任務管理器在 Windows 11 22H2 上獲得強調色支持
任務管理器應用程序將包括對強調色的支持,以繼續改進 Windows 11 與版本 22H2 的一致性設計。
2022 年 8 月 26 日更新: Windows 11(版本 22H2)預計將於2022 年 9 月 20 日上市。它將代表新一代 Windows 的第一次重大更新,引入一組新功能和增強功能,以提高安全性、生產力和整體用戶體驗。
儘管距離發布還有很多周的時間,但開發團隊已經完成了Windows 11 2022 更新的所有預期。
本指南重點介紹了通過 Windows 預覽體驗計劃在預覽中出現的改進,並將定期更新以反映更改。最後更新於 2022 年 8 月 22 日,在 Beta 頻道中提供了可用於構建 22622.586的更改。
作為 Windows 11 22H2 新功能的一部分,微軟預計將發布:
Windows 11 22H2 的新增功能
這些是已通過 Windows 預覽體驗計劃提供的新 Windows 11 22H2 功能。
Windows 11 22H2 帶來了新的設置來自定義開始菜單中的“推薦”部分。雖然仍然無法禁用和刪除該功能,但您現在可以從“開始”設置頁面中的三個不同選項中進行選擇,以顯示更少的推薦項目和更多的引腳,包括“更多引腳”、“默認”和“更多推薦”。
作為電源菜單設置的一部分,Windows 還添加了一個快速訪問按鈕,用於打開“登錄選項”頁面。
“Windows Easy of Access”文件夾已重命名為“Accessibility”,“Windows Terminal”重命名為“Terminal”,“Windows Media Player”重命名為“Windows Media Player Legacy”。
Windows 11 22H2 開始菜單文件夾
Windows 11 22H2 對“快速設置”彈出窗口進行了一些更改,包括右鍵單擊“藍牙”按鈕時打開“藍牙和設備”設置頁面的新選項。此外,音量滑塊旁邊還有一個新圖標,使該選項更容易被發現。此外,音量圖標上的工具提示已更新,可在您使用空間聲音時顯示。
在“通知中心”中,該體驗提高了通知中應用名稱的可見性。此外,通知設計已更新為包含亞克力背景。並且更新了設置該功能時 Windows Hello 通知中使用的動畫。
Windows 11 2022 更新終於為系統硬件指標帶來了更新的彈出式設計,包括音量、亮度、相機隱私、打開和關閉相機以及飛行模式,以與新的系統風格設計語言保持一致。這些新元素還支持淺色和深色模式。
Windows 11 新的音量控制
此外,當使用Windows 鍵 + ALT + K鍵盤快捷鍵時,您現在將在將 Microsoft Teams 通話靜音時看到確認彈出框。
此外,當您通過右鍵單擊開始按鈕或使用“Windows 鍵 + X”鍵盤快捷鍵打開“快速鏈接”菜單時,您會注意到“應用程序和功能”條目現已重命名為“已安裝的應用程序”。 ”
Windows 11 2022 更新快速鏈接菜單
此外,菜單現在包括用於打開 Windows 終端的“終端”條目,因為該應用程序是所有命令行應用程序的新系統默認設置。如果控制台不可用,將出現 Windows PowerShell 條目。
此外,Windows 11 現在會在系統托盤中電池圖標的工具提示中顯示估計的電池壽命。
任務視圖(Windows 鍵 + Tab)體驗現在顯示快照組,允許用戶快速切換到不同的快照組。此外,快照組的預覽現在將顯示部分桌面壁紙,以便更容易區分組。
帶有快照組的 Windows 11 22H2 任務視圖
此外,當使用ALT + Tab鍵盤快捷鍵時,體驗將在窗口界面中顯示正在運行的應用程序,而不是全屏體驗。但是,單擊任務欄中的任務視圖按鈕將繼續全屏顯示正在運行的應用程序。此外,“ALT + TAB”、“任務視圖”和“快照輔助”中的選定項目現在將使用系統強調色。
Alt + Tab 與項目顏色選擇(來源:Microsoft)
Windows 11 22H2 還提供了在應用程序窗口之間拖放文件的功能,方法是將鼠標懸停在任務欄中的應用程序上,以將其窗口置於前台。
如果您通過拖動文件並將其懸停在任務欄中的 Outlook 圖標上以將窗口置於前台,從而將文件附加到 Outlook 電子郵件。進入前台後,將文件放入電子郵件中以附加。
微軟在共享窗口功能的任務欄中添加了一個新的視覺指示,指示正在共享哪個窗口。當多個應用程序運行或將您的注意力分散到多個監視器上時,這一點很重要。當你選擇在 Microsoft Teams 通話中共享窗口時,共享窗口現在將被彩色邊框包圍。
從計算機投射(Windows 鍵 + K)時,任務欄左下角會出現一個“投射”圖標,表示您正在投射。單擊該圖標將打開“投射快速設置”,您可以在其中快速停止流。
