O Windows 11 está lentamente ganhando uma má reputação entre as pessoas por apresentar baixo desempenho em comparação com seu antecessor. Primeiro, houve os novos requisitos para Secure Boot e TPM 2.0, em seguida foi o desempenho diminuído durante os jogos e agora vários usuários estão enfrentando problemas com seus adaptadores de rede, especificamente a linha Killer Wireless da Intel.
Se você também tem enfrentado problemas de driver ou não consegue fazer a placa Killer Wireless funcionar, aqui está tudo o que você precisa saber sobre ela.
O que é Killer Wireless 1535?
Desenvolvido pela Rivet Technologies e posteriormente comprado pela Intel, o Killer Wireless 1535 é uma WLAN ou placa de rede desenvolvida para sistemas voltados para jogos. A lista de placas Killer Wireless possui uma longa lista de recursos, incluindo Bluetooth 4.1, juntamente com suporte de banda dupla para 2,4 GHz e 5 GHz.
Baseado em um chip Qualcomm, o Killer Wireless oferece a tecnologia ExtremeRange para alcançar uma ampla gama de conexões, perda mínima de pacotes e latência minimizada ao jogar jogos multijogador.
Por que o Killer Wireless está causando problemas de driver no meu PC?
The problems with Killer Wireless are not new. For the last few years, it has been causing issues for multiple users on Windows 10, and the switch to Windows 11 seems to have made things worse. According to the Killer Wireless website, their drivers didn’t support Windows 11 when it was launched, which caused driver issues for many users who switched to Windows 11.
The series also faced limited support once it was bought out by Intel and initial support pages detailing fixes were removed from the site altogether.
Microsoft also mentioned that it could be caused because of a network bug on Windows 11 that affected UDP. Outdated drivers and the absence of compatibility patches between the Killer Wireless software and Windows 11 could have resulted in major driver issues.
How to fix issues with Killer Wireless 1535 Driver
Here is a list of fixes that are known to fix Killer Wireless 1535 driver issues on most systems. We recommend you start with the first few known fixes and make your way through the list until you manage to get Wi-Fi working on your device again. Let’s get started.
Method #01: Disable Prioritization
If you can access the Killer Wireless Control Center then this is the recommended fix for you. Wi-Fi prioritization is a feature in the Killer Wireless Control Center that uses Intel’s prioritization engine to identify ongoing network requests and prioritize them according to your current needs and requirements. This helps your network adapter automatically serve your multiplayer gaming connection needs first and address background network tasks later.
No entanto, esse mecanismo de priorização faz mais mal do que bem. Com drivers desatualizados e suporte limitado, a maioria das placas de rede Killer parecem enfrentar problemas com esse recurso no Windows 11. Portanto, recomendamos desabilitar o mesmo e reiniciar o sistema o mais rápido possível. Se você comprou um laptop para jogos há alguns anos, é provável que esta seja a causa de seus problemas de driver sem fio.

Inicie o Killer Wireless Control Center e simplesmente desligue o botão para 'Prioritization Engine' no widget Quick Settings. Você também pode desligar o mesmo clicando em Prioritization Engine na parte superior. Depois de desligado, reinicie o sistema e o Wi-Fi deve estar funcionando novamente em seu sistema.
Método # 02: selecione manualmente um driver diferente para o seu adaptador de rede
This is the next recommended fix, especially if you are facing driver issues with your Killer Wireless Network Adapter with the driver failing in your device manager. Microsoft usually looks out for its users and has features built-in that can help you revert changes that might break features on your system.
This is one of the reasons why you can not only rollback driver updates but also select a different driver when it comes to components like your network adapter and Bluetooth adapter. Use the guide below to manually select a different driver for your Killer Wireless Network adapter. Let’s get started.
Press Windows + X
on your keyboard and select ‘Device Manager’.

Find your Killer Wireless Network Adapter under ‘Network Adapters’ and click and select it. Hit Alt + Enter
on your keyboard to open the Properties window.
Mude para a aba 'Driver' clicando na mesma no topo.

Agora clique em 'Atualizar driver'.

Clique em 'Procurar drivers em meu computador'.

Agora clique em 'Deixe-me escolher em uma lista de drivers disponíveis no meu computador'.

