Migração de locatário para locatário Office 365 (plano de retorno incluído)

Este é um guia completo para realizar a migração de locatário para locatário do Office 365.

2 ou mais semanas antes da migração

1. Verifique a propriedade do domínio e capture as informações e salve.
2. Capture todos os registros DNS usando este link .
3. Identifique e capture os registros DNS relevantes para o Exchange (se estiver realizando uma transferência de domínio) – TXT , MX e SPF .
4. Em cada registro MX, anote o valor TTL

  • Precisamos solicitar que o valor TTL seja reduzido para um número menor, por exemplo, 5 minutos.
  • Se o TTL não puder ser reduzido para 5 minutos, anote o valor mais baixo. Por exemplo, se o valor mais baixo for 4 horas, o registro MX terá que ser alterado 4 horas antes do início da migração.
  • Solicite que o TTL seja atualizado pelo menos 8 horas antes da migração.

5. Verifique a disponibilidade do domínio usando este link .

  • Isso verifica se you@ domainname .onmicrosoft.com já está em uso em outro locatário. Ele verifica o SharePoint Online, mas nove em cada dez vezes, se o SharePoint Online estiver usando o domínio, você pode ter certeza de que os sufixos do Exchange e/ou UPN também estão em uso.

Migração de locatário para locatário Office 365 (plano de retorno incluído)

  • Se você tentar adicionar o domínio em nosso locatário quando ele já estiver sendo usado como nome de domínio em outro locatário, receberá um erro informando que ele já está em uso.

Migração de locatário para locatário Office 365 (plano de retorno incluído)

6. Determine quais serviços do Microsoft 365 são necessários para o domínio.

  • Exchange Online (TXT, MX, SPF, CNAME)
  • Equipes da Microsoft
  • Gerenciamento de dispositivos móveis

7. Decisão Necessária – Discutir os requisitos de Domínio e DNS

Nome do domínio:

  • Para transferir o registro do nome de domínio para o locatário B (locatário de destino), inicia uma solicitação de transferência.
  • Isso gera um email para o proprietário do domínio atual (inquilino A – inquilino de origem) solicitando aprovação para a transferência.
  • O proprietário atual precisa garantir que o domínio esteja desbloqueado para transferência e pode precisar gerar um código de autorização.
  • Uma vez que a transferência seja aceita, o processo pode levar de 24 a 48 horas para ser concluído.
  • Quaisquer serviços vinculados aos nomes de domínio hospedados no antigo registrador deixarão de funcionar.

Registros DNS:

Cópia de TODOS os registros (não apenas do Exchange) para configurar os registros nos servidores DNS de destino.

8. Discuta com a equipe do projeto quais itens NÃO são migrados usando a ferramenta de migração BitTitan.

9. Solicite direitos de administrador de domínio para o Portal de administração do O365 na origem

Direitos de administrador são necessários como parte do processo que precisamos para remover o domínio do portal de administração na Origem e, em seguida, adicionar o domínio ao Destino.

10. Faça login no Portal de administração do O365 na origem e revise as regras e conectores do EXO Mail

11. Verifique se os domínios/endereços IP NÃO estão na lista negra usando as listas negras do mxtoolbox .

Importante : Se estiver na lista negra, quando colocarmos na lista branca os domínios/endereços IP.

12. Faça login no Portal de Administração do O365 na Origem e exporte Domínios, Grupos, Caixas de Correio, Recursos, Caixas de Correio Compartilhadas e Lista de Usuários Aceitos para o EXCEL.

13. Revise o tamanho de cada caixa de correio a ser migrada.

  • BitTitan só pode migrar até 50Gb por licença.
    Se as caixas de correio forem maiores, você pode precisar de licenças adicionais.

14. Revise a configuração de e-mail

  • Existem regras de encaminhamento?
  • Delegar acesso
  • Endereços de proxy

15. Finalize a Lista de Usuários, Grupos e as caixas de correio compartilhadas a serem migradas

16. Crie todas as caixas de correio de usuário, caixas de correio compartilhadas, grupos de distribuição, grupos de segurança, contatos e recursos no destino.

