Google 搜索欄小部件丟失了嗎?如何在 Android 上恢復它
發現如何輕鬆恢復丟失的 Google 搜索欄小部件,提高您的 Android 設備的使用效率。
YouTube 是互聯網上最受歡迎的視頻流媒體服務。您可能用它來做研究、看電影或電視節目,或者您可能有自己喜歡關注的 YouTube 名人。
What you may not realize is that there are a lot of hidden YouTube URL tricks you can use that will make your YouTube experience more streamlined. In this article, we’ll cover the 10 most useful URL tricks you can start using right now.
1. Start a Video at Any Point
Whenever you put a YouTube video link into a browser, the video starts at the beginning. However, there are times when you’d like to share a particular part of a video rather than making someone watch the whole thing.
You can do this by editing the YouTube URL with &t=MmSSs and replacing M with the minutes and SS with seconds. The combination of minutes and seconds should mark the point in the video where you want it to start.
If you only want to start the video less than a minute in, you can omit the minutes addition like this:
You can also obtain this link automatically while you’re watching the YouTube video by right-clicking the video and selecting Copy video URL at current time.
You can paste this link into a text message, email, or social media to share it with others.
2. Skip the Start of a YouTube Video
An alternative to specifying the number of minutes and seconds into the video is to just skip the beginning of the video by a set number of seconds.
This is useful if you’d like to skip a long video intro. To do this, just append a start point in seconds. For example, to skip the first 45 seconds of a video, you’ll just need to append &start=45.
When you press Enter, you’ll notice that the URL automatically changes to the previous format, inserting the start time in seconds.
3. Create an Infinite YouTube Video Loop
On YouTube, there are a lot of videos you may enjoy playing in the background. These include ambiance videos like a fireplace or rain or even background music. You may want to leave videos like these running non-stop while you do other things.
There is an alternative site called that will take any YouTube URL and play it in a non-stop loop. To do this, just visit the YouTube video that you’d like to loop. Edit the URL and replace with
For example, if the video URL is:
Replace the URL with this:
Press Enter, and the site will play the YouTube video in an infinite loop.
You can do this normally while watching a YouTube video by right-clicking the video and selecting Loop from the menu.
This will loop the video permanently until you repeat the process and deselect Loop.
4. Autoplay Embedded Videos
If you’re planning to share a YouTube video with a friend and want to have it play instantly when they open it, there’s another neat YouTube URL trick you can use.
To do this, just append ?autoplay=1 to the end of the video URL.
So, if the video URL you want to share is:
You’d append the autoplay section so the link would look like this:
When your friend opens this link, the video will automatically start playing.
Note: In past years, you used to be able to paste links like this in social media or WordPress and the video would autoplay, however, this feature is disabled on most platforms now since they’ve become such an annoyance to users over the years.
5. Disable Related Videos
當您在自己的網站上嵌入自己製作的視頻時,YouTube 通常會向您的觀眾顯示相關視頻。如果您真的不想用額外的流量來支持您的競爭,您可以通過在嵌入 URL 的末尾附加?rel=0來禁用此功能。
要獲取嵌入代碼,請選擇您的 YouTube 視頻下的共享圖標並複制iframe代碼。
在 WordPress 中,創建一個代碼塊並粘貼 iframe 代碼。在 YouTube 網址末尾附加?rel=0 。
現在,當您的訪問者在您的網站上觀看您的 YouTube 視頻時,他們不會在最後看到任何相關視頻。
6. 下載 YouTube 視頻縮略圖
If you’re writing an article or a paper for school and you want to mention a video while embedding the thumbnail into the document, there’s an easy service that lets you download the thumbnail.
To do this, you just embed the video ID into the following URL:>/maxresdefault.jpg
Replace > with the video ID from the YouTube URL. So if the YouTube video URL is this:
You can download the YouTube video thumbnail using this link:
You’ll see the video thumbnail appear as an image on the page.
Just right-click the image and select Save image as to save it to your computer.
7. Create a Playlist Without a YouTube Account
You might already use playlists on YouTube. If you select the Save link under any video, you’ll see the option to save the video to one of your existing playlists, or create a new one.
But what if you’ve collected a list of several video IDs and you just want to watch a playlist without actually saving it anywhere? You can do this with a single YouTube URL trick.,2nd_ID,3rd_ID
Just insert each video ID you’ve collected into the URL as shown above, separated by commas. You can append as many video IDs as you want. For example, if you have four video IDs, your URL will look something like this:,RxINRbE2R8A,Fo_lDTDSO-M,h0Hd3uWKFKY
When you paste this into a browser and press Enter, you can watch all videos in order as a quick playlist.
This is a quick and convenient way to watch a bunch of videos in series without having to stop and click on each one when you’re done watching.
8. See Only Your YouTube Subscriptions
If you visit the YouTube main page as most people do, you’ll see a list of YouTube recommendations for you. Many of these may be irrelevant and nothing that you actually care about.
You already have a list of content that you’re actually interested in. These are your channel subscriptions. This is one of the simplest YouTube URL tricks that you can bookmark to use every day. Just go straight to your subscriptions by loading YouTube using the subscription feed URL:
This will open YouTube and only show you all of your subscriptions, and nothing else.
