "Formato" aperto con un sacco di opzioni. Se vuoi eseguire una rapida cancellazione dei dati, senza perdere tempo con altre opzioni, fai clic sul pulsante "Avvia".
Suggerimento: per una cancellazione dei dati più sicura, deseleziona l'opzione "Formattazione rapida" e quindi fai clic su "Avvia". Tieni presente che una cancellazione completa richiederà molto più tempo di una formattazione rapida.
Una volta completata la cancellazione, dovresti vedere un messaggio che conferma lo stesso. Fare clic su "OK" per eliminare l'avviso.
L'unità è ora completamente pulita e pronta per essere riutilizzata.
Metodo n. 2: utilizzo di Gestione disco
Apri il menu Start e digita "Gestione disco". Fare clic sul risultato della ricerca o sul pulsante Apri.
Ecco come appare lo strumento Gestione disco.
Fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sul volume che si desidera cancellare e fare clic su Formato.
Nel prossimo popup, dovresti avere una manciata di opzioni come cambiare il nome del volume, i file system e altro.
Ancora una volta, proprio come il metodo precedente, dovresti tenere selezionata l'opzione "Esegui una formattazione rapida" se non vuoi aspettare a lungo per cancellare l'unità.
Suggerimento: per una pulizia completa che dovrebbe rimuovere tutte le tracce dei dati dall'unità, deseleziona l'opzione "Esegui una formattazione rapida".
Fare clic sul pulsante "OK" per iniziare a pulire l'unità.
Fare clic sul pulsante "OK" per confermare la cancellazione dei dati e l'unità dovrebbe essere pulita in pochi minuti.
Metodo n. 3: utilizzo di Diskpart in CMD (prompt dei comandi)
Diskpart è un'utilità della riga di comando che può essere utilizzata per gestire tutte le unità collegate al PC. Puoi fare qualsiasi cosa, dall'elenco dei dischi, alla creazione e all'eliminazione di partizioni e molto altro ancora con diskpart.
Diamo un'occhiata a come puoi cancellare il tuo disco rigido con diskpart.
Premere Win key + r
per aprire la casella Esegui. Digita "cmd" e premi i Ctrl + Shift + Enter
tasti invece del solo tasto Invio. Questo aprirà un prompt dei comandi con privilegi elevati.
Il percorso predefinito da un prompt dei comandi con privilegi elevati dovrebbe essere simile a questo.
Digita "diskpart" e premi invio. Ora dovresti essere nell'utilità diskpart.
Digita "list disk" e premi invio. Questo dovrebbe elencare tutti i dischi collegati al tuo PC.
Per procedere con la cancellazione del disco, digita 'seleziona disco'. Il nostro laptop ha due dischi rigidi e per questa guida procederemo con il disco 1, quindi abbiamo inserito "seleziona disco 1" e premiato invio.
Digita "pulito" e premi invio.
Il tuo disco dovrebbe ora essere completamente vuoto e trasformato in spazio non allocato. Il tuo prossimo compito dovrebbe essere quello di creare partizioni utilizzando lo strumento Gestione disco che abbiamo usato in precedenza. Basta eseguire lo strumento e inizializzare il disco. Dopodiché, dovresti essere in grado di creare partizioni di qualsiasi dimensione che ti si addice meglio.
Metodo n. 4: utilizzo dell'opzione di ripristino
Windows 11 viene fornito con un'opzione chiamata "Ripristina questo PC" che ripristina le impostazioni di fabbrica di Windows. E la parte migliore di Ripristina questo PC è che offre agli utenti la possibilità di conservare tutti i propri file e ripristinare Windows o rimuovere tutto durante il ripristino di Windows.
Se stai cancellando l'unità solo per reinstallare Windows, ti consigliamo di provare questo metodo prima di procedere con un'installazione pulita.
Ecco come puoi farlo.
Apri il menu Start e digita "Ripristina questo PC". Fare clic sul risultato della ricerca che si apre o fare clic sul pulsante Apri.
Fare clic sul pulsante "Ripristina PC" per avviare il processo di ripristino di Windows.
Dovresti vedere una schermata blu con due opzioni. Fai clic su "Rimuovi tutto" per reinstallare Windows rimuovendo tutti i file, le app e le impostazioni.
La schermata successiva dovrebbe chiederti come desideri reinstallare Windows. Se il tuo PC dispone di una connessione Internet, puoi procedere con l'opzione "Download cloud", altrimenti procedi con la "Reinstallazione locale".