17. Adicionar acesso de delegado a caixas de correio/calendários no destino

  • Faça logon no centro de administração do Microsoft 365
  • Vá para o Exchange dos centros de administração
  • Adicionar acesso de delegado a caixas de correio/calendários

18. Crie comunicações do usuário

  • Isso só precisa ser notado
  • Gerente de Projeto gerencia essas comunicações

19. Crie 2 contas de teste na origem

  • Solicite que duas contas de teste sejam criadas na Origem. 
  • O BitTitan será usado para migrar essas contas de teste para o Destino.
  • Certifique-se de que a conta tenantname.onmicrosoft.com esteja anexada a cada caixa de correio no Microsoft 365
  • A conta de administrador global receberá permissões totais (mais adiante no documento)

20. Preencha as 2 contas de teste na origem com os seguintes dados

  • E-mail
  • Pastas
  • Calendário (compromissos únicos e repetidos)
  • Contato
  • Tarefas

21. Crie 2 contas de teste no destino

  • Solicite que duas contas de teste sejam criadas na Origem. 
  • O BitTitan será usado para migrar essas contas de teste para o Destino.
  • A conta de administrador global receberá permissões totais (mais adiante no documento)

22. Conceda acesso total à conta de administrador global às caixas de correio:

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize ilimitado | Add-MailboxPermission -User "conta de administrador" -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All -AutoMapping $false

23. O EWS deve estar funcionando no servidor Source Exchange

  • BitTitan usa EWS para acessar domínios de origem e destino.
  • Sem acesso não haverá migração.

24. Teste o acesso à caixa de correio abrindo qualquer outra caixa de correio com a conta de administrador usando o OWA

  • Abra o navegador para https://office.com
  • Quando as credenciais forem solicitadas, digite o nome de usuário e a senha da conta a ser usada para acessar a caixa de correio.
  • Se estiver usando credenciais administrativas, abra uma nova guia e cole a URL do OWA: (https://outlook.office365.com/owa/[email protected])

25. Adicione a conta tenantname.onmicrosoft.com como um endereço de proxy para cada caixa de correio na Origem.

Precisamos fazer isso, removeremos os endereços de email de domínio de todas as caixas de correio antes de podermos remover o domínio do locatário.

26. Conecte-se ao EXO Powershell em SOURCE

27. Exporte e atualize endereços de proxy para incluir @tenantname.onmicrosoft.com

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter “emailaddresses -notlike '*@tenantname.onmicrosoft.com'” | selecione alias,primarysmtpaddress,emailaddresses |export-csv -NoTypeInformation “C:\Temp\mailboxes_output.csv”

Import-csv C:\Temp\mailboxes_output.csv| ForEach-Object {
$ID = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
$alias = $_.Alias
​​$365Email = $alias + “@tenantname.onmicrosoft.com”
Set-Mailbox -Identity $ID -EmailAddresses @{add = $365Email}

28. Confirme se todas as caixas de correio foram atualizadas. Os resultados devem ser zero.

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter “emailaddresses -notlike '*@tenantname.onmicrosoft.com'” | selecione alias,primarysmtpaddress,endereços de e-mail

29. Conceda acesso total à conta de administrador às caixas de correio no Destino

30. Conecte-se ao EXO Powershell no destino

Conceda acesso total à caixa de correio à conta de serviço BitTitan em todas as caixas de correio de domínio adquiridas no destino.

Add-MailboxPermission -Identity "Caixa de correio de destino -Usuário "Conta de serviço BitTitan" -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All -AutoMapping $false

31. Teste o acesso à caixa de correio abrindo qualquer outra caixa de correio com a conta de administrador usando o OWA

  • Abra o navegador para https://office.com
  • Quando as credenciais forem solicitadas, digite o nome de usuário e a senha da conta de serviço BitTitan a ser usada para acessar a caixa de correio.
  • Se estiver usando credenciais administrativas, abra uma nova guia e cole a URL do OWA:
    (https://outlook.office365.com/owa/[email protected])

32. Requisitos de licença BitTitan

  • 1 licença por caixa de correio em que a caixa de correio precisa ter menos de 50 GB. Se a caixa de correio for maior que 50 Gb, serão necessárias 2 licenças.
  • Determine o número total de caixas de correio a serem migradas e obtenha o número necessário de licenças.


A license can be used up to 10 times per mailbox. This assumes the end point doesn’t change.
If you are testing BitTitan migration with test accounts, ensure you include the total number of test accounts needed in in the license count.