Clique e selecione um novo driver da lista. É altamente recomendável que você experimente os drivers da Qualcomm, pois eles parecem corrigir problemas de Wi-Fi na maioria dos sistemas. No entanto, você pode tentar todos eles até encontrar aquele que funciona melhor para você.

Clique em 'Avançar' quando terminar.

Clique em 'Fechar' quando terminar.

Agora você será solicitado a reiniciar o sistema, clique em 'Sim' para reiniciar o PC.
Assim que o seu PC reiniciar, tente se conectar a uma rede novamente. Na maioria dos casos, o adaptador de rede sem fio Killer agora deve estar funcionando novamente como planejado em seu sistema.
Método # 03: Atualizar o Windows
Neste ponto, recomendamos que você tente atualizar o Windows 11 com as atualizações mais recentes da Cumilitavie que trazem correções oficiais da Microsoft para corrigir problemas de driver Killer Wireless na maioria dos sistemas. Use o guia abaixo dependendo de sua configuração atual.
Na versão estável do Windows 11
Quando a Microsoft encontrou relatórios de vários usuários enfrentando problemas com o Killer Wireless no Windows 11, eles começaram a distribuir uma correção por meio de atualizações cumulativas. A Microsoft mencionou que isso pode ser causado por um bug que afeta os pacotes UDP e resulta em limitação da Internet.
Recomendamos que você verifique e baixe todas as atualizações disponíveis para o seu PC e certifique-se de que está executando a atualização cumulativa do Windows 11 vKB5006674 ou posterior.
No canal Developer Insider do Windows 11
If you are a Windows Insider, then we recommend you update your Windows 11 to Developer version vKB5008918 + USP-721.1116.211.0 or higher. This is the latest fix issued by Microsoft that seems to fix the known network bug affecting UDP connections.
Simply head to Settings > Windows Update > Check for updates to update your Windows 11 to its latest available version.

Note: If you haven’t updated your system in a while then you might need to install certain incremental updates before and then subsequently update again to get the latest version of Windows 11 running on your system.
Method #04: Update Wireless Drivers manually
A solução mais óbvia para corrigir um problema de driver é simplesmente atualizar os drivers, portanto, siga as etapas abaixo e veja se isso resolve o problema para você.
Baixe os drivers Qualcomm mais recentes neste link .

Pressione Windows + R
para abrir a caixa de diálogo Executar.

Digite o comando abaixo na caixa de execução e pressione a tecla Enter ou pressione OK.

Clique em seu Adaptador Wireless Killer e aperte Alt + Enter
em seu teclado.
Clique e mude para a guia 'Driver' na parte superior e clique em 'Atualizar driver'.

Escolha a opção para procurar drivers manualmente.

Selecione os Drivers Qualcomm na lista e conclua a instalação.
Método # 05: Atualizar drivers sem fio automaticamente
Você também pode atualizar automaticamente os drivers do adaptador de rede sem fio usando o guia abaixo. Esta não é a forma recomendada para usuários com sistemas pré-construídos e laptops, pois essas unidades requerem modificações adicionais em seus drivers para serem compatíveis com sua unidade. No entanto, se a atualização manual de seus drivers usando o guia acima não resolver o problema, recomendamos que você use uma das ferramentas abaixo.
Aviso: É altamente recomendável usar software de terceiros para obter atualizações de driver como último recurso. O software de terceiros geralmente tem políticas de privacidade questionáveis e, embora a ferramenta vinculada a seguir seja de código aberto, você ainda pode acabar instalando drivers incompatíveis devido a componentes identificados incorretamente que podem danificar seriamente o seu sistema e, no pior dos casos, bloquear a placa de rede por completo.
5.2 Using Intel Driver & Support Assistant
Visit the link above and click on ‘Download now’. Save the file being downloaded to a convenient location.

Launch the .exe file we downloaded in the step above and click on ‘Run’ when prompted.

Accept the license terms and conditions and click on ‘Install’.

You will now be asked to enter the Product Improvement program from Intel. This allows Intel to collect additional anonymous information from your system to improve its products. This is a completely optional step and hence we recommend you click on ‘Decline’. You can, however, choose to enter this program by clicking on ‘Accept’ instead.