Segui il resto delle istruzioni sullo schermo e in pochissimo tempo avrai il tuo PC pronto con una nuova installazione di Windows 11 e nessuna traccia dei tuoi vecchi file e app sul tuo disco rigido.
Metodo n. 5: utilizzo di PowerShell
Puoi anche formattare le unità usando PowerShell. Seguire i passaggi seguenti per formattare un'unità utilizzando PowerShell su Windows 11.
Premi Windows + S
sulla tastiera e cerca PowerShell. Fai clic su "Esegui come amministratore" una volta visualizzato nei risultati di ricerca.
Digita il seguente comando per ottenere un elenco di tutti i volumi dai dischi installati sul tuo sistema. Questo ti aiuterà a identificare e trovare il disco che desideri formattare.
Scegli il volume che desideri formattare e quindi usa il comando qui sotto per selezionarlo. Sostituire X con la lettera assegnata al volume interessato.
select X
Ora usa il comando seguente per formattare il volume selezionato. Sostituisci NAME con un nome a tua scelta che verrà assegnato al volume una volta formattato.
format-volume -filesystem NTFS -newfilesystemlabel NAME
And that’s it! The selected volume on the concerned drive will now be formatted. Wait for the process to complete and close the PowerShell to use the disk as usual.
Method #6: Using a third-party utility
There are tons of partition managers out there that can help you manage and format all disks installed on your system easily. Follow the guide below to get you started. We will be using Gnome Partition Manager for this guide which is a long-trusted industry tool that is completely free. Use the link below to download it to your local storage.
Once GParted is downloaded to your system, you can simply mount it like any other ISO and get started. If you wish to clean and wipe your boot drive, then we recommend you mount the ISO to a removable media which should allow you to format the drive outside of your current Windows 11 installation. Once mounted, restart your system and access the Gnome Partition Manager from your boot menu. We will be using Rufus to mount the disk image to removable media and then reboot our current system.
Note: Make sure secure boot is disabled on your system so that you can boot from your USB. Additionally, switch your storage configuration to AHCI instead of Intel Optane memory in case available. GParted won’t be able to recognize your drives if the storage configuration is not set to AHCI.
Once you boot into your USB drive, you will have the option to launch GParted with various settings. We recommend you opt for the first option and select ‘Launch GParted with default settings’.
You will now be prompted to select a keymap. This page comes in handy in case your keyboard is incorrectly recognized by Gnome. If your keyboard seems to be responsive then select ‘Don’t touch keymap’ to proceed with the process.
Now go ahead and select your language by entering its corresponding number. Enter ’33’ if you wish to select US English.
You will now be asked if you wish to load GParted with forced video drivers or the default settings. Force video driver option comes in handy in case GParted is unable to recognize your display or if you are having resolution problems on your system. We recommend you select the first option. Enter ‘0’ to select the option.
GParted will now be booted and you will be taken to its temporary desktop. The partition manager should automatically launch on your system now. Click on the drop-down menu in the top left and select the desired disk that you wish to format.
You will now get a list of existing volumes on the selected disk. Click and select the desired volume that you wish to format.
Now click on ‘Partition’ at the top and hover over ‘Format to’.
Select your desired drive format but it is recommended that you format your drive in NTFS for all modern systems.
Once you select the desired disk format, GParted will cue the current operation in its task list. Click on the checkmark in the toolbar at the task to execute cued tasks.
Click on ‘Apply’ to confirm your choice.
GParted will now perform the necessary operations and the selected volume should be automatically formatted at the end of this process. Close the GParted utility and click on the Power icon on the desktop. Click and select ‘Restart’ and then click on ‘Ok’.
Boot into the BIOS on your system and revert the changes you made earlier. This includes enabling secure boot, changing your storage configuration back to its default settings, and changing your boot device order.
Once you have reverted the changes, unplug your USB and exit the BIOS while saving the changes you made.
You will now be booted into Windows normally and the selected volume should now be formatted and wiped on your system.
Method #7 From Recovery
If you are in Windows Recovery Environment and unable to boot into Windows, then you can use the guide below to format a drive on your system. Please keep in mind that it is not recommended to format your boot drive using the guide below from your recovery environment as this could cause issues with your boot drive and make it unrecognizable. You will then have to completely format the drive and set it up again and install a new version of Windows on it. Hence, use the guide below only to format secondary drives from the Recovery environment or ensure that you have a Windows 11 installation media handy to reinstall the OS that you will remove from your boot drive.
Once you are on the Windows Recovery or troubleshooting screen, click and select ‘Advanced Options’.
Click on ‘Troubleshoot’.
Select ‘Advanced Options’ again.