33. Redeem licenses

  • Log into BitTitan console
  • On the top right-hand corner, click on the down arrow beside your name
  • Select “Redeem Coupon”
  • Enter the coupon code then click “Apply”
  • A toast will appear indicating the coupon has been redeemed

Note:  Register for a BitTitan account if you don’t have an account, ensure your account is active by verifying your email address.

34. Create BitTitan project

  • Log into BitTitan console
  • Click “Go to My Projects” -> “Create a Mailbox Project” -> “Create a Mailbox Project” -> “Next Step”
  • Enter the Project Name
  • At Customer Name click “New” then add information.
  • Click “Next step”

35. At Source Settings:

  • Click “New”
  • Enter an Endpoint name
  • Select the End Point at the Source Domain
  • Enter the Admin credentials
  • Click “Add”
  • Click “Next Step”

36. At Destination Settings:

  • Click “New”
  • Enter an Endpoint name
  • Select the End Point at the Destination Domain
  • Enter the BitTitan Admin credentials
  • Click “Add”
  • Click “Next Step”

37. At Tenant to Tenant Migration

  • Do not select “Enable Tenant to Tenant Coexistence”
  • Click “Save And Go To Summary”
  • Click “Save Project”

38. Migrate Test accounts to Destination using BitTitan – Pre-Stage Migration

  • Log into BitTitan console
  • Select the Project Name
  • Click on the drop-down arrow beside “Add” and select “Quick Add”
  • At Source enter the email address of the test account
  • At Destination enter the email address of the test account
  • Click “Save Item And Add Another”
  • Repeat again for the other test accounts
  • Click “Save Item And Close”

39. Perform a Pre-Stage Migration

  • Select ALL Test accounts
  • Click on the down arrow beside “Start” and select “Pre-Stage Migration”
  • In the “Pre-Stage Migration” window review the settings
  • At “Select what to migrate” confirm “Mail” is selected
  • At “Migration Scheduling” click on the down-arrow and select “Specific Time”
  • Select an appropriate date and time
  • Click “Start Migration”
  • Click on the “Refresh list” icon to get a status of the migration or click on the dashboard on the left-hand side menu


  • Allow time for the migration to complete.
  • The Pre-Stage migrates emails only.
  • Calendars, contacts, journals, notes, and tasks will only migrate during a full migration.

40. Resolve any BitTitan error messages

  • Select the accounts that errored
  • Click on the down arrow beside “Start” and select “Retry Errors”
  • In the “Retry Errors” window, review the settings
  • Click “Retry Errors”
  • Click on the “Refresh list” icon to get a status of the migration or click on the dashboard on the left-hand side menu

41. Use OWA to confirm the mailboxes contain the migrated data

  • Open the browser to https://office.com
  • When prompted for credentials, enter the user name and password of the account to be used to access the mailbox.
  • If using administrative credentials, open a new tab and paste the OWA URL (https://outlook.office365.com/owa/[email protected])

42. At Source:  Use OWA to send and receive additional email

43. Perform a full migration

  • Log into BitTitan console
  • Select the Project Name
  • Select ALL Test accounts
  • Click on the down arrow beside “Start” and select “Full Migration”
  • In the “Full Migration” window
  • Review the settings
  • At “Select what to migrate” confirm ALL options are selected
  • At “Migration Scheduling” do nothing
  • Click “Start Migration”
  • Click on the “Refresh list” icon to get a status of the migration or click on the dashboard on the left-hand side menu

44. Resolve any BitTitan error messages

  • Select the accounts that errored
  • Click on the down arrow beside “Start” and select “Retry Errors”
  • In the “Retry Errors” window, review the settings
  • Click “Retry Errors”
  • Click on the “Refresh list” icon to get a status of the migration or click on the dashboard on the left-hand side menu

45. Use OWA to confirm the mailboxes contain the migrated data

  • Open the browser to https://office.com
  • When prompted for credentials, enter the user name and password of the account to be used to access the mailbox.
  • If using administrative credentials, open a new tab and paste the OWA URL (https://outlook.office365.com/owa/[email protected])

46. Liaise with the business and confirms date and time of migration. Confirm other resources are available for migration

47. If the decision was made to take ownership of the domain and DNS before migration, initiate the transfer

1 week before migration

Export Exchange objects from Source:

48. Log into EXO Powershell at Source

49. Mailboxes:  Export UPN, Alias, SMTP and Proxy addresses

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | select userprincipalname,alias,primarysmtpaddress,emailaddresses | export-csv -NoTypeInformation “Backup_Source_Mailboxes.csv”

50. Groups: Export Alias, SMTP and Proxy addresses

Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | select alias,primarysmtpaddress,emailaddresses | export-csv -NoTypeInformation “Backup_ Source_Groups.csv”

51. Calendar Delegation:

Get-Mailbox | foreach {
write-host -fore green “Processing $_”
Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity “$($_.alias):\Calendar” | where {$_.User -notlike “Anonymous” -and $_.User -notlike “Default”}} | select Identity,User,@{name=’AccessRights’;expression={$_.AccessRights -join ‘,’}} | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation “Backup_ Source_Calendar_Delegation.csv”

Export Exchange objects from Destination:

52. Log into EXO Powershell at Destination

53. Contacts: Export Name and Email addresses

Get-Recipient -Filter {RecipientType -eq “MailContact” -and EmailAddresses -like ‘domainname‘} | select DisplayName,RecipientType,ExternalEmailAddress,EmailAddresses | export-csv -NoTypeInformation “Backup_Destination_Contacts.csv”

54. Mailboxes: Export Forwarding

For each MAILBOX:

get-Mailbox -Identity | select UserPrincipalName,DeliverToMailboxAndForward,ForwardingAddress,ForwardingSmtpAddress | export-csv -notypeinformation ‘Backup_Destination_Forwarding.csv’ -append

55. Pre-Stage Migration of all Mailboxes – email older than 10 days

Important: For the Source, use the onmicrosoft.com address

Select the Project Name
Click on the drop-down arrow beside “Add” and select “Bulk Add”
Click on “Select File”, locate the CSV file created in step 1 then click “Open”
The contents of the CSV will get imported and displayed on screen, click “Save”

Pre-stage migration:

  • Select ALL the accounts that were imported
  • Do not select the test accounts that were migrated previously
  • Click on the down arrow beside “Start” and select “Pre-Stage Migration”
  • In the “Pre-Stage Migration” window review the settings
  • At “Select what to migrate” confirm “Mail” is selected
  • At “Migration Scheduling” click on the down-arrow and select “Specific Time”
  • Select an appropriate date and time
  • Click “Start Migration”
  • Click on the “Refresh list” icon to get a status of the migration or click on the dashboard on the left-hand side menu


Allow time for the migration to complete
The Pre-Stage migrates emails only
Calendars, contacts, journals, notes, and tasks will only migrate during a full migration

56. Resolve any BitTitan error messages

  • Select the accounts that errored
  • Click on the down arrow beside “Start” and select “Retry Errors”
  • In the “Retry Errors” window, review the settings
  • Click “Retry Errors”
  • Click on the “Refresh list” icon to get a status of the migration or click on the dashboard on the left-hand side menu

57. Add the domain then request a TXT record to verify we own the domain

  • In the Admin center, go to Setup > Domains
  • Choose Add domain
  • Enter the name of the domain you want to add, then click Next
  • At Verify by, select the “TXT record” tab
  • Take a note of the TXT Name, TXT Value and TTL values. 
  • Click Save and close (do not click Verify)

58. Setup IM federation so you have chat communications during pre-cutover

Important: Cannot migrate any IM contacts to Microsoft Teams.

59. 1 day before migration

Migrate mailboxes – Full migration

  • Log into BitTitan console
  • Select the Project Name
  • Full Migration
  • Select ALL accounts
  • Click on the down arrow beside “Start” and select “Full Migration”
  • In the “Full Migration” window review the settings
  • At “Select what to migrate” confirm ALL options are selected
  • At “Migration Scheduling” do nothing
  • Click “Start Migration”
  • Click on the “Refresh list” icon to get a status of the migration or click on the dashboard on the left-hand side menu

Important: Allow time for the migration to complete.

