任務管理器在 Windows 11 22H2 上獲得強調色支持
任務管理器應用程序將包括對強調色的支持,以繼續改進 Windows 11 與版本 22H2 的一致性設計。
2022 年 1 月 5 日更新: Windows 11(版本 21H2)於2021 年 10 月 5 日發布,它代表了下一代 Windows,它引入了新功能和增強功能,以提高安全性、生產力和現代化整個體驗。
在此版本中,您會發現開始菜單、任務欄、設置和文件資源管理器的 UI 發生了重大變化,包括圓角、更新的字體以及所有組件的一致設計。
雖然這是一個新版本,但它仍然基於 Windows 10 技術,這意味著它對應用程序和驅動程序保持相同的兼容性。然而,這一次,Windows 11增加了系統要求,讓許多設備沒有升級的機會。
10 月 5 日,微軟開始為已經運行 Windows 10 的新設備提供 Windows 11 的免費升級,這些設備已知具有流暢的升級體驗。隨著時間的推移,操作系統將根據硬件資格、可靠性指標、硬件年齡和其他因素擴展到更多計算機。然後在 2022 年下半年的某個時候,Windows 11 將完全可用於兼容設備。
與以前的版本一樣,您將收到通過 Windows 更新手動下載新版本的通知。如果您是“尋求者”,則可以通過單擊Windows 更新設置中的檢查更新按鈕,然後單擊下載並安裝按鈕來強制升級。或者,您也可以使用媒體創建工具安裝新更新,以執行就地升級或全新安裝。此外,您可以使用安裝助手,甚至可以下載 ISO 文件來創建可用於升級的 USB 可啟動媒體。
Windows 11 的新增功能
以下是所有可用的Windows 11 新功能,從重新設計的開始菜單到居中的任務欄,再到操作中心體驗,再到新的小部件、桌面、文件資源管理器、大修的設置應用程序、引擎蓋下的改進等等。
新的 Windows 11 開始菜單
Windows 11 帶有重新設計的開始菜單,它拋棄了動態磁貼,轉而採用傳統圖標和新的簡約設計。該菜單基於該公司針對 Windows 10X 的設計。它漂浮在任務欄上方,遵循新的操作系統風格設計,圓角和半透明材質。
Windows 11 開始菜單
菜單分為四個部分。頂部包括一個搜索框,單擊後會立即切換到 Windows 搜索體驗,這與Windows 10上的搜索框類似,但稍作調整。
固定部分包括所有您喜歡的應用程序,並且在您添加更多應用程序時它具有多個頁面。在右上角,您會找到一個按鈕來訪問“所有應用程序”列表,其工作方式與 Windows 10 上的列表類似。
從 Windows 11 開始,“開始”菜單與屏幕中心對齊,但您可以使用“設置”應用將其向左對齊。
如果某個項目已固定到“開始”,但尚未安裝,類似於經典菜單,當您單擊它時,將出現一個加載欄,直到從 Microsoft Store 安裝該應用程序。
此外,在“所有應用程序”列表中,“Windows 管理工具”文件夾已替換為“Windows 工具”選項,該選項可在控制面板中打開“Windows 工具”頁面。該頁面結合了 Windows 管理工具、Windows 附件、Windows PowerShell 和 Windows 系統文件夾中的所有可用選項。
Windows 11 任務欄按鈕
在 Windows 11 上,任務欄有很好的和不太好的變化。例如,現在默認情況下體驗與中心對齊,但可以通過修改設置來更改向左對齊。
Windows 11 還包括新的多任務改進,包括“快照組”,該功能允許您懸停屬於一組在屏幕上捕捉的窗口的應用程序,以切換到捕捉組,而無需快速重新捕捉任何內容。當您使用多個窗口時,此功能非常方便,然後您突然切換到另一個應用程序,然後又想切換回快照窗口組。
此外,任務欄不再包含搜索框。相反,您會找到一個搜索按鈕來打開 Windows 搜索體驗,該體驗與 Windows 10 上可用的相同。
主任務欄上下文菜單已從 Windows 11 中刪除,並已被替換為打開任務欄設置頁面的單個選項,您可以在其中配置體驗的各個方面。
操作中心不再是 Windows 11 上的東西。相反,您現在擁有兩種新體驗,包括“通知中心”和“快速設置”。
單擊帶有時間和日期以及通知的圖標組或使用Windows 鍵 + N鍵盤快捷鍵將打開通知中心。
在頂部,您可以找到所有通知。界面可能看起來不同,但它的工作原理與 Windows 10 上的體驗相同。如果您有來自同一個應用程序的多個通知,系統將只顯示最新的,隱藏重置,並讓您知道號碼你沒見過的消息。
在 Windows 11 上,您可以通過單擊網絡、音量和電源組圖標或使用Windows 鍵 + A鍵盤快捷鍵來打開快速設置。
彈出按鈕可讓您控制快速設置,例如 Wi-Fi、藍牙、飛行模式、省電模式、對焦輔助、輔助功能、夜燈、投射、鍵盤佈局、移動熱點、附近共享和項目。此外,根據功能,您可以打開一個子菜單,其中包含進一步控制體驗的選項。例如,單擊輔助功能旁邊的按鈕將允許您啟用或禁用放大鏡、顏色過濾器、講述人、單聲道音頻和粘滯鍵。
在 Windows 11 上,在“快速設置”彈出按鈕上方,您還可以在 Google Chrome、Microsoft Edge或支持的媒體應用程序中播放視頻時找到媒體控件。
Windows 11 小部件功能
Windows 11 包含一項名為“Widgets”的功能,這是一個從屏幕左側滑入的新界面,可提供不同類型的信息,例如天氣、新聞、跟踪、體育、娛樂等。
Windows 11 小部件
如果這種體驗看起來很熟悉,那是因為這是Windows 10 上可用的“新聞與興趣”的演變。
您可以使用任務欄中的專用按鈕或使用Windows 鍵 + W鍵盤快捷鍵打開小部件。在支持觸控的設備上,您可以從左邊緣滑動以打開體驗。
該界面佔據了屏幕的一部分,包括時間、搜索框(由 Bing 和 Edge 提供支持),然後您會看到兩個區域,一個顯示帶有個人資料的小部件和個性化提要。
在個人部分,您可以使用小部件來查看天氣、跟踪您的 Microsoft 待辦事項列表、獲取交通信息、Outlook 日曆、體育等。
唯一需要注意的是,您只會找到由 Microsoft 創建的小部件。
由於這是一項基於雲的功能,因此僅在使用 Microsoft 帳戶登錄時才能使用。如果您退出,小部件界面將顯示為空。
Windows 11 桌面改進
在 Windows 11 上,“桌面”是以前稱為“虛擬桌面”的功能,它允許您創建多個虛擬桌面來分隔不同的工作,如游戲、學校和工作。
Windows 11 台式機
該功能的工作原理與以前幾乎相同,但體驗已經過重新設計。例如,當您單擊任務欄中的任務視圖按鈕或使用Windows 鍵 + Tab鍵盤快捷鍵時,您會發現桌面現在位於屏幕底部。和以前一樣,您將繼續看到正在運行的應用程序列表,但時間軸將不再可用,因為它已被刪除。
與其他系統體驗一樣,界面沿用了相同的 Windows 11 新風格,採用圓角和半透明材質設計。
新的 Snap 佈局和 Snap 組
作為“快照輔助”功能的一部分,Windows 11 引入了兩項新改進,包括“快照佈局”和“快照組”,以便更輕鬆地組織和使用屏幕上的多個窗口。
Windows 11 快照佈局
在較小的屏幕上,您將在較大的屏幕上看到一組四個快照佈局或六個佈局。您還可以使用Windows 鍵 + Z鍵盤快捷鍵打開快照佈局彈出窗口。
Windows 11 還具有新的語音輸入應用程序,可幫助您使用語音進行輸入。默認情況下它處於關閉狀態,但您可以從語音輸入設置或使用Windows 鍵 + H鍵盤快捷鍵打開它。
新的 Windows 11 文件資源管理器應用
這個新版本的 Windows 帶有更新的文件資源管理器體驗。但是,它並不是一個全新的應用程序。相反,這是同一個應用程序,但具有更新的界面。
Windows 11 文件資源管理器
該設計是使用 Windows UI 庫 (WinUI) 完成的,其中包括與 Microsoft 在 Windows 11 上推行的風格相匹配的新視覺元素、動畫和控件。
您還會注意到“新建”菜單,其中包含用於創建新文件夾、快捷方式或文檔的所有標準選項,這意味著您不再擁有創建文件夾的專用選項。但是,您仍然可以使用“Ctrl + Shift + N”鍵盤快捷鍵快速創建新文件夾。
排序 菜單包含按名稱、修改日期、類型等對內容進行排序的選項。
Then, the three-dotted is the See more menu that includes the options for selections, compressed to ZIP file, and Options to manage the app settings.