Now click on ‘Command Prompt’ to launch the command prompt.
Type in the following command to launch the diskpart utility.
Now execute the following command.
list volume
Find the volume you wish to format and use the command below to select it. Replace X with the dedicated number of the volume you selected.
select volume x
Now use the following command to format the selected volume with NTFS as its format. Replace NAME with the name you wish to give your newly formatted volume.
format fs=ntfs quick label=NAME
Let diskpart do its thing and the volume should be formatted within a few seconds. Once formatted, type in the following command to exit CMD.
Now restart your PC and the selected volume should be formatted on your system.
Method #8: Using the Windows Setup
You can also format a drive-by directly using the Windows setup as well. Depending on your requirements, you can then exit the setup or continue installing Windows on the freshly formatted drive.
Launch the Windows setup from the installation media when prompted at the time of boot. Once the setup is launched, select your language and click on ‘Next’.
Click on ‘Install Windows’.
Windows Setup will now detect the drives installed on your system. Click and select the drive you wish to format and click on ‘Format drive’ at the bottom.
Confirm your choice and Windows will now proceed to format the selected drive.
And that’s it! Once the drive is formatted, you can continue formatting other drives on your system using the setup or continue with the Windows installation depending on your requirements.
How to completely format a drive on Windows 11 or 10
Completely formatting a drive is a little different from the traditional format methods listed above. While the above-listed methods will delete all your data from the drive, the existing partitions will remain. Additionally, if it is the boot drive that we are talking about then you will also have recovery and EFI partitions on the drive. While this shouldn’t be an issue on your system, they can cause problems when switching systems as the boot order or the recovery media can be recognized incorrectly by the new system.
In such cases, you can wipe all partitions from a drive and completely format it. You can then create new partitions and volumes on the drive depending on the need of the new system that you are switching to. Follow one of the guides below to completely format a drive and remove all partitions and volumes.
Method #1: From a third-party utility
If you wish to completely format your drive using a third-party utility then we recommend using the Gnome Partition Manager. This is an open-source and completely free utility hosted on Sourceforge. You can even compile the binaries on your own in case the privacy is a concern. Follow the guide below to get you started. The Gnome Partition Manager is available in ISO format which allows you to mount it to a removable media and use it individually as well, in case you are looking to completely format your boot drive. Use Rufus to create a USB installation media using the Gnome Partition Manager ISO.
Make the necessary BIOS changes on your system and plug in the GParted USB into your system. Once plugged in, reboot your device and boot from the USB by pressing a key if prompted.
You will now be at the GParted Splash Screen where you will be requested to select the relevant version of GParted that you wish to use. We recommend you select the first one which is GParted Live with default settings.
Once booted, you will be prompted to change your keymap if needed. If your keyboard seems to be working as intended, select ‘Don’t touch keymap’ or use one of the other options to get keyboard working within Gnome.
Select your preferred language by entering its relevant number. Use number 33 for US English.
Now if you wish to manually install or configure your video output then enter 1 on the next screen. Else if the resolution and video response times seem to be fine for now then enter ‘0’.
GParted will now boot with the dictated settings. Once launched, you will be taken to the temporary desktop where the GParted utility will be launched automatically. Click on the drop-down menu in the top right corner and select the desired disk that you wish to completely format.
Now select a volume on the selected disk and click on ‘Partition’ at the top. Select ‘Format to’ and then select ‘NTFS’.
Repeat the steps above for all the partitions on the disk. Once each partition is cued for formatting, click on the checkmark in your toolbar to execute these tasks.
Confirm your choice by clicking on ‘Apply’.
All the selected partitions will now be formatted. We can now delete these partitions. Click and select each partition one by one and then click on the X in your toolbar. This will cue each partition for deletion.
Click on the checkmark again to delete all the selected partitions.
Confirm your choice by clicking on ‘Apply’.
Once all partitions are deleted from the disk, click and select the unallocated volume on the disk and then click on ‘New’ at the top. If you have an existing primary partition on the disk then select that partition and click on the ‘Resize’ icon instead.
Select the entire size of your disk and enter a name for your disk beside the label text field. If resizing an existing partition, use the slider at the top to drag it to the maximum size.
Click on ‘Ok’ or ‘Resize/Move’ depending on your choice.
And that’s it! Your entire drive should now be formatted and a single partition equal to the entire size of your drive should now be created which will allow you to use the drive, however, you wish. You can now exit GParted by clicking on the power icon on the desktop. Once rebooting, boot into your BIOS and revert the changes you made earlier. Once reverted, unplug the USB and boot into Windows normally.
