MS Office: Fix “Windows cannot find… integratedoffice.exe” Error

When attempting to install Microsoft Office, you may receive an error that says:

Windows cannot find C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\clientx64\integratedoffice.exe“.

To fix this problem, follow these steps.

Note: You will likely need to have administrator rights to perform these steps. You may need to contact your IT administrator or the person who setup your PC for access.

  1. Hold down the Windows Key and press “R” to bring up the Run dialog box.
  2. Type “regedit“, then press “Enter“.
  3. Navigate to the following location:
    • Microsoft
    • Office
  4. Delete the “1x.0” folder. This folder might say 15.0, 16.0, or something similar based on the version of Microsoft Office you are running.

Some users have also found that deleting the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 1x\ folder solves this problem for them.

Now restart the computer and try to install Office again. You should be able to make it through without the error message interrupting your progress.

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