11 beste oplossingen voor spellingcontrole werken niet in Microsoft Word
Kunt u de spelling in Microsoft Word niet corrigeren? Hier is een handleiding om te verhelpen dat de spellingcontrole niet werkt in Microsoft Word.
Dit is een complete gids voor het uitvoeren van de migratie van huurder naar huurder naar Office 365.
2 of meer weken voor migratie
1. Controleer het domeineigendom en leg de informatie vast en sla op.
2. Leg alle DNS-records vast via deze link .
3. Identificeer en leg de DNS-records vast die relevant zijn voor Exchange (als u een domeinoverdracht uitvoert) - TXT , MX en SPF .
4. Noteer op elk MX-record de TTL-waarde
5. Controleer de beschikbaarheid van het domein via deze link .
6. Bepaal welke Microsoft 365-services vereist zijn voor het domein.
7. Beslissing nodig - Bespreek domein- en DNS-vereisten
Kopie van ALLE (niet alleen Exchange) records zodat de records op de bestemmings-DNS-servers worden ingesteld.
8. Bespreek met het projectteam welke items NIET worden gemigreerd met behulp van de BitTitan-migratietool.
9. Vraag domeinbeheerdersrechten aan voor O365 Admin Portal bij Source
Beheerdersrechten zijn vereist als onderdeel van het proces dat we nodig hebben om het domein te verwijderen uit de beheerdersportal bij Source en vervolgens het domein toe te voegen aan Destination.
10. Log in op de O365-beheerportal bij Source en bekijk de EXO-e-mailregels en -connectors
11. Controleer of de domeinen/IP-adressen NIET op de zwarte lijst staan met behulp van de zwarte lijsten van mxtoolbox .
Belangrijk : indien op de zwarte lijst, wanneer we de domeinen / IP-adressen op de witte lijst zetten.
12. Log in op O365 Admin Portal bij Source en exporteer geaccepteerde domeinen, groepen, mailboxen, bronnen, gedeelde mailboxen en gebruikerslijst naar EXCEL.
13. Bekijk de grootte van elke mailbox die moet worden gemigreerd.
14. Controleer de e-mailconfiguratie
15. Voltooi de lijst met gebruikers, groepen en de gedeelde mailboxen die moeten worden gemigreerd
16. Maak alle gebruikersmailboxen, gedeelde mailboxen, distributiegroepen, beveiligingsgroepen, contactpersonen en bronnen op de bestemming aan.
17. Gedelegeerde toegang tot mailboxen/agenda's toevoegen op bestemming
18. Creëer gebruikerscommunicatie
19. Maak 2 testaccounts bij Source
20. Vul de 2 testaccounts bij Source in met de volgende gegevens
21. Maak 2 testaccounts aan op bestemming
22. Verleen Global Admin-account volledige toegang tot mailboxen:
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize onbeperkt | Add-MailboxPermission -Gebruiker "admin account" -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All -AutoMapping $false
23. EWS moet werken op de Source Exchange-server
24. Test de toegang tot de mailbox door een andere mailbox te openen met het beheerdersaccount met behulp van OWA
25. Voeg tenantname.onmicrosoft.com-account toe als proxyadres aan elke mailbox bij Source.
We moeten dit doen. We zullen de domein-e-mailadressen uit alle mailboxen verwijderen voordat we het domein van de huurder kunnen verwijderen.
26. Maak verbinding met EXO Powershell op SOURCE
27. Proxyadressen exporteren en bijwerken om @tenantname.onmicrosoft.com op te nemen
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter "e-mailadressen -niet zoals '*@tenantname.onmicrosoft.com'" | selecteer alias,primarysmtpaddress,e-mailadressen |export-csv -NoTypeInformation “C:\Temp\mailboxes_output.csv”
Import-csv C:\Temp\mailboxes_output.csv| ForEach-Object {
$ID = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
$alias = $_.Alias
$365Email = $alias + "@tenantname.onmicrosoft.com"
Set-Mailbox -Identity $ID -EmailAddresses @{add = $365Email}
28. Bevestig dat alle mailboxen zijn bijgewerkt. Resultaten moeten nul zijn.
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter "e-mailadressen -niet zoals '*@tenantname.onmicrosoft.com'" | selecteer alias,primarysmtpaddress,e-mailadressen
29. Verleen beheerdersaccount volledige toegang tot mailboxen op Destination
30. Maak verbinding met EXO Powershell op bestemming
Verleen volledige mailboxtoegang tot het BitTitan-serviceaccount via alle verworven domeinmailboxen op de bestemming.
Add-MailboxPermission -Identiteit "Bestemmingsmailbox -Gebruiker "BitTitan-serviceaccount" -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All -AutoMapping $false
31. Test de toegang tot de mailbox door een andere mailbox te openen met het beheerdersaccount met behulp van OWA
32. BitTitan-licentievereisten
Een licentie kan maximaal 10 keer per mailbox worden gebruikt. Dit veronderstelt dat het eindpunt niet verandert.