在 Windows 11 上,“請勿打擾”功能可以輕鬆地將通知橫幅靜音。您可以在通知設置中設置規則以自動打開請勿打擾。例如,您可以將請勿打擾設置為在工作時間以外自動開啟。此外,您還可以設置優先通知,以控制開啟勿擾時是否來電、提醒和特定應用打斷。
除了將名稱從“Focus Assist”更改為“Focus”以幫助您保持正軌外,該功能現在還與 Clock 應用程序集成以提供其他專注工具,例如專注計時器和平靜的音樂。
當您啟動“焦點”會話時,任務欄標記將關閉,任務欄中的應用程序閃爍將關閉,焦點計時器將出現在屏幕上,並且請勿打擾將打開。當您的焦點會議結束時,您將收到一條通知,通知您您的焦點時間已完成。您可以在Settings > System > Focus上個性化您的專注體驗。
新的 Snap 佈局下拉菜單
該公司改進了 Snap 輔助,以在佈局中的區域之間無縫動畫,以獲得更好的端到端體驗。
對齊輔助現在將顯示 Microsoft Edge 的三個最新選項卡,作為在佈局中對齊的建議。您始終可以從“系統”部分的“多任務”設置頁面禁用該功能。
如果您按“Windows 鍵 + Z”鍵盤快捷鍵打開 Snap 佈局,佈局現在將顯示數字,以便於識別。
Microsoft 已更新快照組視覺效果以包含桌面壁紙,以便更輕鬆地將您的組與普通窗口區分開來。這將在使用ALT + TAB、任務視圖和任務欄預覽時出現。
現在,通過讓光標跳過之前卡住的區域,可以更輕鬆地在監視器之間移動光標和窗口。此行為在“系統” > “顯示” > “多顯示器設置”中控制,並使用“ 在顯示器之間輕鬆移動光標”選項進行控制。
最後,Windows 11 還對“系統” > “多任務”下的捕捉選項進行了細微更改,以幫助簡化它們並使其更易於理解。
從 Windows 11 2022 更新開始,Windows 11 引入了文件資源管理器更新,其中包括多項視覺更改和改進。
例如,此版本附帶了新的和高度要求的功能,包括對選項卡的支持和重新設計的導航窗格。你會發現一個新的主頁、OneDrive 集成、快捷方式、上下文菜單的更改等。
使用 Microsoft、工作或教育帳戶時,Office.com 中的“收藏夾”和“最近”文件也將顯示在“主頁”頁面上。
“主頁”頁面可以顯示來自 OneDrive、下載以及幾乎所有索引位置的內容。如果文件在計算機上本地不可用,它們將顯示縮略圖,您可以通過 OneDrive 共享它們。
在 OneDrive、SharePoint 和 Teams 中固定或取消固定文件的更改將同步並反映在 Office.com 和 Office 應用程序中。此外,來自協作者的文件活動更新(例如編輯和評論)顯示在“Tiles”視圖中,也可以顯示在“Details”視圖中。
在“文件夾選項”頁面的“常規”選項卡中,“打開文件資源管理器”選項可讓您決定在 OneDrive 文件夾、此 PC 或主頁上打開文件管理器。此外,還有一個新的“顯示 Office.com 中的文件”選項,可讓您在主頁上顯示或隱藏最近和收藏夾。
版本 22H2 中的文件夾選項
當您打開文件管理器時,您會發現一個加號 (+) 按鈕,用於在標題欄中創建一個新選項卡。或者,您可以右鍵單擊文件夾並選擇在新選項卡中打開的選項。
文件資源管理器甚至包括一些使用選項卡的鍵盤快捷鍵。您可以使用Ctrl + T鍵盤快捷鍵創建新選項卡,使用Ctrl + W鍵盤快捷鍵關閉選項卡,您可以使用鼠標中鍵關閉選項卡。
Windows 11 的默認文件管理器還帶有重新設計的導航窗格。新的視覺更改提供了對固定和常用文件夾和 OneDrive 雲配置文件的輕鬆訪問,這些配置文件現在反映了與帳戶關聯的用戶名。
此外,當導航到同步到 OneDrive 的文件夾時,地址欄會顯示正確的路徑,以便更容易理解文件夾何時位於雲上以及何時位於您的本地。
已知文件夾(文檔、下載、音樂、圖片等)不再顯示在“此 PC”下,以使該視圖集中在驅動器上。
此 PC 頁面僅包含驅動器
此外,上下文菜單將添加一些新的頂級選項,包括右鍵單擊字體文件時的“安裝”和“.inf”文件。右鍵單擊 .cer 文件時“安裝證書”。右鍵單擊“此電腦”時,“映射網絡驅動器”和“斷開網絡驅動器”。右鍵單擊網絡驅動器時“斷開連接”。
Also, when right-clicking the “This PC” item in the navigation pane, you will find options like “Add a network location,” “Map a network drive,” and “Disconnect network drive,” and the existing “Expand” option has a new icon.