See more menu
These menus will also show different commands depending on your viewing content. For instance, if you are on the “This PC” page, the “See more” menu will also include the options to mount a network drive, but the “New” menu will be grayed out.
Also, if you select a media file like a picture, you will get additional commands like in the legacy version of the app.
Context menu
File Explorer for Windows 11 also introduces a new context menu style. You will see this menu when right-clicking a file or folder. The context menu includes a row with common commands like Cut, Copy, Rename, Share, and Delete, and below, you will find the options you can use with that specific file.
File Explorer context menu
Similar to other elements across Windows 11, the context menu follows the new design language with semi-transparent materials and rounded corners. The legacy menu is still available if you need some of the old options that are not available in the new menu. You can access the legacy view by clicking the Show more options or using the Shift + F10 keyboard shortcut.
The new context menu is also available throughout Windows 11, including for the Desktop context menu.
File Explorer has a new scrollbar that works the same as before, but it has a thinner design. In the left pane, you will also find a new Linux option. This entry has been designed to give you quick access to Linux files inside distros installed with the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
In this new version, the “Share” interface is getting an update. On Windows 11, when you click the Share button, you will get a new UI with several improvements. For example, you will now see a preview of the items along with the option to enable “Nearby sharing” if it’s not enabled. If the contact you want to send the file or the app is not in the list, you now have an option to select a different app or look up your contacts.
Share UI
New icon
Alongside the new interface, File Explorer also introduces new default icons with new styles, orientations, and colors.
File Explorer new icons
Windows 11 includes new icons for pretty much every element in File Explorer, but the ones you will notice immediately are for the default folders (Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, and Pictures). There are three versions for the default folder icon. One shows when the folder is empty, another one slightly different that indicates that folder has files, and you will even find an updated version of the zip folder icon.
New folder icons
Microsoft has also made icons for other elements like the installation drive, secondary and network storage, This PC, Network, and there are new icons in the “Folder Options” settings.
While the new File Explorer includes many new visual changes, a lot of elements remain virtually unchanged. You will see this when changing settings, using the Format tool, or when trying to mount a network folder.
Other changes with File Explorer for Windows 11 include the “Run with PowerShell” option in the context menu for PowerShell scripts. You will now be able to extract all files from a zip folder that was previously set to online-only content in OneDrive. And when remaining content, it’s now possible to use the CTRL + Delete and CTRL + Backspace to delete words at a time and the CTRL + Left and Right arrow to move the cursor between words within the name.
Clipboard changes and features
Windows 11 introduces a new version of its Emoji Picker that integrates with the clipboard history and supports animated GIFs. This is, in addition, to support for additional languages, kaomoji, and symbols.