No more irrelevant recommendations, just start watching the stuff you already know you love.
9. Create a GIF from a YouTube Video
Have you ever wanted to create a GIF that you could share on social media featuring your favorite TV clip or movie scene? You can do this if you can find a very short YouTube video featuring that scene.
You can use a site called that’ll let you create and edit a GIF based on any YouTube video, so long as you have the ID.>
So if your YouTube video that you want to create a GIF from is NO8k8m, you just have to append this into the URL as follows:
This will open the entire video on the website in a simple editor tool. First, select the timeline of the video at the point where you want your GIF to start.
Next, select the point in the timeline where you want your GIF to end.
Select Create GIF, and walk through the quick wizard that will create the GIF for you. On the last step, you’ll see several optimized links for social media that you can use, or download the GIF to your computer.
It couldn’t be any easier to create fun GIFs that you can share wherever you like.
發現如何輕鬆恢復丟失的 Google 搜索欄小部件,提高您的 Android 設備的使用效率。
了解如何有效地關閉和管理您的 YouTube 通知,避免過多的提醒影響使用體驗。
探索如何通過多種方式讓 Google 文檔大聲朗讀,從文本轉語音(TTS)工具到屏幕閱讀器,了解所有可用的選擇。
了解如何取消或暫停您的 YouTube Premium 訂閱,並發現更多 YouTube Premium 的功能和替代方案。
Google 地球可能是所有 Google 應用程序中最酷的。它就像谷歌地圖的更年輕、更精通技術的兄弟姐妹。
您是否想過您安裝的 Google Chrome 瀏覽器如何始終保持更新並自行打補丁。這是通過 Google Chrome 自己的嵌入式進程實現的,這些進程可以連接到 Google 服務器並確保您的瀏覽器已打補丁且安全。
如果您經常使用 Google 表格並且需要根據特定單元格中的某些條件將值加在一起,那麼您需要知道如何使用 Google 表格中的 SUMIF 函數。使用此函數對數據求和的能力不僅限於兩個值。
您是否需要一遍又一遍地循環播放 YouTube 視頻。也許您正在筆記本電腦上播放音樂視頻,筆記本電腦連接到某些揚聲器,您需要一遍又一遍地播放同一首歌曲。
雖然 Google Docs 並不是真正為繪圖而構建的,但對於希望向其文檔中添加形狀的用戶來說,有多種選擇。大多數用戶會在 Google Docs 文檔中使用 Google Drawings 來執行此操作,但您也可以插入圖像、使用基本表格以及使用特殊字符在文本中添加形狀。
Google 地圖位置歷史記錄可讓您查看您使用手機去過的所有地點。它記錄你去過的地點,將它們存儲在它的數據庫中,並讓你隨時隨地查看。
Google 日曆是一款很棒的應用程序。我可以從任何計算機訪問它,將它同步到我的智能手機,將它同步到我的桌面電子郵件應用程序,等等。
每當您在互聯網上搜索內容時,Google 搜索通常是您選擇的第一個選項。但是,如果它是您曾經查找過路線的特定地點,您的 Google 地圖搜索歷史記錄可以提供幫助。
為您的企業和品牌建立強大的在線形象非常重要。由於 Google 是大多數互聯網用戶使用的首選搜索引擎,因此在“Google 我的商家”中列出您的商家是提高在線商家形象的重要一步。
您是否曾經因為收件箱中塞滿了以前未回复的郵件而錯過了一封重要的電子郵件。大多數人都經歷過這種情況,而且幾乎每個人都知道早上一打開收件箱就會有 50 封未讀的電子郵件讓您分心。
Google 應用程序可能會造成混淆。您會在手機屏幕上看到它,上面只有一個大 G,表示“Google”。
如果您需要發送包含敏感信息的電子郵件,您可以使用獨立的私人電子郵件服務來發送,或者學習如何在 Gmail 中發送。Gmail 帶有一種特殊的保密模式,允許您發送的電子郵件在一定時間後消失。
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Instagram Notes 是一項允許 Instagram 用戶留下簡短筆記供好友列表中的人閱讀的功能,如今卻有些用戶面臨無法使用的問題。
如果您想在公開搜索中隱藏您的 Facebook 個人資料,請防止用戶使用您的電子郵件地址和電話號碼查找您。
如果 YouTube 檢測到來自我的計算機的異常流量,這可能意味著系統懷疑這是自動流量。了解解決方法!
當您在手機上插入 SIM 卡時,是否收到“SIM not provisioned”或“SIM not provisioned mm#2”錯誤。閱讀本文以了解您收到此錯誤消息的原因以及該問題的 8 種可能解決方案。
發現如何輕鬆恢復丟失的 Google 搜索欄小部件,提高您的 Android 設備的使用效率。
NordVPN 可通過其值得信賴的 VPN 服務幫助您獲得額外保護,解決「NordVPN 無法連接到服務器」的問題。
每當您在 Instagram 上搜索某人或某物時,此信息都會保存在您的搜索歷史記錄中,這可能既有用又煩人。了解如何有效地清除 Instagram 搜索歷史記錄與建議。
任天堂 Switch 的連接問題極為常見,本文提供 12 種有效方法來解決連接電視時的黑屏問題,幫助您重新享受遊戲樂趣。