Als u BitTitan-migratie test met testaccounts, zorg er dan voor dat u het totale aantal benodigde testaccounts meetelt in het aantal licenties.
33. Licenties inwisselen
Opmerking : Registreer voor een BitTitan-account als je geen account hebt, zorg ervoor dat je account actief is door je e-mailadres te verifiëren.
34. BitTitan-project maken
35. Bij Broninstellingen:
36. Bij Bestemmingsinstellingen:
37. Bij Migratie van huurder naar huurder
38. Migreer testaccounts naar bestemming met BitTitan – Pre-Stage Migration
39. Een pre-fase migratie uitvoeren
Belangrijk :
40. Los eventuele BitTitan-foutmeldingen op
41. Gebruik OWA om te bevestigen dat de mailboxen de gemigreerde gegevens bevatten
42. Bij bron: gebruik OWA om extra e-mail te verzenden en te ontvangen
43. Voer een volledige migratie uit
44. Resolve any BitTitan error messages
45. Use OWA to confirm the mailboxes contain the migrated data
46. Liaise with the business and confirms date and time of migration. Confirm other resources are available for migration
47. If the decision was made to take ownership of the domain and DNS before migration, initiate the transfer
1 week before migration
Export Exchange objects from Source:
48. Log into EXO Powershell at Source
49. Mailboxes: Export UPN, Alias, SMTP and Proxy addresses
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | select userprincipalname,alias,primarysmtpaddress,emailaddresses | export-csv -NoTypeInformation “Backup_Source_Mailboxes.csv”
50. Groups: Export Alias, SMTP and Proxy addresses
Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | select alias,primarysmtpaddress,emailaddresses | export-csv -NoTypeInformation “Backup_ Source_Groups.csv”
51. Calendar Delegation:
Get-Mailbox | foreach {
write-host -fore green “Processing $_”
Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity “$($_.alias):\Calendar” | where {$_.User -notlike “Anonymous” -and $_.User -notlike “Default”}} | select Identity,User,@{name=’AccessRights’;expression={$_.AccessRights -join ‘,’}} | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation “Backup_ Source_Calendar_Delegation.csv”
Export Exchange objects from Destination:
52. Log into EXO Powershell at Destination
53. Contacts: Export Name and Email addresses
Get-Recipient -Filter {RecipientType -eq “MailContact” -and EmailAddresses -like ‘domainname‘} | select DisplayName,RecipientType,ExternalEmailAddress,EmailAddresses | export-csv -NoTypeInformation “Backup_Destination_Contacts.csv”
54. Mailboxes: Export Forwarding
For each MAILBOX:
get-Mailbox -Identity | select UserPrincipalName,DeliverToMailboxAndForward,ForwardingAddress,ForwardingSmtpAddress | export-csv -notypeinformation ‘Backup_Destination_Forwarding.csv’ -append
55. Pre-Stage Migration of all Mailboxes – email older than 10 days
Important: For the Source, use the onmicrosoft.com address
Select the Project Name
Click on the drop-down arrow beside “Add” and select “Bulk Add”
Click on “Select File”, locate the CSV file created in step 1 then click “Open”
The contents of the CSV will get imported and displayed on screen, click “Save”
Pre-stage migration:
Allow time for the migration to complete
The Pre-Stage migrates emails only
Calendars, contacts, journals, notes, and tasks will only migrate during a full migration
56. Resolve any BitTitan error messages
57. Add the domain then request a TXT record to verify we own the domain
58. Setup IM federation so you have chat communications during pre-cutover
Important: Cannot migrate any IM contacts to Microsoft Teams.
59. 1 day before migration
Migrate mailboxes – Full migration
Important: Allow time for the migration to complete.
60. Resolve any BitTitan error messages
61. Migration day
[Optional] Change the TTL value on each MX record
Remove domain dependencies from Source:
62. Log into Azure AD and EXO Powershell at Source
[Optional] Change FEDERATED domains to MANAGED, if applicable.
63. Run the following cmdlet to determine which domains are FEDERATED or MANAGED
Set-MsolADFSContext -Computer ADFS_Server_FQDN
Convert-MsolDomainToStandard -DomainName “Domain Name Here” -SkipUserConversion:$true -PasswordFile C:\passwords.txt
64. Run the following cmdlets to verify the domains are managed
[If Applicable] Disable the directory synchronization
Set-MsolDirSyncEnabled -EnableDirSync $false
[If Applicable] SharePoint Online public website
65. If you had also set up your domain with a SharePoint Online public website, then before you can remove the domain, you first have to set the website’s URL back to the initial domain.