Windows 11 Clipboard UI
The new interface has a modern design using Fluent Design visual elements, such as blur and transparency, and it includes an inline search box to make it easier to discover emojis and animated GIFs.
Since the Emoji Picker is integrating the clipboard history interface, you can now insert emojis and copies from a single experience using the “Windows key + .” or “Windows key +;” or “Windows key + V” keyboard shortcuts.
Starting with this version, you will also find support for Emoji versions 12.1 and 13.0, which brings over 200 new glyphs, and now there are gender-neutral emoji designs.
Furthermore, the clipboard history interface includes options to pin, unpin, delete, paste as text, and individual sync entries.
Finally, if you use the Snipping Tool, when you use the Windows key + Shift + S keyboard shortcut, the capture will now be stored in the Clipboard to paste it on any folder to save the screenshot as a .png file.
Task Manager improvements
As part of the Task Manager improvements, Windows 11 now classifies and shows all the processes from Microsoft Edge. The classification is divided into several elements: Tabs, Browser processes (Browser, GPU Process, Crashpad), Utility plugins (Utility: Audio Service Extensions), and Dedicated & Service workers, and more.
Task Manager Edge classification
You will also see that each process classification is described with an icon to make it easier to identify. If you are viewing a website tab in the processes, it will include the site icon.
Auto-HDR for gaming and DirectStorage
Windows 11 also comes with “Auto HDR for games,” a new feature that has been designed to improve the gaming experience by automatically converting compatible titles from standard-dynamic-range (SDR) to high-dynamic-range (HDR) to unlock the brighter and bolder colors available on compatible displays that use this technology for a more immersive and realistic experience.
Once you enable the feature, you will get a more immersive and realistic gaming experience with an increased range of color and luminance in more than 1000 DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 PC games.
Although this is one of the biggest features on Windows 11, it’s only supported on specific hardware, which means that you will need a monitor that supports HDR. You can use this guide to learn the steps to enable the feature.
DirectStorage is a new technology that allows games assets to load faster to the graphics card without bugging down the processor. In other words, this means faster load times and more detailed game worlds. (This feature will require the latest NVMe drives and optimization by the game developers.)
Also, Windows 11 now supports DirectX 12 Ultimate. DirectX 12 is the technology standard for creating and managing gaming, images, and multimedia (such as visual effects and audio effects) that run on Windows-based devices.
New Windows 11 Settings app
In addition to the new features and changes, Windows 11 also includes a new version of the Settings app. The new experience to customize the look and feel and configure system settings features a new redesigned interface, regroups and integrates new settings, ports more features from Control Panel, removes the homepage, and a lot more.
Windows 11 Settings app
As part of the new experience, the app includes rounded corners, a semi-transparent interface, and modern and colorful icons.
The navigation system is similar to the one available on Windows 10, but now there are more options, and the settings are grouped using different logic.
When you open Settings, you will notice that you are taken directly to the “System” section, and that’s because this version ditches the homepage.
Also, when you open a new section, the pages will be listed on the right side instead of the left.
As you drill down through the pages, at the top, you will find the new breadcrumbs that will indicate your current location in the app. You can click each breadcrumb to jump back to a previous page. The setting pages can also show hero controls for frequently used settings or a specific feature.
Settings breadcrumbs
Finally, the new Settings app can now recommend settings adjustments based on their current state.
System settings
The System section is the new default page when you open the Settings app. It now includes the pages to adjust many settings, including Display, Sound, Notifications, Focus assist, Power, Storage, Nearby sharing, as well as Multitasking, Activation, Troubleshoot, Recovery, Projecting to this PC, Remote Desktop, Clipboard, and About.
System section
Also, the hero controls in this section include desktop preview, device name, and option to rename the system, and you will find icons with the status of OneDrive and Windows Update.
On the “Display” page, the Scale & layout section introduces new settings to remember window locations based on monitor connection and window locations based on monitor connection to improve the experience when working with more than one monitor.
Multiple displays
These settings are part of a new experience on Windows 11 that allows you to restore apps automatically to their original location when reconnecting an external monitor.
You will notice a new “Automatically adjust contrast based on the display content to help improve battery” option, under the Brightness setting, to disable content adaptive brightness control (CABC) on Windows 11.
In the “Advanced display” page, there is a new option (Dynamic) to enable the new Dynamic Refresh Rate (DRR) feature in the refresh rate setting.
Dynamic refresh rate
If you choose this option, Windows will automatically lower or increase the display refresh rate to reduce the power consumption on supported hardware.
Also, if the display is certified as HDR, you will know this information on this page.
On the “Graphics” page, there is a new search box and list of apps you may want to customize.
Also, the Night light page is not getting new settings, but when turning the night light on or off manually through the Settings app or Action Center, the feature will now turn off immediately rather than using slow transition.
On the Sound page, you will find an option to enable mono audio for people with difficulty hearing, and there is an option to pair output devices quickly.
Mono audio
Under the “Advanced” section, you will find a new option to access all the sound devices, troubleshoot, and others.
The “App volume and devices preferences” page has become the “Volume mixer.” The page still has all the same settings, and it replaces the legacy Taskbar volume mixer menu.
Windows 11 Volume mixer
The Properties page for devices has been redesigned with high-quality icons, driver information, and new settings.
Sound properties
The Speakers page now houses permissions to allow or deny apps access to the output device. You can choose the audio format, adjust the volume, and enable Spatial sound. Also, you can now rename the device, see the driver information, and check for driver updates.
On the Notifications page, you only have three settings, and there’s an option to access the “Focus assist” settings page.
Power & battery settings
The Power & battery page now displays the battery usage over time.
Power & battery settings
The Storage page has been updated with new features, and the information about the system drive is now front and center.
Windows 11 Storage settings
Storage sense is now located under the “Storage management” section. The only change on the Storage sense page is the new option to run the cleanup of temporary files automatically.