Explorer This PC context menu
The file manager includes new icons for the “Rename,” “Properties,” and “Optimize” options to be more consistent and easier to understand.
Finally, this version of Windows also brings the new right-click menu to Recycle Bin.
Recycle Bin new context menu
OneDrive integration
File Explorer also comes with a new OneDrive integration to help you have control over storage consumption and ensure your files are syncing. When browsing your OneDrive folders, you can now see your sync status and quota usage without leaving the app.
OneDrive File Explorer integration
Folder previews
Furthermore, the app can now show previews of items within folders.
File Explorer folder preview
Sharing improvements
Microsoft is working on improving the file-sharing experience. For instance, when clicking the Share button for a file, File Explorer will suggest contacts to share the content, nearby people, or apps.
Contextual suggestions (Source: Microsoft)
When sharing a local file in File Explorer to Outlook, it will now be possible to compose an email message within the share window without going into Outlook directly.
Share inline Outlook in Explorer (Source: Microsoft)
Also, when using Nearby sharing, the Share interface now uses the UDP protocol (in private networks) and Bluetooth to discover even more devices, including desktop computers.
If you share a local file from File Explorer and other apps that use the Share interface, you can choose OneDrive as a target to directly upload the file to OneDrive and share it further, along with access control options.
Open With dialog interface
When you update to this release, you will also find the new “Open with” dialog box that includes a new interface that aligns with the new design language. Microsoft has also simplified the experience by making it possible to update your default app with just one click.
Open With new UI
New keyboard shortcuts
Also, you can use the “Shift + Right-click” shortcut to open the classic context menu instead of the modern alternative that offers fewer options.
When selecting a file or folder, it’s possible to use the “Ctrl + Shift + C” keyboard shortcut to copy the item path to the clipboard.
If you are working with tabs, you can use the Ctrl + T keyboard shortcut to create a new tab, the Ctrl + W keyboard shortcut to close a tab, and the mouse’s middle button to close a tab.
Suggested actions
This new version also comes with “Suggested actions,” a new feature that brings up inline suggestions to create a calendar event or make a phone call when copying a date, time, or phone number.
Suggested actions (Source: Microsoft)
If you copy a phone number, the inline flyout would suggest making the call with Microsoft Teams or other apps available on the computer.
Coping a date or time will suggest creating a calendar event, and when you choose the app, an event will be created with all the information already filled in.
New Task Manager design
Windows 11 22H2 has a new Task Manager with a design that matches the desktop style. This includes a new hamburger-style navigation bar and a new settings page. A new command bar on each page gives access to everyday actions. Microsoft has even added a dark theme for the new Task Manager.
Task Manager new design
Task Manager also now includes a new Efficiency mode (formerly “Eco mode”) feature that will come in handy when you notice an app consuming high resources and want to limit its consumption, allowing the system to prioritize other apps.
You can apply “Efficiency mode” by clicking on the command bar on the “Processes” page or right-click on the process. You can only use “Efficiency mode” for a single process and not the entire group process. If the option is grey out, it generally means that it’s a core Windows process, and throttling it might affect the system’s performance.
The “Efficiency mode” process will have a new “leaf” icon, and there’s a new “pause” icon for “Suspended” processes to indicate the process is in suspended mode.
In addition, the Task Manager now includes accent color support for the “Processes” tab heatmap. However, in some cases, you will see the default blue accent color to ensure readability.
Task Manager accent color (Source: Microsoft)
Task Manager also introduces at least five new keyboard shortcuts:
The app has other shortcuts as well. You only need to press the “Alt” key to display the trigger letter displayed on the interface.
New Print Queue and Print Dialog
Windows 11 now has a redesigned version of the Print Queue app that matches the new modern design. The app also has easier to use with visuals that make it easier to view and manage print jobs.
Print Queue new UI (Source: Microsoft)
Also, the Print dialog interface has been updated with the new Windows 11 design language, and it can now discover network printers automatically. If you select a printer that was never available on the computer, Windows 11 will install the device automatically without opening the Settings app.
Print new UI
Touch experience changes
Windows 11 now launches apps maximized by default on table posture for small devices, 11-inch screen diagonal and under.
The new touch keyboard and IMEs designs will now show on the Lock screen and where you enter your account information.
New touch keyboard in the Lock screen (Source: Microsoft)
Also, Windows 11 22H2 updates the media controls that appear on the Lock screen for supported apps using a design similar to the media controls available through the Quick Settings flyout. However, these controls will always use the dark color mode to match the Lock screen environment.
Lock screen media controls (Source: Microsoft)
Windows 11 2022 Update includes new touch gestures to make it easier and quicker to navigate the desktop and apps:
Lock screen improvements
Windows 11 now comes with an updated accessibility flyout on the login screen to align with the new modern design principles.
Sign in screen accessibility menu update
Settings app improvements
As usual, the next version of Windows 11 will include an updated version of the Settings app with various new features and improvements. For example, the app now improves results when searching for settings, and the icons from the navigation pane have been increased to make them a bit easier to see.