60. Resolve any BitTitan error messages

  • Select the accounts that errored
  • Click on the down arrow beside “Start” and select “Retry Errors”
  • In the “Retry Errors” window, review the settings
  • Click “Retry Errors”
  • Click on the “Refresh list” icon to get a status of the migration or click on the dashboard on the left-hand side menu

61. Migration day

[Optional] Change the TTL value on each MX record

  • We should request that the TTL value is reduced to a smaller number eg 5 minutes
  • If the TTL cannot be lowered to 5 minutes, make note of the lowest value. Example, if the lowest value is 4 hours, the MX record will have to be changed 4 hours before your migration begins.
  • Request the TTL is updated at least 8 hours before migration

Remove domain dependencies from Source:

62. Log into Azure AD and EXO Powershell at Source

[Optional] Change FEDERATED domains to MANAGED, if applicable.

63. Run the following cmdlet to determine which domains are FEDERATED or MANAGED



Set-MsolADFSContext -Computer ADFS_Server_FQDN

Convert-MsolDomainToStandard -DomainName “Domain Name Here” -SkipUserConversion:$true -PasswordFile C:\passwords.txt

64. Run the following cmdlets to verify the domains are managed


[If Applicable] Disable the directory synchronization

Set-MsolDirSyncEnabled -EnableDirSync $false

[If Applicable] SharePoint Online public website

65. If you had also set up your domain with a SharePoint Online public website, then before you can remove the domain, you first have to set the website’s URL back to the initial domain.

[If Applicable] Skype for Business and Teams

Remove all Skype for Business and Teams licenses from the users in the source tenant. This will remove the SIP attribute from their proxy addresses.

66. Set the default domain in source tenant to domainname.onmicrosoft.com

  • In the Admin center, go to the Domains page, or choose Setup > Domains. …
  • On the Domains page, choose the domain you want to set as the default for new email addresses
  • Choose Set as default.

67. Change all Mailboxes UPNs to domainname .onmicrosoft.com domain. Replace the domainname with your domain name.

Get-MsolUser -all | select-object UserPrincipalName,ObjectID | export-csv -NoTypeInformation “User.csv”

Import-csv User.csv| ForEach-Object {
$ID = $_.UserPrincipalName
$ObjectID = $_.ObjectID
$365Email = $ID.Split(“@”)[0] + “@ domainname.onmicrosoft.com”
Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -ObjectId $ObjectID -NewUserPrincipalName $365Email}

68. Confirm the UPNs have been updated

Get-MsolUser -all | select-object UserPrincipalName,ObjectID

69. Change all Distribution Groups Primary SMTP address to domainname.onmicrosoft.com domain. Replace the domainname with your domain name.

Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | select-object PrimarySMTPAddress | export-csv -NoTypeInformation “DL.csv”

Import-csv DL.csv| ForEach-Object {
$ID = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
$365Email = $ID.Split(“@”)[0] + “@domainname.onmicrosoft.com”
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity $ID -primarysmtpaddress $365Email}

70. Confirm the primary smtp’s have been updated

Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | select-object PrimarySMTPAddress

71. As we changed every mailboxes UPN, the primary SMTP addresses has also been updated to domainname.onmicrosoft.com. Now remove all aliases from every mailbox using this script:

$users = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Where {$_.Emailaddresses.count -gt 1}
foreach ($user in $users) {
foreach ($email in $user.emailaddresses){
if ($email -ne “SMTP:”+$user.PrimarySmtpAddress){
Set-Mailbox -Identity $user.name -EmailAddresses @{Remove=$email}
Write-host $user.primarysmtpaddress “has been processed”

72. Confirm the Primary and Alias addresses are both domainname.onmicrosoft.com ONLY

Get-Mailbox | select PrimarySmtpAddress,EmailAddresses

73. Remove all aliases from every distribution group

$groups = Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | Where {$_.Emailaddresses.count -gt 1}
foreach ($group in $groups) {
foreach ($email in $group.emailaddresses){
if ($email -ne “SMTP:”+$group.PrimarySmtpAddress){
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity $group.name -EmailAddresses @{Remove=$email}
Write-host $group.primarysmtpaddress “has been processed”

74. Confirm the Primary and Alias addresses are both domainname.onmicrosoft.com ONLY

Get-DistributionGroup | select PrimarySmtpAddress,EmailAddresses

[If Required] O365 Groups: User the cmdlets below to remove the domain:

Get-UnifiedGroup -Identity “name” | select primarysmtpaddress,emailaddresses

Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity “name” -PrimarySMTPAddress [email protected]
Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity “name” -EmailAddresses @{remove=”smtp:[email protected]”}