The Windows 11 Storage sense has a new feature known as Cleanup recommendations that shows how many large files and used files, synced files to the cloud, unused apps you can uninstall, and the temporary files you can delete to free up space.
Cleanup recommendations
The feature is straightforward. You only need to select the items and click the “Clean up” button to free up additional space.
In the “Advanced storage settings” section on the main Storage page, you will find the new Disks & Volumes feature that replaces the legacy Disk Management experience.
Disks and volumes
Windows already has a tool to manage disks and volumes, but it’s an old control panel experience. The new experience was built from the ground up with modern improvements and accessibility in mind. It also features better integration with features, such as Storage Spaces and the Storage breakdown page.
Like the legacy tool (which is still available), the new tool allows you to view all the drives connected to the device, and you can create, resize, format, and change letters for partitions.
On the page, the disk tool shows all the drives connected to the device with basic information, such as the disk number, media (SSD or HDD), and whether if the drive is online or offline.
You can select the drive and click the Properties button to give you additional information like name, identification, model, media, capacity, and type. You’ll also see the current status and the partition style (for example, GUID Partition Table “GPT”).
Hard drive information in Settings
The Advanced Disk Properties option opens the properties of the drive with the Control Panel.
While on the main page, if you expand the drive, you will see the list of partitions with rich details, including the file system, partition type, status, and more.
Settings partition info and tools
In addition, the experience includes a health monitor feature to keep tabs on the health of Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) Solid-State Drives (SSDs).
If there is an issue with the drive, you will see a notification to view more details and access the drive to back up the data before it’s too late. The notification will open the drive page, where you can find more information, including the life remaining on the drive, temperature, and available space.
You can select each drive, and clicking the Properties button will access another page where you can change the label or drive letter. You can resize the partition with the Change size button. You can add a path to the volume, and you can even enable BitLocker on the drive.
If you are dealing with an external drive, the properties page will also include options to delete and format the partition, and you can bring the drive online or offline.
Windows 11 is also bringing Storage Spaces to the Settings app. This means you can now create and manage storage pools and spaces, add and remove drives, and optimize pools within the Settings app without opening Control Panel or PowerShell.
On Windows 11, the Multitasking page includes the options to enable and disable Snap layouts, Snap groups, and more.
Multitasking settings
Also, the “Virtual Desktops” settings have been renamed to “Desktops,” and the settings are all the same ones as before. And now, the Settings app includes an option to enable or disable the title bar window shake (Aero shake) feature.
Bluetooth & devices settings
The Bluetooth & devices section has also been updated to make it easier to connect peripherals to Windows 11. This section includes the settings to control Bluetooth, Devices, Printers & scanners, Your Phone, Cameras, Mouse, Touch, Pen & Windows Ink, AutoPlay, and USB.
Bluetooth & devices settings
On the Devices page, you will see a list of the input, output, and other devices connected to your computer. And the Add device will open the wizard to install new peripherals like on Windows 10. If you no longer need a device, you can remove using the peripheral’s menu on the right side.
Windows 11 Devices settings
This used to be the “Bluetooth & other devices” page.
The Cameras page is new to Windows 11, and it houses the settings to manage webcams and network cameras.
Camera settings
You can manage features like brightness, contrast, rotation settings, and even enable or disable Video HDR and Eye Contact in the camera settings. The Video HDR and Eye Contact features are only available in supported hardware.
Webcam configuration
The Touch page is also new, and it’ll be available on devices with touch screens.
Network & internet settings
In the Network & internet section for hero controls, you will see the active network connections, connection properties, and data usage. This part of the Settings app includes the settings for Ethernet, Wi-Fi, VPN, Mobile hotspot, Airplane mode, Proxy, Dial-up, and Advanced network settings.
Windows 11 Network & internet
The Wi-Fi page isn’t new, but it has been tweaked with an option to view the available wireless networks within the app.
Windows 11 Wi-Fi settings
The Ethernet page now includes an option to set up IEEE 802.1x network authentication settings. (In previous versions, this needed to be done in Control Panel.)
IEEE 802.1X authentication
You can now configure Domain Name System (DNS) without opening the Internet Protocol (IP) configuration page.
Windows 11 DNS only settings
Finally, starting on Windows 11, you can configure DNS over HTTPS (DoH) to encrypt DNS queries using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) protocol.
Advanced network settings
The Advanced network settings page is new, and it includes the options to enable or disable, rename, and view the status of network adapters. (In previous versions, this needed to be done in Control Panel.)
Advanced network settings
Personalization settings
While the Personalization section is not new, it has a lot of improvements. For example, the section now shows the six new default themes and a preview of the desktop as hero controls, and it houses the settings for Background, Colors, Themes, Lock screen, Touch keyboard, Start, Taskbar, Fonts, and Device usage.
Windows 11 Personalization settings
The Themes page is almost identical to the previous version, with the difference that it includes six new default settings.
Themes settings
On the Sounds page, you will also find that the “Play Windows Startup sound” option is now enabled by default, and this is because Windows 11 is also bringing back the startup sound again. However, the Windows startup sound will not play after the computer reboots automatically to apply updates.
In addition, you will now find new default sounds for pretty much every action in the latest version of Windows. Microsoft has been created a slightly different sound theme when using the dark mode.
Windows 11 startup sound
You can check out the new sounds by selecting each event and pressing the Test button.
Touch keyboard
The Touch keyboard page is new and houses the settings to adjust the on-screen keyboard, including settings to change the keyboard size, theme with the option to show background and change the size of keys.
Touch keyboard settings
The Start page includes the new settings to customize the Start menu. For instance, you will now find the options to show or hide recently added and most-used apps. You can also control whether or not to show items in the jump list and the “Recommended” section.