Windows 11 now includes links in Settings to help customers find different programs to give their computers a second life or recycle it.
Storage Sense will now be enabled by default for computers going through OOBE. Your current settings will be persisted on the upgrade. You can configure your Storage Sense settings under System > Storage.
Also, the app now supports managing apps previously only supported from Control Panel. This includes the ability to uninstall apps that have inter-dependencies and repair and modify Win32 apps.
Display page
On the Display page, the pop-up design when the “Identify” experience now has rounded corners to match the modern design of Windows 11.
Identify displays new style
Also, on supported hardware, the display calibration is now directly available under Settings > Display > HDR instead of opening a separate Settings page.
Under the “Multiple displays” settings, you will now find a new “Ease cursor movement between displays” option. The option is meant to make it easier to move the cursor and windows between monitors by letting your cursor jump over areas where it would previously get stuck.
On the “Graphics” page, you will find a new Change default graphics option that opens a new page. The page includes a new “Optimizations for windowed games” feature, which has been designed to improve latency and unlock other exciting gaming features, including Auto HDR and Variable Refresh Rate (VRR). Latency improvements can benefit all gamers, from improving your input lag to creating a competitive edge in your gaming experience.
Optimizations for windowed games
Sound page
On the Sound page, you will now see a warning when microphone access has been restricted in your privacy setting.
Sound page warning
On the Notifications page, the “Focus assist” settings become the “Do not disturb” settings, and you can now control the feature with the “Turn on do not disturb automatically” settings. Some of the settings include the ability to set the time when the feature automatically turns on and off and control several other rules.
Do not disturb settings
Also, the “Set priority notifications” settings (“Priority list”) allow you to choose which notifications are permitted while the “Do not disturb” feature is turned on.
Set priority notifications
Focus page
On the Focus page, the settings have been re-organized to integrate with focus sessions and configure the features you want to have enabled or disabled ruing a session, including timer, badges, and flashes from apps in the Taskbar, and do not disturb.
As part of the Focus features, version 22H2 adds 5-minute increments for everything under a half-hour to focus session length options.
Power & battery
On the Power & battery page, the default values for Sleep and Screen off are reduced to save energy and carbon emissions when the computer is idle. Windows 11 will also offer power-saving recommendations to help reduce carbon emissions to those with Sleep and Screen offset to Never.
New power management
Storage Spaces
The Storage Spaces page has a new design to match the Settings design style on Windows 11 and new iconography. However, no new features have been added.
Storage Spaces new UI
Disks & Volumes
The Disks & Volumes page is also getting updated in this release to match the Settings app design style with new visuals, updated iconography, rounded corners, and more.
Disks and Volumes new UI
On the Multitasking page, Windows 11 also made minor changes to the snapping options to help simplify them and make them easier to understand. This means that on version 22H2, you will see five options, three of which are new ones:
Multitasking settings
Finally, the “Alt + Tab” setting is now called “Show Microsoft Edge tabs when snapping or pressing Alt + Tab.”
As part of the Bluetooth improvements, Windows 11 will now remember if you turn on Bluetooth or Wi-Fi while in airplane mode. Then the next time you use airplane mode, the radios will reflect your preference.
Printers & Scanners
The Printers & Scanners page has been updated to show more details about the printer and scanner.
Printer rich device information
Phone Link
The Phone Link page has a new name to reflect the “Your Phone” app change.
Touch page
The Touch settings page available through the “Bluetooth & Devices” section adds a link to make it so that the press and hold visual is now always displayed regardless of the setting state.
Ethernet and Wi-Fi
On the Ethernet and Wi-Fi page, Windows 11 22H2 adds support for “Discovery of Designated Resolvers” (DDR), allowing the system to discover encrypted DNS configurations from a DNS resolver known only by its IP address.
Windows 11 22H2 DNS DRR setting
VPN page
On the VPN page, you can now see some VPN connection details when clicking the connection in the Settings app.
Airplane mode
The Airplane mode page will now remember whether the Bluetooth or Wi-Fi was disabled while the feature was enabled, so the next time you use Airplane mode, the radios will use the previous settings.
Advanced sharing settings
The Advanced sharing settings page is new in the “Network & internet” section. The page ports several sharing settings previously available in Control Panel, including Network discovery, File and printer sharing, and public folder sharing.
Advanced sharing settings
In addition, some entry points for network and device settings in Control Panel will now open in the Settings app.
On the Themes page, the contrast theme colors based has been tweaked, and the links are now more distinct on hover when using the desert theme.
Text input
The Text input (formerly “Touch keyboard”) page expands the theme and customizations settings to the touch keyboard, voice typing, emoji panel, and other input methods.
Text input settings
The page has two parts, including “Theme” and “Touch keyboard.” The “Theme” section includes fifteen predefined themes that you can use for the text input methods. The “Custom theme” page allows you to create a custom theme for the experience. You can even use a custom image as the background.