[If Applicable] Skype for Business and Teams
Remove all Skype for Business and Teams licenses from the users in the source tenant. This will remove the SIP attribute from their proxy addresses.
66. Set the default domain in source tenant to domainname.onmicrosoft.com
67. Change all Mailboxes UPNs to domainname .onmicrosoft.com domain. Replace the domainname with your domain name.
Get-MsolUser -all | select-object UserPrincipalName,ObjectID | export-csv -NoTypeInformation “User.csv”
Import-csv User.csv| ForEach-Object {
$ID = $_.UserPrincipalName
$ObjectID = $_.ObjectID
$365Email = $ID.Split(“@”)[0] + “@ domainname.onmicrosoft.com”
Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -ObjectId $ObjectID -NewUserPrincipalName $365Email}
68. Confirm the UPNs have been updated
Get-MsolUser -all | select-object UserPrincipalName,ObjectID
69. Change all Distribution Groups Primary SMTP address to domainname.onmicrosoft.com domain. Replace the domainname with your domain name.
Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | select-object PrimarySMTPAddress | export-csv -NoTypeInformation “DL.csv”
Import-csv DL.csv| ForEach-Object {
$ID = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
$365Email = $ID.Split(“@”)[0] + “@domainname.onmicrosoft.com”
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity $ID -primarysmtpaddress $365Email}
70. Confirm the primary smtp’s have been updated
Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | select-object PrimarySMTPAddress
71. As we changed every mailboxes UPN, the primary SMTP addresses has also been updated to domainname.onmicrosoft.com. Now remove all aliases from every mailbox using this script:
$users = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Where {$_.Emailaddresses.count -gt 1}
foreach ($user in $users) {
foreach ($email in $user.emailaddresses){
if ($email -ne “SMTP:”+$user.PrimarySmtpAddress){
Set-Mailbox -Identity $user.name -EmailAddresses @{Remove=$email}
Write-host $user.primarysmtpaddress “has been processed”
72. Confirm the Primary and Alias addresses are both domainname.onmicrosoft.com ONLY
Get-Mailbox | select PrimarySmtpAddress,EmailAddresses
73. Remove all aliases from every distribution group
$groups = Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | Where {$_.Emailaddresses.count -gt 1}
foreach ($group in $groups) {
foreach ($email in $group.emailaddresses){
if ($email -ne “SMTP:”+$group.PrimarySmtpAddress){
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity $group.name -EmailAddresses @{Remove=$email}
Write-host $group.primarysmtpaddress “has been processed”
74. Confirm the Primary and Alias addresses are both domainname.onmicrosoft.com ONLY
Get-DistributionGroup | select PrimarySmtpAddress,EmailAddresses
[If Required] O365 Groups: User the cmdlets below to remove the domain:
Get-UnifiedGroup -Identity “name” | select primarysmtpaddress,emailaddresses
Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity “name” -PrimarySMTPAddress [email protected]
Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity “name” -EmailAddresses @{remove=”smtp:[email protected]”}
75. Confirm all dependencies have been removed. Replace the domainname with your domain name.
Get-MsolUser -DomainName domainname.com -all
76. Remove the domain from the source Microsoft 365 tenant
77. Add Mail Rules and Connectors at Destination
[If required]
78. Verify the domain
79. Verify changes
80. Check Domain
To check everything is setup as it should be, wait around an hour for all updates to take effect then launch: https://centralops.net/co/
Type in the domain name and check all records are set as in ‘View DNS Settings’ above.
81. Remove Email Forwarding at Destination
Log into EXO Powershell at Destination and run the following cmdlets for each user:
Set-Mailbox -Identity “DestinationUserEmailAddress” -ForwardingAddress $null -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $false
82. Add aliases for each user at Destination:
Set-RemoteMailbox -Identity “[email protected]” -EmailAddresses @{Add=”smtp:name1@domain”,”smtp:name2@domain”}
83. For each GROUP:
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity “groupname” -EmailAddresses @{add=”[email protected]”}
84. Change the TTL value on each MX record back to the original setting eg 1 hour
85. Migrate Mailboxes – Final Migration
Important: Allow time for the migration to complete
86. Resolve any BitTitan error messages
87. Delete Contacts at Destination
Connect to EXO at Destination and run the following cmdlet:
Import-csv “Backup_Destination_Contacts.csv”| ForEach-Object {
$DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
Remove-MailContact -Identity $Displayname}
88. Confirm the Contact has been deleted:
Import-csv “Backup_Destination_Contacts.csv”| ForEach-Object {
$DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
Get-MailContact -Identity $Displayname}
89. Set the default email address at Destination
For each USER:
Set-RemoteMailbox “[email protected]” -PrimarySmtpAddress “[email protected]”
90. For each GROUP:
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity ‘DisplayName’ -PrimarySmtpAddress “[email protected]” -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $false
91. For each SHARED MAILBOX:
Important: Allow time for all changes to sync to O365.