Method #2: From CMD
Diskpart is a hugely versatile utility that can be used to completely format a drive as well. Once completely formatted via diskpart, you will need to set your disk as GPT or MBR depending on your platform needs for the drive to be recognized properly.
Launch CMD using one of the guides above depending on the current state of your system. Once CMD is launched, enter the command below to launch diskpart.
Now enter the following command and find the disk you wish to completely format.
list disk
Note down the concerned disk’s number and use the command below to select it. Replace N with the disk number you noted down earlier.
select disk N
Now enter the command below to clean your disk.
We will now need to create a partition on the selected disk so that it is usable. Enter the command below to get started.
create partition primary
Use the command below to format the newly created volume now.
format fs=ntfs
Enter the following command to assign a letter to the drive. Replace X with the letter of your choice.
assign letter=X
And that’s it! The selected drive should now be completely formatted. Any recovery or EFI partitions on the drive should also now be deleted.
How to switch between MBR and GPT
MBR and GPT are types of disk setups that are used to install new OS on a drive. These types are essential in case you are trying to switch between platforms or use Linux on yoru system. While GPT is a new disk setup with various advantages, MBR is still the most compatible setup format out there. If you are trying to switch your disk setup from MBR to GPT or vice versa then you can use the guide below to change the disk type.
Note: When converting, your disk will be cleaned and all the data will be removed from it. You will need to create new partitions on the drive as well so ensure that you have backed up your data before proceeding with the guide below.
Launch CMD on your system either from the recovery environment or from within Windows depending on the current state of your system. Once launched enter the command below to launch the diskpart utility.
Now enter the following command to get a list of all the disks on your system. Note down the number for the concerned list so that you can access it later on.
list disk
Enter the following command and replace N with the disk number you noted down earlier.
select disk N
Use the command below to clean the drive.
Now let’s convert the drive to your desired disk type. Replace TYPE with MBR or GPT depending on your current requirements.
convert TYPE
Once the disk has been converted, use the command below to create a primary partition.
create partition primary
Now use the command below to assign a letter to the drive. Replace X with the drive letter of your choice.
assign letter=X
And that’s it! You will now have converted the selected drive to GPT or MBR depending on your current requirements.
How to create new volumes and partitions
Once you have formatted your drives you will find that it is not that easy to use them within Windows. Formatted drives need dedicated partitions which can then be used as storage spaces to store your data or install an OS. Use the guide below to create custom partitions for a selected drive in Windows 11.
Method #1: From CMD
Launch CMD and use the command below to enter diskpart.
Enter the following command to get a list of all the disks installed on your system. Note down the disk number of the concerned disk.
list disk
Now enter the command below and replace N with the disk number you noted down earlier.
select disk N
Use the command below to create a custom partition on the selected disk drive. If a partition already exists on the drive then replace ‘primary’ with ‘extended’. Additionally, replace XXXX with the size of your choice for the partition. The size is measured in megabytes where 1000MB = 1GB.
create partition primary size=SIZE
Now enter the following command. Your newly created partition will now show up in this list. Note down its volume number
list volume
Enter the following command and replace N with the volume number you noted down earlier.
select volume N
Now use the following command to assign a letter to the selected volume. Replace X with the letter of your choice.
assign letter=X
And that’s it! You will now have created a new partition on the selected drive depending on your current needs and requirements.
Method #2: From Disk Management
You can also create a new partition son your system using the Disk Management utility provided within Windows. Use the guide below to get you started.
Press Windows + R
on your keyboard and type in the following. Press Enter on your keyboard to launch the disk management utility.
Once the disk management utility is launched, you will get a graphical representation for all your drives. Right-click on the unallocated space at the bottom of your screen and click on ‘New Simple Volume’.
The volume creation wizard will now be launched. Click on ‘Next’ to get started.
Select a custom size if needed. By default, Windows will use the entire unallocated space to create a new simple volume on your drive. Click on ‘Next’ once you have set the desired size.
Choose a drive letter for your new volume now. Click on ‘Next’ once you are done.
You will now be given the option to format the unallocated space before the volume is created. Choose your disk format by clicking on the drop-down menu and set a name for the new volume beside Volume Label. If you do not wish to format the unallocated space, then click and select ‘Do not format this volume’. Click on ‘Next once you are done.
Finally, click on ‘Finish’ and the new volume will now start being created.
And that’s it! A new volume should now be created on the selected drive.
We hope this guide helped you easily format or wipe your drive in Windows 11 depending on your current needs and requirements. If you face any issues or have any questions for us, feel free to reach out to us using the comments section below.
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