Text input custom theme
The “Touch keyboard” section includes some additional settings to change the keyboard and key sizes.
Touch keyboard settings
The Start page includes a new “Layout” setting to control the pins that appear in the menu.
Start layout settings
The “More pins” only shows a single row of items and allows you to show more pins. The “Default” option shows three rows of recommended items and three rows of pin items, and the “More Recommendations” option offers more recommended items and two rows of pins.
On the Taskbar page, under the Taskbar behaviors settings has new options to disable flashing apps and recent searches history when hovering over the Search button.
Taskbar behaviors settings
Also, the “Taskbar corner icons” settings have been renamed to “System tray icons,” and the “Taskbar corner overflow” settings to “Other system tray icons.”
Fonts page
On the Fonts page, Microsoft made some adjustments to improve the design of the page, including that the drag and drop area for installing fonts is larger now.
Fonts settings
Installed apps page
The Apps & features page in the “Apps” section is now divided into two separate pages, including “Installed apps” and “Advanced apps settings.” The “Installed apps” page now only includes a view of all your installed applications.
In the top-right corner of the page, you will find three options to change the view of the listing. Furthermore, the “sort by” menu has been updated to sort from smallest to largest files, and you can even sort by “Name (Z to A)” and “Name (A to Z).”
Installed apps settings
It’s now possible to launch the apps settings page using the ms-settings:appsfeatures
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
Also, Microsoft has removed the “Programs and Features” page from Control Panel, which means that all the links will now point to and open the Installed apps page.
Advanced app settings page
The Advanced app settings is also a new page in the Settings app that now includes the remaining settings of the “Apps & features,” which are no longer part of the “Installed apps” page.
Advanced app settings
Default apps page
On the Default apps page, when searching, Windows 11 will now show a drop-down of options containing your current query without pressing the Enter key first.
Default apps search
Optional features page
On the Optional features page, it’s now possible to install and uninstall the Windows Management Instrumentation command-line (WMIC).
WMIC optional feature
Accounts section
In the Accounts section, Windows 11 22H2 is removing the “Your Microsoft Account” page, and it’s bringing the Microsoft 365 subscription information to the “Accounts” section. As part of the details, you will find your payment information, billing details alerts, OneDrive storage usage, and the people you share the account with.
Microsoft account (paid) (Source: Microsoft)
In the case that you don’t have a subscription, you will find the information about OneDrive and an option to get subscribed.
Microsoft account info (free) (Source: Microsoft)
The page will even show the information for the standalone versions of the suite of apps, including Office 2019 and Office 2021, or the OneDrive Standalone 100GB subscription information if you don’t have a Microsoft 365 subscription.
Family page
The Family page is new to the Accounts section, and it includes the settings previously available on the “Family & other people” page.
Family settings on Windows 11 2022 Update
For instance, you will have quick access to the Family app only to create and manage family members and enforce parental control.
In the “Your Family” section, you can create new accounts for family members.
Other users page
The Other users (previously “Family & other people”) page now only includes the settings to create local and Microsoft accounts for Windows 11.
Other users settings
Taskbar page
On the Taskbar page, the system now adds a new option to disable the list of recent searches when hovering over the Search icon.
Search button disable recent items
Time & language
The Time & language section and the Date & time pages have been updated to include a live digital clock and information about the currently selected option.
Time & language hero controls
Date & time page
On the Date & time page, standard users (aka non-admins) should now be able to change the time zone if location access is not granted, rather than the drop-down going blank.
Also, the pages have been updated to include a live digital clock and information about the currently selected option.
Language & region page
On the Language & region page, in a continued effort to modernize the user interface, Windows 11 redesigns the page to add languages to align with the design style across the experience.
Language add new UI
Mouse pointer and touch page
On the Mouse pointer and touch page, the touch indicator option will now be disabled by default in new installations.
Touch indicator disabled
Find my device page
On the Find my device settings page, you will find new links to help you learn more about the privacy resources.
Find my device privacy settings
For developers
The For developers page has been updated with a new organization and visual elements to match the design language of Windows 11.
For developers settings
Windows Update
On the Windows Update page, if available in your location, you will see a new “Windows Update is committed to helping reduce carbon emissions” message, which is part of a new power management feature coming to the Windows 11 2022 Update.
Carbon emissions message (Source: Microsoft)
In this release, the system will try to schedule automatic updates during the times that will result in lower carbon emissions, for example, when more clean energy is used (hydro, solar, and wind) by the electrical company.
Microsoft is working with “electricityMap” and “WattTime” to implement this feature. If energy data is available at your location, you will see the above message, indicating that the feature is enabled.
Uninstall updates
On the “Windows Update” section, the “Update history” page has been updated with a new Uninstall updates setting to uninstall updates from within the Settings app without having to open Control Panel. However, since the Control Panel no longer includes the “Programs and Features” page, using the Settings app is the only way to remove updates using a graphical interface moving forward.