Start settings on Windows 11
In addition, the Folders setting lets you decide what folder (or quick links for File Explorer, Settings, etc.) appear next to the profile menu in the Start menu.
The Taskbar page no longer includes the options to change the Taskbar location, height, or icon size. Instead, the settings reflect the new features, including showing or hiding the Search, Task View, Widgets, and Chat buttons.
Taskbar settings
You can show or hide the “Pen menu,” “Touch keyboard,” and “Virtual touchpad” buttons that appear in the system tray. Also, you can control which items appear in the overflow menu.
Taskbar behaviors
Finally, in the “Taskbar behaviors” settings, you can change the Taskbar alignment to the left and center. You can also enable auto-hide the Taskbar, show badges for unseen messages, disable the show desktop button, and control the experience in a multiple display setup.
Device usage
The Device Usage is new, and it lets you specify how you plan to use the computer so that Windows 11 can tailor the ad experience.
Device usage
Apps settings
The Apps section includes the settings for Apps & features, Default, Offline maps, Optional features, Apps for websites, Video playback, and Startup.
Windows 11 Apps settings
Apps & features
The Apps & features page is not changing significantly, but you will find a new “Share across devices” feature, allowing you to pick up an app you left off on another device.
Apps & features settings
When you select “More settings,” you will notice a new Archive apps feature.
The feature is meant to archive apps you don’t often use to save space and internet data. The next time you try to open the app, it’ll connect to the internet and download the full version again. Of course, this is if the app is still available in the Microsoft Store.
Optional features
The Optional features page used to be part of the “Apps & features” page, but it’s now a separate page.
Accounts settings
The Accounts section displays the current user information, OneDrive, and Microsoft Bing rewards details for hero controls. As part of the settings, in this section, you will find the settings for Your info, Email & accounts, Sign-in options, Family & other users, Windows backup, and Access work or school.
Windows 11 Accounts settings
Windows backup
The Windows backup page is new to Windows 11 and includes the settings to control the OneDrive folder syncing and sync app and system preference settings to the cloud.
Windows Backup settings
For control heroes, you will see the status for “Preferences,” “App list,” and “OneDrive backup.”
Time & language
The Time & language section includes the settings for Date & time, Language & region, Typing, and Speech pages.
Windows 11 Time & language
The Typing page isn’t new to Windows 11, but the settings were located in the “Devices” section.
Formerly known as “Ease of access,” the Accessibility section houses the settings Text size, Visual effects, “Mouse pointer and touch,” Text cursor, Magnifier, Color filter, Contrast themes, Narrator, Audio, Captions, Speech, Keyboard, Mouse, and Eye control.
Windows 11 Accessibility settings
Visual effects
The “Display” settings page has now been renamed to “Visual effects,” and the settings are the same as before.
Mouse pointer and touch
The “Mouse pointer” page has been renamed to “Mouse pointer and touch,” and the settings are the same as before.
Privacy & security
On Windows 11, the “Privacy” page has been renamed to “Privacy & security.” This page includes the settings for General, Speech, Inking & typing Personalization, Diagnostic & feedback, and Activity History. Also, in this area is where you will now find Search permissions and Searching Windows pages.
Windows 11 Privacy & security settings
Since this section also includes security settings, you will find the Windows Security, Find my device, Device encryption, and For developers pages.
Screenshot borders
On Windows 11, the Screenshot borders page is new, and it allows you to control if apps can choose to access the screenshot borders.
Screenshot borders settings
Screenshot and apps
The Screenshot and apps page is new for this release, and it includes the settings to decide which apps can grab screenshots.
Screenshots and apps settings
Windows Update
The Windows Update section is a new section on Windows 11. The page now includes colorful icons and improvements to communicate the status of updates better. Also, in this section that’s where you will find the settings to view the Update history, access the Advanced options, and enroll a computer in the Windows Insider Program.
Windows Update settings
In addition, when a new update is ready for your device, the Settings app will inform you how long it will take to apply it. However, this feature is only available for Solid-State Drives (SSD) devices.
Advanced options
The Advanced options page now includes a Configured update policies page that shows all the Group Policy policies currently applied to the device.
Advanced options
Also, on this page, you find the page to view and install optional updates available for your device.
Language updates
The Scottish Gaelic keyboard now uses AltGr + 7 to input ⁊ (U+204A TIRONIAN SIGNET), pressing’ will now insert the characters, and Alt Gr +’ now acts as a dead key to add the acute accent with a subsequent letter.
Also, when pressing Shift + 6 will now insert ߾ (U+07FE ), and pressing Shift + 7 will now insert ߿ (U+07FF) for the N’Ko keyboard layout.
Japanese IME improvements and touch keyboard
Windows 11 updates the new Japanese IME to support switching between Hiragana and Katakana using CTRL + CAPSLOCK and ALT + CAPSLOCK (respectively), as it was supported with the previous version.
Microsoft is also introducing the “50-on touch keyboard” layout for the Japanese language. This is a popular layout that allows you to input Japanese texts intuitively without knowing how to compose Hiragana characters.
Japanese 50-on keyboard layout
You can use the new layout by clicking the Settings button and selecting the “50-on” option. It also provides alphabet and symbol views newly explicitly designed for the layout.
Input Method Editor (IME)
Microsoft is introducing a new version of all available IMEs that includes a new modern design using the Fluent Design System, including acrylic background, selection visual, and dark theme support.
There are some font adjustments in the candidate interface to minimize intrusiveness while securing visibility. Also, the new design is expanding to more languages.
Also, in this version, Windows integrates the new IME candidate windows design for Japanese, Chinese Traditional, and Indic IMEs.
Korean IME improvements
If you type in Korean, you’ll also find a new version of the Korean IME with improvements in the typing experience.
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) new features
Windows 11 ships with an updated version of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) that supports the ability to install Linux GUI (graphical user interface) apps as if they were natively installed on Windows.