75. Confirm all dependencies have been removed. Replace the domainname with your domain name.

Get-MsolUser -DomainName domainname.com -all


  • If the results identify a user that is NOT licensed and STILL has an alias
  • Assign the user a license
  • Go into EXO and set their primary address to onmicrosoft.com then remove all aliases
  • Remove the license
  • Remove Domain from Source

76. Remove the domain from the source Microsoft 365 tenant

  • In the Admin center, go to Setup > Domains
  • Open the domain you wish to remove
  • Click Remove
  • At “Are you sure you want to remove this domain” click Remove
  • Confirm the domain was removed successfully then click Close


  • Allow up to 60 minutes before adding the domains into the destination tenant
  • O365 may still think the domain is still in use

77. Add Mail Rules and Connectors at Destination

[If required]

  • Log into O365 Admin Portal
  • Go to Exchange admin center – Protection – Connection filter – Edit “Default”, go to “connection filtering”, add the IP address into the “IP Allow list”
  • Go to Exchange admin center – Protection – Spam filter – Edit “Default”, go to “allow lists”, add the domain name into the “Domain allow list”

78. Verify the domain

  • In the Admin center, go to Setup > Domains
  • Open the domain previously added.
  • Click Start setup
  • Click Verify
  • At Set up your online services select I will manage my own DNS records then click Next
  • At Choose your online services select the required services then click Next
  • You will see a page with all the required DNS records
    Update the DNS records
    Allow time for the DNS changes to propagate globally ~ 20 mins
  • Click Verify
  • Confirm there are green tick marks beside the MX and TXT records
    If no CNAME, the overall verification process will fail
    Instead click Ignore incorrect DNS
  • Click Finish – you’re done!

79. Verify changes

  • Check Domain in Microsoft 365
  • Go to Microsoft 365 Admin Centre and click on Domains
  • Select the domain you have just added and click on ‘View DNS Settings’

80. Check Domain

To check everything is setup as it should be, wait around an hour for all updates to take effect then launch: https://centralops.net/co/
Type in the domain name and check all records are set as in ‘View DNS Settings’ above.

81. Remove Email Forwarding at Destination

Log into EXO Powershell at Destination and run the following cmdlets for each user:

Set-Mailbox -Identity “DestinationUserEmailAddress” -ForwardingAddress $null -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $false

82. Add aliases for each user at Destination:

  • Log into the on-premise Exchange server
  • Run Exchange powershell and execute the following cmdlets:

Set-RemoteMailbox -Identity “[email protected]” -EmailAddresses @{Add=”smtp:name1@domain”,”smtp:name2@domain”}

83. For each GROUP: 

  • Log into the on-premise Exchange server
  • Run Exchange powershell and execute the following cmdlets:

Set-DistributionGroup -Identity “groupname” -EmailAddresses @{add=”[email protected]”}

84. Change the TTL value on each MX record back to the original setting eg 1 hour

85. Migrate Mailboxes – Final Migration

  • Log into BitTitan console
  • Select the Project Name
  • Select ALL accounts
  • Click on the down arrow beside “Start” and select “Full Migration”
  • In the “Full Migration” window review the settings
  • At “Select what to migrate” confirm ALL options are selected
  • At “Migration Scheduling” do nothing
  • Click “Start Migration”
  • Click on the “Refresh list” icon to get a status of the migration or click on the dashboard on the left-hand side menu

Important: Allow time for the migration to complete

86. Resolve any BitTitan error messages

  • Once resolved
  • Select the accounts that errored
  • Click on the down arrow beside “Start” and select “Retry Errors”
  • In the “Retry Errors” window, review the settings
  • Click “Retry Errors”
  • Click on the “Refresh list” icon to get a status of the migration or click on the dashboard on the left-hand side menu

87. Delete Contacts at Destination

Connect to EXO at Destination and run the following cmdlet:

Import-csv “Backup_Destination_Contacts.csv”| ForEach-Object {
$DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
Remove-MailContact -Identity $Displayname}

88. Confirm the Contact has been deleted:

Import-csv “Backup_Destination_Contacts.csv”| ForEach-Object {
$DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
Get-MailContact -Identity $Displayname}

89. Set the default email address at Destination

For each USER:

  • Log into the on-premise Exchange server
  • Run Exchange powershell and execute the following cmdlets:

Set-RemoteMailbox “[email protected]” -PrimarySmtpAddress “[email protected]

90. For each GROUP:

  • Log into the on-premise Exchange server
  • Run Exchange powershell and execute the following cmdlets:

Set-DistributionGroup -Identity ‘DisplayName’ -PrimarySmtpAddress “[email protected]” -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $false

91. For each SHARED MAILBOX:

  • Log into the on-premise Exchange server
  • Rename the display name back to the original display name

Important: Allow time for all changes to sync to O365.