Settings app uninstall updates
Input changes
On Windows 11 22H2, Microsoft is expanding the Touch Keyboard theming experience to other input features, including the emoji panel, voice typing, and IMEs.
Windows 11 now supports Hungarian for handwriting input as of this build. Also, the company is working on adding an IME On/Off key to the touch keyboard small layout for the Japanese, Korean, and Chinese Traditional IMEs. In addition, the team is adding small layout support for the Chinese Simplified Microsoft Pinyin and Microsoft Wubi IMEs.
Microsoft is also working to improve the input experiences on Windows 11. For starters, some of the emojis have been updated based on feedback, including the smile with tear emoji, sakura emoji, and colored heart emojis. It now also adds a few new items to the kaomoji section in Windows key + Period (.) based on feedback, including UwU.
Windows 11 22H2 now ships with more than 37 new emojis in the emoji picker, including “melting face,” “beans,” “coral,” “mirror ball,” and “playground slide.” In addition, there is a small accent-colored dot in the bottom corner of their entries in the emoji panel for emojis that can be customized.
Voice Typing
The Voice Typing feature introduces a few commands, including:
Smart App Control (SAC)
Smart App Control (SAC) is a new security feature available through the Windows Security app to block untrusted or potentially dangerous applications.
Smart App Control (Source: Microsoft)
You first need to configure SAC in evaluation mode. While in evaluation mode, it will learn if it can help protect the device without getting in your way. If so, it will automatically enable itself. Otherwise, it will automatically disable itself. While in evaluation mode, a user can manually turn on SAC in the Windows Security app under the App & Browser Control section.
Also, Windows 11 will now notify you that the Core isolation feature to protect the memory integrity is disabled, so you can turn it back on to protect your computer against malicious attacks.
Live Captions
使用Windows 鍵 + Ctrl + L鍵盤快捷鍵或從“快速設置”下的“輔助功能”彈出按鈕使用實時字幕。
在 Windows 11 22H2 上,語音訪問是一項新功能,任何人都可以使用語音控制他們的筆記本電腦或台式電腦。
該功能僅支持英語-美國語言,這意味著“Windows 顯示語言應設置為英語-美國,否則語音訪問可能無法正常工作”。
語音訪問在Settings > Accessibility > Speech上可用。首次啟用時,您需要下載用於設備上語音識別的語音模型。下載包後,您可以選擇一個麥克風來使用您的聲音來控制 Windows 11。
您可以選擇在下次通過“設置”應用登錄時自動啟動語音訪問。您還可以使用語音命令或鍵盤快捷鍵( Alt + Shift + C和Alt + Shift + B)來控制語音訪問是在聽還是不聽。
