修復三星 Galaxy Watch 不追蹤步數的 6 種方法
您的 Samsung Galaxy Watch 不計步嗎?查看文章中概述的步驟以立即解決問題。
儘管互聯網被譽為有利的力量,但它也飽受騙局的困擾。算一下,我們遇到過Facebook 詐騙、Twitter 詐騙、Skype 等等。有關社交媒體和即時通訊平台已竭盡全力避免此類騙局,並試圖在造成任何損害之前讓人們了解情況。然而,黑客可以輕鬆地降低安全標準,弄亂用戶數據並最終逃脫大量敏感數據。
雖然您可能還沒有遇到過,但單一的 IM 客戶端 WhatsApp 也受到此類騙局的困擾。雖然其中一些騙局非常愚蠢,但其中一些實際上會讓用戶感到困惑並讓他們感到困惑。下面列出了一些您應該注意的此類騙局。
騙局 1:WhatsApp 將在下午 6 點結束
“tomorrow at 6 pm they are ending WhatsApp and you have to pay to open it, this is by law.
This message is to inform all of our users, our servers have recently been very congested, so we are asking you to help us solve this problem. We require our active users to forward this message to each of the people in your contact list to confirm our active users using WhatsApp, if you do not send this message to all your contacts WhatsApp will then start to charge you. Your account will remain inactive with the consequence of losing all your contacts. Message from Jim Balsamic (CEO of WhatsApp) we have had an over usage of user names on WhatsApp Messenger. We are requesting all users to forward this message to their entire contact list. If you do not forward this message, we will take it as your account is invalid and it will be deleted within the next 48 hours. Please DO NOT ignore this message or WhatsApp will no longer recognize your activation.
If you wish to re-activate your account after it has been deleted, a charge of £25 will be added to your monthly bill.
We are also aware of the issue involving the pictures updates not showing. We are working diligently at fixing this problem and it will be up and running as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation from the WhatsApp team” Reference Source
所以騙局說,WhatsApp 很快就會向你收費,因為它的服務器已經擁擠。在任何情況下,此消息都不能證明其真實性。WhatsApp 絕不會在未經用戶同意的情況下使您的帳戶處於活動狀態或非活動狀態,無論網絡擁塞情況如何。
惡作劇 2:WhatsApp 的高級版本
您是否曾在接收 WhatsApp Gold 邀請的名單中?好吧,據稱一些用戶收到了黃金會員邀請,結果證明是假的。
在他們的辯護中,WhatsApp 確實會向您列表中尚未安裝 WhatsApp 的聯繫人發送邀請。但它絕不會在沒有公開宣布此類更新的情況下發送 pro/gold/plus/star 或任何此類版本的邀請。
騙局 3:WhatsApp 病毒
WhatsApp 病毒不是從應用程序內部傳播的,而是通過手機上的電子郵件客戶端傳播的。用戶會收到一封電子郵件,說您在 WhatsApp 上有未接來電或語音信息。該電子郵件包含一個聲稱顯示未接對話或電話的鏈接。點擊它後,病毒就會下載到您的設備上。
是的,這聽起來確實具有誤導性,但 WhatsApp 從不通過外部來源提供通知。由於 WhatsApp 使用您的電話號碼,因此他們無法通過像電子郵件這樣易受攻擊且無關的來源提供任何通知。最好忽略此類郵件或簡單地將它們報告為垃圾郵件。
騙局 4:WhatsApp 鏈消息
您一定在 WhatsApp 上看到過連鎖消息,其中要求我們將消息轉發給我們聯繫人列表中的 10 個人。這些絕對是廢話,您必須簡單地忽略此類虛假信息。
在 WhatsApp 上轉發的一條典型的鍊式消息——
“Hello, I. Am DAVID D. SURETECH founder of WhatsApp. this message is to inform all of our users that we have only 53million accounts available for new phones. Our servers have recently been very congested, so we asking for your help to solve this problem. We need our active users to forward this message to every single person in their contact list in order to confirm our active users that use WhatsApp. If you do not send this message to all your contacts to WhatsApp, then your account will remain inactive with the consequence of losing all your contacts. The automatic update symbol on your SmartPhone Will appear with the transmission of this message. Your smartphone will be updated within 24 hours, and will feature a new design; a new color for the chat and the icon will change from green to azul. Whatsapp will begin to charge unless you are a frequent user. If you have at least 10 contacts send this sms and the logo will become red on your platform to indicate that you are an active user. Tomorrow, we wil begin to take messages for whatsapp for 0.37 cents. Forward this message to more than 9 people in your contact list and the what’s app logo on your will turn blue meaning that you have Become a free user for life.”
對於這些騙局,WhatsApp 的回應是——
“WhatsApp will no longer charge subscription fees. For many years, we’ve asked some people to pay a fee for using WhatsApp after their first year. As we’ve grown, we’ve found that this approach hasn’t worked well. Many WhatsApp users don’t have a debit or credit card number and they worried they’d lose access to their friends and family after their first year. So over the next several weeks, we’ll remove fees from the different versions of our app and WhatsApp will no longer charge you for our service.”
“Please understand that this is a hoax and there is no truth to it.”
騙局 5:WhatsApp 間諜應用程序
您可能遇到過 WhatsApp Spy 應用程序,它可以讓您窺探他人的聊天記錄。是的,你沒看錯!有什麼比監視你的前任的機會更好的了。但實際上沒有這樣的應用程序存在,這絕對是一個騙局。
這個騙局已經擴散得如此之多,以至於如果您在 Google 上搜索“WhatsApp 間諜應用程序”,您會找到幾篇關於如何監視其他人的文章以及各種應用程序和軟件的鏈接。但是,這些鏈接中的大多數是您設備上惡意軟件和間諜軟件的入口,不應下載或點擊。
您的 Samsung Galaxy Watch 不計步嗎?查看文章中概述的步驟以立即解決問題。
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