Linux GUI apps on Windows 11
In other words, you can now use your favorite Linux editors, tools, and applications on Windows 11 without the need to switch devices or create a virtual machine.
The feature is meant to develop and test your apps on Linux, but you can use this implementation for any situation. The Linux GUI apps on Windows even include support for speakers and microphones, which means that if you install a media app, the peripherals will pass through and appear in the app. GPU accelerated 3D graphics are also supported to run any app that needs to do complex 3D rendering leveraging OpenGL.
When using this feature, you do not have to run an X server manually since WSL automatically starts a new “companion system distro,” which includes a Wayland, X server, pulse audio server, and all the required components. After you close the app and the WSL session, the system distro will end automatically.
Once the Linux GUI app is installed, it will register in the Start menu, which means that you can launch the app by typing the name on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) console, or you can launch it like if it was any other application using the Start menu.
If you launch the app from the Start menu, you will find the entry in the “Recently added” list, and you can find it inside the (distro name) folder below the Linux distro entry.
You will also notice that the Taskbar will show the icon with a Linux logo, indicating that you are not running a Windows 11 application.
The experience using a graphical Linux app on Windows 11 feels native, but it’s not. The app renders with all the Linux visual styles for the frame, menus, and other elements, and there is even a shadow around the frame, and every window works independently. However, it is a remote desktop connection, which Microsoft is likely leveraging with the RemoteApp feature built into the operating system.
File Explorer with Linux integration
Also, in WSL, the default path has been changed to \\wsl.localhost\\
from \\wsl\\
to improve reliability and performance. However, you will still be able to use the \\wsl\\
path to access the files.
New WSL install and other changes
The Windows Subsystem for Linux is also getting a few more features, including GPU compute, wsl --install
command, and wsl --update
Windows 11 install WSL command
The GPU compute is a feature that allows the Linux binaries to leverage graphics cards, making it possible to perform more machine learning development and data science workflows directly in WSL.
The wsl --install
command lets you install the WSL components aster, and the wsl --update
command gives you the ability to manage the Linux kernel version used by WSL 2 distros.
The custom Linux kernel from the Windows system image has been removed, and it’s now available through the Microsoft Store.
On Windows 11, you can now attach and mount physical drives inside the Windows Subsystem for Linux distros. The feature enables you to access file systems that are not natively supported (for example, ext4). This means that if you have a dual-boot system with Windows 11 and Linux and are using different drives, you can now access your Linux files from Windows 11.
Also, there is a new option to run Linux commands on the startup of a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) distro.
If you want to use this feature, you will need to edit the /etc/wsl.config
file on the distro and adding an option named “command” under the “boot” section.
Windows 11 new system optimization and enhancements
Yes, Windows 11 makes laptops and desktop computers a lot faster. Alongside the redesigned experience and new features, the new version also introduces several under-the-hood improvements to utilize resources better to make the system more responsive.
Snappier and more responsive
For example, under heavy load (even at 90 or 95 percent), Windows 11 will redistribute the compute resources to launch without any lag when launching an app.
This technique also applies to the Windows shell itself, the browser, and your open tabs, but using Sleeping tabs, reducing around 32 percent of memory and 37 percent of processor usage.
When you combine all these new improvements will result in longer battery life and better performance.
Faster resume from sleep mode
Microsoft has also been working to make resume from sleep mode faster. This was possible because of the optimization done for calling hardware components that have to turn on to resume from sleep to improve memory management.
In addition, at the software layer, Windows 11 is making code changes that translate to around 25 percent faster resume times. Using these new techniques, Microsoft claims that most users will resume their devices from sleep “almost instantaneously,” and the device can “stay in sleep state longer and not hibernate as often.”
Faster Windows Hello sign in
Windows 11 also ships with “code optimization” that makes the Windows Hello sign-in process up to 30 percent faster as part of the performance improvements.
Reduced system footprint
Furthermore, Windows 11 reduces the overall footprint. This was done by expanding the use of compression technologies. Also, non-critical built-in apps and other components (such as Microsoft To Do, Sticky Notes, Power Automate) their default state is now “stub” that also reduces the space on the hard drive, background download activity, and download traffic.
And Windows 11 also reduces the storage consumption caused by the system and browser caches.
Smaller and faster updates
After installing Windows 11, you will notice that updates will download and install faster. This is because Windows includes several optimizations to the update engine, which improves how updates are packaged.
For example, when a new update is released, Windows 11 will compare the components available in the computer and then only pulls down the necessary changes, making updates up to 40 percent smaller.
Also, instead of two, Microsoft is now planning to only release one feature update per year.
First-run experience
The new OS introduces a new first-run experience using the updated “Tips” app to highlight the most significant changes after a major feature update installs on the device. (This feature replaces the Microsoft Edge welcome page after installing a new feature update to help users better understand the features and changes and how to use them.)