瀏覽 Windows 11 體驗非常簡單。例如,您可以說“打開”之類的話,例如“打開邊緣”、“打開 Word”,以打開應用程序。或“切換到”,例如“切換到邊緣”以切換到活動應用程序。或“最小化窗口”、“最大化窗口”、“關閉窗口”來管理窗口。或“單擊”,例如“單擊開始”、“單擊取消”以單擊某個項目,例如按鈕或鏈接,僅舉幾例。
您還可以找到在添加聽寫文本時自動添加標點符號的設置。您可以通過單擊語音訪問 UI 上的設置圖標並從“管理選項”中選擇自動標點來打開它。
Microsoft 添加了一個新設置來過濾髒話。這是默認開啟的,在聽寫文本或命令時,任何褻瀆或敏感的詞都將被星號 (*) 掩蓋。您可以通過單擊語音訪問 UI 上的設置圖標並從“管理選項”中選擇過濾髒話來關閉它。
現在更容易使用“顯示數字”命令,因為 Microsoft 減少了隱藏 Windows UI 上的控件的數字標籤的出現,從而使數字下的控件難以理解。
Windows 11 還提高了通過語音使用觸摸鍵盤輸入密碼或 PIN、更正錯誤以及使用“更正那個”和“拼寫那個”命令拼寫單詞的可發現性。
在使用 Microsoft Edge 瀏覽 Web 時,Windows 11 對講述人體驗進行了多項更改。在這個新版本中,微軟讓輸入編輯字段(例如地址欄)變得更加容易,因為講述人掃描模式現在將更快地關閉。講述人現在將在刪除字符後讀取光標位置所在的字符。
這些新聲音使用現代設備上的文本轉語音,一旦下載,無需互聯網連接即可獲得支持。Natural Narrator 語音支持英語-美國
帶有講述人的 Microsoft Edge
此版本還通過更多有用的信息改進了 Web 導航,導航對話框更加自然,並且在將講述人與 Microsoft Edge 一起使用時編輯文本現在應該更加可靠。
瀏覽網頁時,您可以讓講述人閱讀當前項目(例如,當前頁面、當前時間等)。當您需要對 Web 上的表格進行排序時,講述人將宣布您選擇的排序順序(例如,升序、降序)。
Windows 11 可以更輕鬆地了解何時在樹視圖控件中選擇了某個項目,以及當這些項目是列表的一部分時復選框的狀態。Microsoft 還改進了鏈接導航,您會發現在網頁上的鏈接中切換並按 Enter 將始終將您帶到鏈接目的地。
當您在 Web 上遇到對話框時,講述人將幫助您在對話框中保持專注,並防止導航到其後面的內容。
此外,講述人對在網絡上編輯文本進行了一些改進。如果您刪除表單域上的文本,講述人將讀取被刪除的字符,如果您需要使用 Control + X 剪切大量文本,講述人將確認文本已被剪切。
在 Windows 11 22H2 上,微軟也在更新系統的各個方面。例如,“TabletInputService”服務現已重命名為“TextInputManagementService”。
運行對話框中的舊組件的標題欄現在使用 Mica 透明材質。
帶有 Mica 的舊版標題欄
與 Windows 11 家庭版類似,Windows 11 專業版現在需要互聯網連接。如果您選擇設置設備供個人使用,則還需要 Microsoft 帳戶進行設置。您可以預期在後續 WIP 版本中需要 Microsoft 帳戶。
您現在可以從帶有攝像頭的外接顯示器使用Windows Hello 面部識別,並在筆記本電腦關閉時支持該功能。
在 Windows 11 的原始版本中,Microsoft 引入了 SMB 壓縮,這是一項新功能,允許用戶或應用程序在通過網絡傳輸文件時請求壓縮文件。該功能消除了使用應用程序手動壓縮文件、複製文件、然後在目標計算機上解壓縮文件的需要。使用壓縮時,文件將使用更少的帶寬,因此傳輸時間更短,但代價是傳輸過程中會使用一些額外的處理器。
從版本 22H2 開始,Windows 11 包括對 SMS 壓縮算法的新更改,因此如果請求壓縮,文件將始終在網絡傳輸期間嘗試壓縮。
Windows 11 將再次允許 TKIP 和 WEP 連接,並將繼續警告用戶使用 WPA2 等更安全的技術進行連接(WPA3 是當前標準)。
Windows 11 22H2 正在擴展具有 120Hz 顯示屏的筆記本電腦上的動態刷新率 (DRR) 體驗。當您移動光標時,系統將提升至 120Hz,讓您的電腦感覺更靈敏。
觸摸和筆交互在 Windows UI 和應用程序 UI 中融入流暢的動畫。Office 和 Microsoft Edge Canary 以及 Windows UI(如設置應用程序)現在支持平滑滾動。
此版本還引入了一項名為“窗口遊戲優化”的功能,旨在改善延遲並解鎖其他令人興奮的遊戲功能,包括自動 HDR 和可變刷新率 (VRR)。延遲改進可以使所有遊戲玩家受益,從改善輸入延遲到在遊戲體驗中創造競爭優勢。轉到系統>顯示>圖形>更改默認圖形設置以啟用該功能。
此新版本包括禁用系統更新通知的新策略。它被稱為“更新通知的顯示選項”,您可以在組策略>計算機配置>管理模板> Windows 組件> Windows 更新>管理最終用戶體驗中找到它。
Windows 更新通知政策(來源:微軟)
Windows 沙盒
Windows 沙盒映射文件夾現在支持相對路徑。例如,..\relative\folder..
BitLocker USB 排除
在版本 22H2 上,Windows 11 引入了一項新策略,將 USB 可移動驅動器從 BitLocker 加密中排除。該公司表示,這將解決攝像機、錄音機、會議系統、醫療設備等專用設備中內置存儲的自動或意外加密問題。
放大鏡和屏幕鍵盤現在具有使用 Fluent 設計系統的新現代圖標。
Windows 11 家庭版禁用 SMB1
如果您使用 Windows 11 的家庭版,SMB1 協議現在默認禁用,因為 Microsoft 計劃在未來版本中完全刪除二進製文件。
該公司解釋說,如果您“手動安裝了 SMB1 或從安裝了 SMB1 的先前版本的 Windows 升級,升級到最新的開發和測試通道版本不會刪除 SMB1。”