O instalador irá agora baixar e instalar todos os arquivos necessários em seu sistema. Uma vez feito isso, clique em 'Reiniciar' para reiniciar seu sistema. Certifique-se de salvar todos os documentos abertos e outros dados que possam ser importantes para você.

Assim que o sistema for reiniciado, inicie o 'Intel Driver & Support Assistant' no menu Iniciar.

Agora você será redirecionado automaticamente para uma página da web onde poderá ver as atualizações de driver compatíveis atualmente disponíveis para o seu sistema. Procure por atualizações de adaptadores de rede e sem fio disponíveis para o seu PC e clique em 'Download' ao lado delas.

A atualização começará a ser baixada e deve ser instalada automaticamente em seu sistema. Depois de instalado, você será solicitado a reiniciar o sistema. Confirme as alterações e reinicie o sistema o mais rápido possível.
The latest update for Windows 11 Killer Wireless Network adapter should now have fixed your Wi-Fi issues after a restart.
5.2 Using a third-party software
Windows update provides automatic updates for your drivers, but it won’t always provide you with the updates that you need. Users often make use of third-party software to get automatic updates for the drivers on their PC/Laptop. Follow the guide below to get you started.
Visit the link above and click on ‘Download Latest Version’.
A .zip file will now be downloaded to your local storage. Download it to a convenient location and extract the archive using your preferred utility. Once extracted, double click and launch the x64 .exe file.

Note: If you have a 32-bit system then you can use the other .exe file instead.
Accept the license agreement by clicking on the same.

Note: Allow the program to access your network in case you are prompted. This will be used to download the latest drivers currently available for your system.
Now click on ‘Updates are available: SDI NNNNN and NN driverpacks’ at the top.

You will now be shown a list of all the currently known driver updates available for your system. Click on ‘Check only needed for this PC’.
The tool will now automatically detect your components and select the appropriate driver updates for your system. Once selected, look for any Network Adapter-related updates checked in the list. In case any are found, uncheck all the rest of the selections and click on ‘Ok’ at the bottom.

SDI will now automatically download and install the selected drivers on your PC. Once done, close the program, and restart your PC.
If incompatible drivers or missing drivers were the cause of your issue then this should help fix your Killer Wireless Network card. You can now connect to a network and continue using the internet as usual on your system.
Method #06: Disable Killer Wireless Control Center from Task Manager
Make a right-click on the taskbar to open a context menu.

Launch Task Manager by clicking Task Manager from the list.

Click on Startup from the top bar.

Look for Killer Wireless and make a right-click on it.

Disable it by clicking Disable.

Follow the same process to disable any other Killer Wireless driver or software.
Last Resorts
If by this point you are still facing Network card issues then it could be a hardware-related issue on your system. We recommend you use the following two options in case you are desperate to connect to a network on your system. Let’s get started.
Method #07: Use Ethernet Cable to connect to the Internet
We are sorry if none of the above-mentioned steps worked for you, but rest assured we still have a last resort to help you get back on the internet. Though it may not seem very convenient, you can get the same speed out of your router if you are ready to go old school.
Yes, we are talking about Ethernet cables. You can easily connect your computer with your router via an Ethernet cable and get good internet speed without any hassle. Being a simple wired connection, it won’t have any dependency on the Killer Wireless Drivers and will provide you with the best possible speed without any throttling.
Method #08: Force Remove and Reinstall your drivers
Windows tends to hold and keep basic .inf files for components hidden in the background even if you uninstall them from the device manager. These driver files are used to provide basic functionality when you have no driver files installed or available for your system.
However, if you haven’t cleared your Driver Store in a while then you could have multiple Killer Wireless network adapter drivers on your system which could be conflicting in the background. As a last resort, we will now force remove them from your system, reset the CMOS battery and then install the latest Killer Wireless Network Adapter drivers currently available for your system. Follow the guide below to get you started.
What you need
You will need to make sure that your PC meets the following criteria before proceeding with the guide below as you will use the ability to connect to a wireless network once we force remove all drivers from your system.
- An Ethernet connection: This is the recommended option in case you have a LAN cable lying around. This way you can use the internet to get the latest available network drivers for your system.
- Latest Driver files for your Killer Wireless Network Adapter: You will need offline driver files and installation packages for your system if you do not have an Ethernet cable. We recommend you download the same from your OEM beforehand before proceeding with this guide.
- DriverStoreExplorer: This is a community-built tool that allows you to force remove .inf files from your system. We will be using this to remove all your network adapter drivers.
Force Remove Drivers
Visit the link above and download the latest archive for DriverStoreExplorer linked on the page.