Post-Migration Activities

92. Verify delegates / aliases have been correctly populated

  • Open O365 Admin Portal and both Source and Destination
  • Compare Users / Shared Mailboxes etc to confirm delegates and aliases have been added correctly.

Migrate Mailboxes – Final Migration

  • Log into BitTitan console
  • Select the Project Name
  • Full Migration
  • Select ALL accounts
  • Click on the down arrow beside “Start” and select “Full Migration”
  • In the “Full Migration” window review the settings
  • At “Select what to migrate” confirm ALL options are selected
  • At “Migration Scheduling” do nothing
  • Click “Start Migration”
  • Click on the “Refresh list” icon to get a status of the migration or click on the dashboard on the left-hand side menu

Important: Allow time for the migration to complete.

93. Resolve any BitTitan error messages

Select the accounts that errored
Click on the down arrow beside “Start” and select “Retry Errors”
In the “Retry Errors” window, review the settings
Click “Retry Errors”
Click on the “Refresh list” icon to get a status of the migration or click on the dashboard on the left-hand side menu

94. Execute End User Test Plan

Launch Outlook at Destination and verify the contents of the following:

Send and Receive emails INTERNALLY and verify emails have been received
Send and Receive emails EXTERNALLY and verify emails have been received
Verify the sender’s email address
Send and Receive emails form a SHARED MAILBOX and confirm emails have been received.
Verify the sender’s email address
Send a test Calendar invite to a colleague and confirm the invite was received

95. Log into EXO Powershell at Destination

For each mailbox, remove the service account

Remove-MailboxPermission -Identity “User1” -User “BitTitan service account” -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All

96. Take ownership of Domain and DNS records

[If not already actioned] – If the current owner made the required changes to DNS, take ownership of the domains and DNS records.

Back-out Plan

97. Change default email address back to old email address

  • Log into the on-premise Exchange server
  • Run Exchange powershell and execute the following cmdlets:

Set-RemoteMailbox “[email protected]” -PrimarySmtpAddress “[email protected]

98. For each USER:

Log into the on-premise Exchange server
Run Exchange powershell and execute the following cmdlets:

Set-RemoteMailbox “[email protected]” -EmailAddresses @{remove=”[email protected]”}

99. For each GROUP:

Log into the on-premise Exchange server
Run Exchange powershell and execute the following cmdlets:

Set-DistributionGroup -Identity “groupname” -EmailAddresses @{remove=”[email protected]”}

100. Verify attributes have been updated:

  • Log into the on-premise Exchange server
  • Run Exchange powershell and execute the following cmdlets:

Get-RemoteMailbox -Identity | selecione userprincipalname,alias,primarysmtpaddress,emailaddresses

101. Recrie os contatos no destino:

Faça login no EXO Powershell em Destination e execute os seguintes cmdlets:

Import-csv “Backup_Destination_Contacts.csv”| ForEach-Object {
$DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
$Email = $_.EmailAddresses
New-MailContact -Name $Displayname -ExternalEmailAddress $Email}

102. Habilitando o encaminhamento do Destino para o CONTATO

Faça login no EXO Powershell no destino
Execute os seguintes cmdlets:

Set-Mailbox -Identity “[email protected]” -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $true -ForwardingAddress “[email protected]

103. Alterações de DNS reverso

104. Confirme se todas as dependências foram removidas. Substitua o nome de domínio pelo seu nome de domínio.

Get-MsolUser -DomainName domainname.com -all

105. Remova o domínio do locatário de destino do Microsoft 365

  • No centro de administração do Microsoft 365, vá para configuração > domínios
  • Abra o domínio que você deseja remover
  • Clique em Remover
  • Em “Tem certeza de que deseja remover este domínio” clique em Remover
  • Confirme se o domínio foi removido com sucesso e clique em Fechar

Importante :

Aguarde até 60 minutos antes de adicionar os domínios ao locatário de destino
O365 ainda pode pensar que o domínio ainda está em uso

