Firefox 29 獲得重大改款和新功能(視頻)

經過多年的小幅更新,Mozilla 今天發布了 Firefox 29,並進行了重大的用戶界面重新設計。據該公司稱,這是有史以​​來最優雅和可定制的網絡瀏覽器版本。 

After updating to the latest version of the open source internet software, users will notice right away the new look. For starters the new tabs have improved, in the new version it’s easy to know which tap you’re on, and the other open tabs fade into the background avoiding unnecessary distractions.

Firefox 29 gets major facelift and new features (video)

Long gone is the orange menu button, now the Firefox menu is located in the top-right corner of the application (like in Google Chrome). The new menu adds a “Customize” option to include only the functionality, services, and add-ons you need and nothing more. 

Firefox 29 gets major facelift and new features (video)

Besides the main UI changes, Firefox has also improved bookmarks, as users can now create bookmarks with a single click and manage them right from the toolbar. 

New animations performing different actions and opening menus also appear in version 29 of the open source internet software.  

在新的更新中,Firefox 現在使用 Mozilla 的 Firefox 帳戶在設備之間同步密碼、書籤、設置、Awesome bar 歷史記錄、打開的標籤等。同步機制已得到簡化,現在更易於使用,即使對於那些不精通的用戶也是如此。所以這意味著不再有隨機代碼,只有傳統的電子郵件和密碼。 

也許用戶會注意到的最明顯變化是新設計,但仔細觀察很明顯 Mozilla 使 Firefox 29 與 Google Chrome 相似。然而,使這個網絡瀏覽器獨一無二的主要區別之一是它的可定制性。在許多選項和功能被隱藏之前,但現在用戶可以通過單擊“自定義”按鈕將這些選項向前推進。 


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