Once downloaded, extract the archive and launch ‘Rapr.exe’ as an administrator.

The tool will take a few moments to scan your driver store and then show all the drivers installed on your current Windows setup. Click on ‘Driver Class’ column at the top to sort your drivers by their class.

Now look for ‘Network adapters’ in this list and check the box for each driver that you find.

Warning: Ensure that you are only selecting drivers that you wish to remove. DriverStoreExplorer is quite a thorough tool that manages to bypass most failsafes when removing drivers, hence if you end up removing the wrong drivers then you can face serious hardware failure issues with your system.
Check the box for ‘Force Deletion’ on your right.

Subsequently click on ‘Delete Driver(s)’.

Click on ‘Ok’ to confirm your choice. The selected drivers will now be deleted from your PC. Once done, close the app and turn off your system at the earliest.
Reset CMOS Battery
We now recommend you reset your CMOS battery. This is a recommended step that requires you to open up your PC or laptop to reset the CMOS battery. As this is an advanced step and you are hesitant to open up your PC then you can skip it and continue with reinstalling your drivers using the guide below.
A CMOS reset helps reset your system components as well as drain capacitors that could be malfunctioning on your board. A CMOS reset will help your network adapter get a fresh start which when combined with a fresh driver update should help get everything working again. Use this comprehensive guide by us to reset your CMOS battery.
Reinstall latest drivers
Now it’s a matter of simply installing your latest Killer Wi-Fi drivers. If you have an installer package then simply double click the file and follow the on-screen instructions from your OEM to install the latest drivers on your system. However, if you have .inf files then you can use the guide below to manually install your drivers.
Press Windows + X
on your system and click on ‘Device Manager’.

Click on ‘Add drivers’ at the top.

Click on ‘Browse’ and select the folder on your local storage containing your .inf files.
Once selected, click on ‘Next’.

The .inf files will now be installed on your system. Once done, click on ‘Close’.
We now recommend you restart your system for the changes to take effect. Once restarted, try connecting to a wireless network. If everything is working as intended then we recommend you skip the optional section below. However, certain network adapters need you to select a different driver depending on your manufacturer. Use the guide below to help you with this process.
Manually select your driver (optional)
If you wish to manually select a different driver then we recommend you use the guide at the top of this post. Multiple drivers for the same network adapter can exist depending on its components, specifications, and skew. Selecting a different one will help you fix driver conflicts and help you get everything back up and running on your system.
With so much to do and fix, you are bound to have a few questions. Here are some commonly asked ones, to help get you up to speed with the latest developments.
Killer Wireless won’t work on Windows 11. Can I fix it by switching back to Windows 10?
Yes, you should be able to fix it by switching back to Windows 10. But you should try the solutions mentioned above and see if it fixes the problem. If your problems are fixed, then you won’t need to go through the pain of downgrading back to Windows 10 and would be able to enjoy the fresh feel and latest features of Windows 11.
Is it safe to change network cards to fix Killer Wireless issues?
Yes, it is safe to change the network card to fix Killer Wireless issues. But make note that opening your PC or Laptop on your own can void its warranty and wrong handling of the components can give you a minor to major level shock and could also damage your PC/Laptop. It is always advised to get any such components replaced by trained professionals.
Would uninstalling all Killer drivers fix the slow internet speed?
Yes, uninstalling the Killer Drivers might reset your internet speed. But this will be a temporary fix, cause Windows will anyway install the drivers to make the services function correctly. Rather than uninstalling, you can disable the drivers from launching by following the steps mentioned in the guide above.
Esperamos que esta postagem tenha ajudado a corrigir os problemas do driver Killer Wireless em seu sistema. Se você tiver alguma sugestão, sinta-se à vontade para deixá-la na seção de comentários abaixo.