註冊表沒有發生重大變化,但該應用程序現在支持CTRL + Backspace在查找窗口中一次刪除單詞、重命名鍵和其他位置。
Windows 11 將可轉換設備的平板電腦姿勢邏輯更改為僅在使用單個屏幕時應用。
此外,當移除鍵盤時,您會注意到圖標之間的分離度更高,更易於觸摸。窗口上的按鈕和其他目標現在更大。當您以縱向模式捕捉兩個窗口時,第二個窗口將捕捉到另一個窗口的頂部。Windows 11 現在在使用觸控板時支持相同的觸摸手勢。例如,您現在可以用三個手指向下滑動以最小化屏幕上的窗口。
如果您使用筆,則現在支持觸覺反饋,並且 Windows 11 具有支持主題和其他自定義的新觸摸鍵盤,如本指南前面所述。
Windows 11 x64 模擬器
Windows 11 還引入了新的 x64 模擬器,允許基於 ARM 的設備從 Microsoft Store 或外部源安裝和運行 x64 應用程序。
使用 PowerShell 重置應用
這個新版本的 Windows 包括使用 PowerShell 命令重置通用 Windows 平台 (UWP) 應用程序的功能。這是從“設置”應用程序重置應用程序選項的補充。例如,此命令重置計算器應用程序:Get-AppxPackage *calculator* | Reset-AppxPackage
作為網絡改進的一部分,Windows 11 現在支持Wi-Fi 6E。
在 Windows 11 上,“SMB 壓縮”是一項旨在通過網絡傳輸期間請求文件壓縮的功能。此功能的想法是使文件傳輸更快並減少大文件的帶寬,而無需在源處壓縮文件,然後在目標處解壓縮內容。
SMB 壓縮
您會在帶寬較少的網絡上看到這種壓縮的好處,例如,在具有 1Gbps 以太網或 Wi-Fi 適配器的計算機或服務器上。但是,如果您有兩台帶有 100Gbps 網絡適配器和固態驅動器 (SSD) 的服務器,您可能看不到好處。在實踐中,甚至可能需要更多時間。
在 Windows 11 上使用 SMB 進行壓縮支持算法 XPRESS (LZ77)、XPRESS Huffman (LZ77+Huffman)、LZNT1 或 PATTERN_V1*。XPRESS 自動使用、SMB 簽名和 SMB 加密、SMB 簽名和 SMB 加密以及 SMB 多通道,但它不支持 SMB Direct over RDMA。
Windows 11 DiskUsage 命令工具
Windows 11 還附帶DiskUsage,這是一個新的命令行工具,可讓您快速分析給定文件夾(或整個驅動器)的內容,以了解空間的使用情況並找出佔用最多存儲空間的文件,在嘗試釋放空間時可以派上用場。
為 Windows 11 重新設計的開箱即用體驗 (OOBE)
Windows 11 引入了全新的開箱即用體驗 (OOBE)。這是您在設置新設備或全新安裝後使用新帳戶、隱私設置和自定義首選項完成操作系統初始設置時通常經歷的體驗。
Windows 11 OOBE
新體驗從藍色和深色轉向白色和灰色,界面更加直觀和友好,以匹配 Windows 11 的新現代設計語言。
當您瀏覽每一頁時,您還會發現新的動畫。Microsoft 甚至添加了一個選項來設置計算機名稱,因為您在這個新版本中完成了設置。創建在線帳戶的選項現在隱藏在“登錄選項”頁面中,在設置 Windows 11 家庭版時,用戶將需要有互聯網連接,他們將被迫使用 Microsoft 帳戶創建一個帳戶. 但是,有一種解決方法可以跳過該要求並繼續使用離線帳戶。
重新設計的全新內置 Windows 11 應用
作為新的 Windows 11 大修的一部分,Microsoft 還更新了許多收件箱應用程序,例如 Microsoft Store、Paint、Calculator、Clock、Tips 和 Snipping Tool,並推出了更多新應用程序,例如 Power Automate 和 Chat。微軟團隊。
Windows 11 最大的改進之一可能是添加了新的 Microsoft Store 應用程序。該應用程序經過重新設計,具有新的界面和動畫,使搜索和發現內容變得更加容易。當您第一次打開應用程序時,您會注意到搜索框位於頂部居中,而導航現在出現在左側。
最後,Microsoft Store 現在將允許開發人員提供任何類型的應用程序,包括傳統的 Win32、.NET 和 Web 應用程序。此外,開發人員現在可以選擇使用自己的貨幣化平台來保留所有收入,但仍然可以選擇使用 Microsoft 商務服務。
在這個新版本中,Get Started是一款幫助初學者快速上手的新應用。該應用程序是基本的,它顯示瞭如何開始使用文件資源管理器、下載應用程序、導航界面以及了解一些基本功能。
Windows 11 入門應用
Tips應用程序也已更新,它是一個類似於 Get Started的應用程序,但它包含有關如何使用 Windows 11 的更多提示。該應用程序已在以前的版本中可用,但現在提供了一個與新設計語言相匹配的界面並具有一百多個新提示。
Windows 11 提示應用程序
計算器應用程序也正在接收更新。新版本已用 C# 重寫,並引入了遵循 Microsoft 新設計語言的全新外觀,帶有圓角和新材料。
Windows 11 計算器應用程序
此外,程序員模式提供了豐富的功能,這對於編程和工程設計至關重要。在圖形模式下繪製一個或多個方程,然後分析圖形以幫助識別關鍵圖形特徵,例如“x-”和“y-”截距。您現在可以轉換 100 多種不同的單位和貨幣。
在 Windows 11 上,“Alarms & Clock”應用程序變成了“Clock”,除了新名稱外,該應用程序還擁有一個帶有圓角和半透明材質的新界面。此外,這個新版本附帶了 Focus Sessions,這意味著為用戶提供一種專注於任務和工作的新方式。
Focus Sessions 與 Spotify 集成,允許您在播放自己喜歡的音樂播放列表時創建會話以集中精力完成工作。
它的工作方式是打開鬧鐘應用程序並從左側窗格中選擇焦點會議。然後你會選擇一個“微軟待辦”任務,選擇一個 Spotify 播放列表,設置計時器,然後單擊“開始焦點會話”按鈕。
