كيف يمكن اختراق iPhone و iPad؟

Apple devices which are renowned for their security features have been under attack lately. Be it advanced hackers or weak security enforcement, Apple users are under threat. Constantly new updates are being released for the Apple devices. If you are working on the macOS Big Sur version before 11.5.1 or iOS and iPadOS before 14.7.1, you could be affected. This security alert is deemed as High Risk and must be taken seriously. Let’s find out more about these issues which might cause problems for Apple device owners.

Must Read: iOS 14.5 Privacy Update: How To Restrict Tracking By Advertisers On iPhone & iPad (2021)

What Happened Recently With The Apple Updates?

List of Contents

How Can An iPhone And iPad Get Hacked?

In India, a lot of users were advised to immediately update their iPhone and iPad along with several macOS devices. Apple was made aware of an attempt of remote access in the device using the security flaw. Therefore, they have made changes and implemented more security in the latest updates. With the older devices, this possibility increases as they are highly prone to malware attacks. All of the Apple devices, which were once appreciated by the users globally for their safety and security are also at risk now. 

Indian cybersecurity experts CERT has issued the warning for the selected users. Out of which the iPhone, iPad, and macOS are the ones that are running on the older versions. It has been stated that the risk is pretty high this time and the vulnerabilities can cause a lot of harm. The agency has shown that the remote attacker can take control of the above-said devices due to the problem and put the users at risk. 

The targeted number of devices can be used to gain memory control and thereafter corruption. IOMobileFrameBuffer iOS and iPadOS are mainly vulnerable to it and once the memory corruption issues begin, it can show signs of inadequate memory handling. The execution of a malicious code can be performed remotely which can grant them kernel privileges. It is also said that one of the malicious apps can be used to execute this operation. The users can be exploited if they gain access to their devices.  

This claim was also confirmed by the company and they have said that there might be some malicious applications already active and exploiting the devices. As it can run arbitrary code and reach the kernel to access those privileges.  

What was done to avoid this issue?

Due to these issues, Apple has warned the users and released security patches in the latest OS updates. To avoid any such problem, you as an Apple user must keep yourself updated. Therefore, Apple users are advised to keep their devices up to date. Especially the ones listed below –

iPhone 6s and later,

iPad Pro (all models)

iPad Air 2 and later

iPad 5th generation and later.

iPad mini 4 and later

iPod touch (7th generation)

macOS Big Sur

Also Read: App Tracking Transparency Feature on iOS 14.5

What can you do keep your Apple Devices safe?

It is important to update your devices regularly, here we will tell you how to quickly update your Apple devices.

Follow these steps to update your iPhone and iPad –

  1. Go to Settings>General > Software UpdateHow Can An iPhone And iPad Get Hacked?
  2. Next, tap on Download and Install this is how the latest version will be updated for your iPhone and iPad. 

Steps To Update Your Mac –

  1. Click on the Apple Menu icon placed on the corner of your screen. 
  2. Go to System Preferences >Software Update.How Can An iPhone And iPad Get Hacked?
  3. Click on the Update Now or Upgrade Now button. 

The latest updates will be installed on your machine. 

Also Read: iOS 15: Find My App Can Find Powered Off iPhone

Verdict –

This is not the first time Apple devices have shown such vulnerabilities, but still, it’s least expected from them. Earlier a security flaw was detected in WebKit which was later fixed with patches in updates. Update your devices now, be it iPhone, iPad, or macOS. As the reports are positive and it might be able to affect you at any point. Better safe than sorry! Updating your devices will ensure your safety from the latest malware. 

We hope this article will help you in learning more about the security issues on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. We would like to know your views on this post to make it more useful. Your suggestions and comments are welcome in the comment section below. Share the information with your friends and others by sharing the article on social media.

We love to hear from you!

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