Windows 11 2022 更新還引入了幾項新策略,讓管理員可以更好地控制開始菜單、任務欄和系統托盤。
Windows 11 22H2 新開機動畫
此外,在對 Windows 11 進行完整構建升級時,進度環動畫已更新,與新的漸進環動畫對齊,而不是動畫圓點。
計算機自動重新啟動以應用更新後,Windows 啟動聲音將不再播放。此外,展望未來,Windows 11 附帶 .NET Framework 4.8.2,它為運行時帶來了 ARM64 支持。
開箱即用體驗 (OOBE)
在 OOBE 體驗中,您現在將找到一個新頁面來處理,可讓您將 Android 手機鏈接到 Windows 11。
OOBE 中的 Android 手機鏈接(來源:Microsoft)
Microsoft 在設置中的個性化>文本輸入下為簡體中文 IME 用戶添加了一個新的超大候選高度選項。
Microsoft Journal 現在將默認固定在“筆”菜單上。如果您沒有安裝該應用程序,如果在 Pen 菜單上選擇,它將從 Microsoft Store 安裝。
ADLaM 鍵盤佈局增加了對括號和 ADLaM Hamza 的訪問。要訪問這些:
此外,該公司還更新了普什圖語鍵盤佈局,現在可以在鍵盤上直接訪問 ې 和 ئ。
在使用 Apple AirPods 產品(AirPods、AirPods Pro 或 AirPods Max)時,Windows 11 現在支持寬帶語音,以提高語音通話的音頻質量。對於屬於域的設備,現在默認啟用 Credential Guard。
此外,您現在可以從 Microsoft Store 下載語音輸入語音包,並且 Windows 增加了對 Hyper-V 第 2 代虛擬機的 HTTPS 引導支持。
最後,Get Started 應用程序現在將在升級後自動啟動,以突出新的改進。
任務管理器應用程序將包括對強調色的支持,以繼續改進 Windows 11 與版本 22H2 的一致性設計。
Windows 11 更新 KB5007262 帶來了新的 2D 表情符號,而不是最初承諾的 3D 樣式。下面是如何獲得它們。
安全研究人員披露了 Windows 11 上的零日漏洞,原因是微軟在其漏洞賞金計劃中支付的費用很低。
Windows 11 活動將於 6 月 24 日東部時間上午 11 點/太平洋時間上午 8 點開始,您將能夠在此 Microsoft 網站上現場觀看。
微軟計劃在 4 月 5 日舉辦一場混合工作活動,以展示 Windows 11 的新功能並將操作系統出售給商業客戶。
Windows 11 顯示未滿足系統要求。轉到“設置”以了解受支持硬件上的更多水印,但您可以將其刪除。
微軟為窗口遊戲和新的 Windows HDR Calibration 應用程序帶來優化,以改善 Windows 11 遊戲體驗。
您現在可以在當地零售店購買 Windows 11 家庭版或專業版的物理副本。該盒子包括一個 USB 媒體和產品密鑰。
Windows 11 存在一個問題,導致速度較慢的 NVMe 驅動器的運行速度比 Windows 10 慢,微軟尚未確認並修復該問題。
首先看一下全新的 Windows 11 安裝體驗,包括全新的開箱即用體驗 (OOBE) UI。
文件資源管理器獲得對 TABS 的支持,例如 Windows 11 左側的瀏覽器和重新設計的導航窗格。詳情請點擊此處。
Windows 11 (21H2) 已被指定用於廣泛部署,這意味著它現在可用於所有兼容的計算機。
據報導,在許多用戶反饋之後,Windows 11 上的任務欄將在下一次功能更新中進行拖放。
Windows 11 的設置應用程序可能會為不受支持的設備獲取新的英雄控件和要求提醒。
Windows 11 任務欄現在可以在小部件圖標中顯示動態通知(天氣、體育、財經、突發新聞)。詳情在這裡。
Windows 11 是 Microsoft 操作系統的下一個最大版本,以下是預期的功能和更改以及發布日期。
Windows 11 即將推出新的觸摸手勢,包括導航開始菜單、快速設置、動畫和抓手的手勢。
Windows 11 Pro 現在需要 Microsoft 帳戶來設置新設備或全新安裝,刪除創建本地帳戶的選項。
微軟推出了 Windows 11 的第一個 beta 版本。
Microsoft 計劃強制執行硬件要求,以防止不受支持的設備安裝 Windows 11。
不希望 WhatsApp 不斷要求輸入 PIN 碼?以下是如何在 Android 和 iPhone 上停用 WhatsApp 中的兩步驟驗證 PIN 碼的方法。
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如果您無法在 Discord 上上傳圖像、影片和其他文件,請不要擔心。以下是一些可以快速解決問題的提示。
您無法在 Messenger 上查看好友的活躍狀態嗎?請繼續閱讀,以了解如何修復 Facebook Messenger 不顯示活動狀態的問題。
您的 WhatsApp 是否卡在恢復媒體上?以下是一些快速簡單的修復方法,可以解決該問題並恢復備份。
您的 Instagram 動態是否經常錯過朋友的貼文?以下是修復 Instagram feed 不顯示好友貼文的主要方法。
Spotify 應用程式是否未在您的 Windows 或 Mac 電腦上顯示或更新「好友活動」標籤?這是解決方法。
想要查看 Instagram 上最近開啟的連結嗎?以下是如何使用此工具並重新控制您在 Instagram 之外查看的內容。
您的 iPad 螢幕故障或閃爍嗎?你無法有效率地看電影或工作。不用擔心。繼續閱讀以解決此問題。
想要在 Snapchat 上再次查看 Snap 嗎?您可以使用以下 5 種方法在 Android 和 iPhone 上的 Snapchat 上重新開啟或重播 Snap。