106. Adicione o domínio na Origem e solicite um registro TXT para verificar se somos proprietários do domínio

  • No centro de administração do Microsoft 365, vá para configuração > domínios
  • Escolha Adicionar domínio
  • Digite o nome do domínio que você deseja adicionar e clique em Avançar
  • Em Verificar por, selecione a guia “Registro TXT”
  • Anote os valores TXT Name, TXT Value e TTL.
  • Clique em Salvar e fechar (não clique em Verificar)

107. Verifique o domínio

  • No centro de administração do Microsoft 365, vá para configuração > domínios
  • Abra o domínio adicionado anteriormente.
  • Clique em Iniciar configuração
  • Clique em Verificar
  • Em Configurar seus serviços online, selecione Eu gerenciarei meus próprios registros DNS e clique em Avançar
  • Em Escolha seus serviços online, selecione os serviços necessários e clique em Avançar
  • Você verá uma página com todos os registros DNS necessários
  • Atualize os registros DNS
  • Dê tempo para que as alterações de DNS se propaguem globalmente ~ 20 minutos
  • Clique em Verificar
  • Confirme se há marcas verdes ao lado dos registros MX e TXT
  • Se não houver CNAME, o processo geral de verificação falhará
  • Em vez disso, clique em Ignorar DNS incorreto
  • Clique em Concluir – pronto.

108. Verifique as alterações

  • Verificar domínio no Microsoft 365
  • Vá para o Centro de administração do Microsoft 365 e clique em Domínios
  • Selecione o domínio que você acabou de adicionar e clique em 'Visualizar configurações de DNS'

109. Verificar Domínio

Para verificar se tudo está configurado como deveria, aguarde cerca de uma hora para que todas as atualizações entrem em vigor e inicie: http://centralops.net/co/
Digite o nome do domínio e verifique se todos os registros estão definidos como em 'Exibir configurações de DNS ' acima de.

110. Se aplicável, adicione todas as licenças do Skype for Business e do Teams dos usuários no locatário de origem. Isso adicionará o atributo SIP aos seus endereços de proxy.

111. Restaure o endereço de proxy original para todos os usuários:

  • Abra “Backup_Mailboxes.csv” no Excel
  • Na coluna EmailAddresses, verifique se há uma vírgula entre cada endereço de e-mail e não um espaço, por exemplo, SMTP:[email protected],smtp:[email protected]
  • Faça login no EXO powershell na fonte
  • Componha e execute o cmdlet abaixo para cada usuário:

Set-Mailbox -Identity “alias” -EmailAddresses SMTP:[email protected],smtp:[email protected]

  • Isso substituirá seus endereços de proxy e definirá o endereço de e-mail smtp padrão.

112. Restaure o UPN para todos os usuários:

Import-csv “Backup_Mailboxes.csv”| ForEach-Object {
$NewUPN = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
$alias = $_.Alias
​​$OldUPN = $alias + “@vivacityhealth.onmicrosoft.com”
Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -UserPrincipalName $OldUPN -NewUserPrincipalName $Newupn

113. Verifique se o UPN, o endereço de e-mail e proxy foram atualizados:

Get-Mailbox -Identity | selecione userprincipalname,alias,primarysmtpaddress,emailaddresses

114. Altere o endereço SMTP de todos os Grupos de Distribuição para o domínio domainname.onmicrosoft.com. Substitua o nome de domínio pelo seu nome de domínio.

Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Ilimitado | select-object PrimarySMTPAddress | export-csv -NoTypeInformation “DL.csv”

Import-csv DL.csv| ForEach-Object {
$ID = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
$365Email = $ID.Split(“@”)[0] + “@domainname.onmicrosoft.com”
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity $ID -primarysmtpaddress $365Email}

115. Remova todos os aliases de cada grupo de distribuição

$groups = Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Ilimitado | Onde {$_.Emailaddresses.count -gt 1}
foreach ($group in $groups) {
foreach ($email in $group.emailaddresses){
if ($email -ne “SMTP:”+$group.PrimarySmtpAddress){
Set -DistributionGroup -Identity $group.name -EmailAddresses @{Remove=$email}
Write-host $group.primarysmtpaddress “foi processado” $

É assim que funciona a migração de locatário para locatário do Office 365.

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