Post-Migration Activities
92. Verify delegates / aliases have been correctly populated
Migrate Mailboxes – Final Migration
Important: Allow time for the migration to complete.
93. Resolve any BitTitan error messages
Select the accounts that errored
Click on the down arrow beside “Start” and select “Retry Errors”
In the “Retry Errors” window, review the settings
Click “Retry Errors”
Click on the “Refresh list” icon to get a status of the migration or click on the dashboard on the left-hand side menu
94. Execute End User Test Plan
Launch Outlook at Destination and verify the contents of the following:
Send and Receive emails INTERNALLY and verify emails have been received
Send and Receive emails EXTERNALLY and verify emails have been received
Verify the sender’s email address
Send and Receive emails form a SHARED MAILBOX and confirm emails have been received.
Verify the sender’s email address
Send a test Calendar invite to a colleague and confirm the invite was received
95. Log into EXO Powershell at Destination
For each mailbox, remove the service account
Remove-MailboxPermission -Identity “User1” -User “BitTitan service account” -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All
96. Take ownership of Domain and DNS records
[If not already actioned] – If the current owner made the required changes to DNS, take ownership of the domains and DNS records.
Back-out Plan
97. Change default email address back to old email address
Set-RemoteMailbox “[email protected]” -PrimarySmtpAddress “[email protected]”
98. For each USER:
Log into the on-premise Exchange server
Run Exchange powershell and execute the following cmdlets:
Set-RemoteMailbox “[email protected]” -EmailAddresses @{remove=”[email protected]”}
99. For each GROUP:
Log into the on-premise Exchange server
Run Exchange powershell and execute the following cmdlets:
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity “groupname” -EmailAddresses @{remove=”[email protected]”}
100. Verify attributes have been updated:
Get-RemoteMailbox -Identity | select userprincipalname,alias,primarysmtpaddress,emailaddresses
101. Re-create Contacts at Destination:
Log into EXO Powershell at Destination and run the following cmdlets:
Import-csv “Backup_Destination_Contacts.csv”| ForEach-Object {
$DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
$Email = $_.EmailAddresses
New-MailContact -Name $Displayname -ExternalEmailAddress $Email}
102. Enabling forwarding from Destination to CONTACT
Log into EXO Powershell at Destination
Run the following cmdlets:
Set-Mailbox -Identity “[email protected]” -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $true -ForwardingAddress “[email protected]”
103. Reverse DNS changes
104. Confirm all dependencies have been removed. Replace the domainname with your domain name.
Get-MsolUser -DomainName domainname.com -all
105. Remove the domain from the destination Microsoft 365 tenant
Allow up to 60 minutes before adding the domains into the destination tenant
O365 may still think the domain is still in use
106. Add the domain at Source then request a TXT record to verify we own the domain
107. Verify the domain
108. Verify changes
109. Check Domain
To check everything is setup as it should be, wait around an hour for all updates to take effect then launch: http://centralops.net/co/
Type in the domain name and check all records are set as in ‘View DNS Settings’ above.
110. If applicable, add all Skype for Business and Teams licenses from the users in the Source tenant. This will add the SIP attribute to their proxy addresses.
111. Restore original proxy address for all users:
Set-Mailbox -Identity “alias” -EmailAddresses SMTP:[email protected],smtp:[email protected]
112. Restore the UPN for all users:
Import-csv “Backup_Mailboxes.csv”| ForEach-Object {
$NewUPN = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
$alias = $_.Alias
$OldUPN = $alias + “@vivacityhealth.onmicrosoft.com”
Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -UserPrincipalName $OldUPN -NewUserPrincipalName $Newupn
113. Verify UPN, Email and Proxy Address have been updated:
Get-Mailbox -Identity | select userprincipalname,alias,primarysmtpaddress,emailaddresses
114. Change all Distribution Groups SMTP address to domainname.onmicrosoft.com domain. Replace the domainname with your domain name.
Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | select-object PrimarySMTPAddress | export-csv -NoTypeInformation “DL.csv”
Import-csv DL.csv| ForEach-Object {
$ID = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
$365Email = $ID.Split(“@”)[0] + “@domainname.onmicrosoft.com”
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity $ID -primarysmtpaddress $365Email}
115. Remove all aliases from every distribution group
$groups = Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | Where {$_.Emailaddresses.count -gt 1}
foreach ($group in $groups) {
foreach ($email in $group.emailaddresses){
if ($email -ne “SMTP:”+$group.PrimarySmtpAddress){
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity $group.name -EmailAddresses @{Remove=$email}
Write-host $group.primarysmtpaddress “has been processed” $
That’s how tenant to tenant migration Office 365 works.
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