新的照片應用程序具有現代界面,該界面遵循公司使用 WinUI 與操作系統推動的相同設計語言。
Windows 11 照片應用
Microsoft 沒有刪除舊版應用程序,而是將現代 Snip & Sketch 應用程序與舊版Snipping Tool相結合,以創建一個新的單一應用程序以在 Windows 11 上截屏。
Windows 11 截圖工具應用
新的截圖工具保留了與舊版本相同的熟悉外觀,但界面已經過現代化,以遵循 Windows 的視覺設計語言。
此外,該應用程序帶來了 Snip & Sketch 應用程序中可用的最佳功能。例如,當您打開新應用程序時,您將獲得與 Windows 11 視覺元素相同的熟悉設計,並且在截取屏幕截圖時,您將獲得 Snip & Sketch 工具來編輯和註釋屏幕截圖。
Windows 11 包括新的郵件和日曆應用程序。新應用程序僅集成了圓角和其他視覺調整,但它們與以前的版本幾乎相同。
適用於 Windows 11 的郵件應用程序
來自 Microsoft Teams 的聊天
微軟還將 Teams 集成到 Windows 11 中,但這不是完整版本。相反,該功能被稱為Microsoft Teams 的聊天。
該功能可從任務欄方便地使用,無論平台如何,您都可以連接,包括 Windows、iOS 或 Android。
Power Automate是一款新應用程序,可讓您通過模仿單擊和鍵盤輸入等用戶界面操作來自動執行重複性任務,從而自動執行 Web 和桌面應用程序。
Windows 11 電源自動化應用
總體而言,Windows 11 是一款出色的新操作系統,它引入了急需的界面提升,並提供了許多新功能和改進。最新版本看起來非常穩定,並且由於它基於 Windows 10,因此大多數驅動程序和應用程序應該可以在這個新版本中運行。
在導航和執行任務時,Windows 感覺更敏捷、更穩定,但仍然存在許多設計錯誤或不完整的東西。此外,在初始推出階段,許多功能(如對 Android 應用程序的支持)不會成為 Windows 11 的一部分。
此版本的一個重大問題是系統要求的增加,需要顯著更新的處理器和安全功能,如TPM 2.0 和安全啟動,這將使許多運行良好的計算機沒有機會升級。
在考慮所有好壞的同時,Windows 11 獲得3.5 顆星(滿分 5 星)。
任務管理器應用程序將包括對強調色的支持,以繼續改進 Windows 11 與版本 22H2 的一致性設計。
Windows 11 更新 KB5007262 帶來了新的 2D 表情符號,而不是最初承諾的 3D 樣式。下面是如何獲得它們。
安全研究人員披露了 Windows 11 上的零日漏洞,原因是微軟在其漏洞賞金計劃中支付的費用很低。
Windows 11 活動將於 6 月 24 日東部時間上午 11 點/太平洋時間上午 8 點開始,您將能夠在此 Microsoft 網站上現場觀看。
微軟計劃在 4 月 5 日舉辦一場混合工作活動,以展示 Windows 11 的新功能並將操作系統出售給商業客戶。
Windows 11 顯示未滿足系統要求。轉到“設置”以了解受支持硬件上的更多水印,但您可以將其刪除。
微軟為窗口遊戲和新的 Windows HDR Calibration 應用程序帶來優化,以改善 Windows 11 遊戲體驗。
您現在可以在當地零售店購買 Windows 11 家庭版或專業版的物理副本。該盒子包括一個 USB 媒體和產品密鑰。
Windows 11 存在一個問題,導致速度較慢的 NVMe 驅動器的運行速度比 Windows 10 慢,微軟尚未確認並修復該問題。
首先看一下全新的 Windows 11 安裝體驗,包括全新的開箱即用體驗 (OOBE) UI。
文件資源管理器獲得對 TABS 的支持,例如 Windows 11 左側的瀏覽器和重新設計的導航窗格。詳情請點擊此處。
Windows 11 (21H2) 已被指定用於廣泛部署,這意味著它現在可用於所有兼容的計算機。
據報導,在許多用戶反饋之後,Windows 11 上的任務欄將在下一次功能更新中進行拖放。
Windows 11 的設置應用程序可能會為不受支持的設備獲取新的英雄控件和要求提醒。
Windows 11 任務欄現在可以在小部件圖標中顯示動態通知(天氣、體育、財經、突發新聞)。詳情在這裡。
Windows 11 是 Microsoft 操作系統的下一個最大版本,以下是預期的功能和更改以及發布日期。
Windows 11 即將推出新的觸摸手勢,包括導航開始菜單、快速設置、動畫和抓手的手勢。
Windows 11 Pro 現在需要 Microsoft 帳戶來設置新設備或全新安裝,刪除創建本地帳戶的選項。
微軟推出了 Windows 11 的第一個 beta 版本。
Microsoft 計劃強制執行硬件要求,以防止不受支持的設備安裝 Windows 11。
您想閱讀並分享 MacBook 上的系統報告嗎?以下是快速取得報告的不同方法。
Mac 上的滑鼠遊標是否滯後?如果您對這個問題感到沮喪,您可以嘗試解決以下一些簡單的解決方案。
您是否嘗試在 Samsung Galaxy 手機上使用行動熱點,卻收到錯誤訊息?以下是修復三星 Galaxy 手機上無法使用行動熱點的方法。
想知道如何在 Mac 上停用 Safari 隱私瀏覽嗎?以下是如何快速有效地客製化您的瀏覽體驗。
想讓您的 WhatsApp 字體看起來與眾不同嗎?您可以透過這些富有創意的 WhatsApp 文字技巧和提示為您的簡訊增添趣味。
您的 HomePod 是否無法顯示在預設的家庭應用程式中?以下是修復 HomePod 未顯示在家庭應用程式中的最佳方法。
您的三星電視無法連線 Wi-Fi 嗎?以下是修復三星電視無法連接 Wi-Fi 的最佳方法。
2024 年適用於 MacBook Air 和 MacBook Pro 的最佳 HDMI 轉接器:1. RayCue HDMI 轉接器,2. Benfei USB-C 轉 HDMI 轉接器,3. Anker USB-C...
您的 Deck 遇到問題並想要重置它?請參閱我們關於如何正確恢復 Steam Deck 出廠設定的完整指南。